WebVoyáge Committee Meeting
March 19. 2014, 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Windward Community College
Present: Alphie Garcia / UH West Oahu, Michael Gmelin / Kauai CC (via Halawai), Carol Hasegawa / Honolulu CC (Chair), Carol Kellett / Systems Office, Mariko Kershaw / Windward CC, Angela Lee / Health Sciences Library (via Halawai), Dore Minatodani / UH Mnoa Hawaiian Collection, Ralph Toyama / Leeward CC.
Absent: ThoraAbarca / UH Hilo, Kris Anderson / UH Mnoa Sinclair, Jennifer Beamer / Student Representative, Carolyn Dennison / UH Mnoa SciTech, Laurel Gregory / UH West Hawaii Center, Brian Huffman / Law, SachiKawaiaea / Honolulu Museum of Art, P. Huston Ladner / TIM, Dongyun Ni / UH Mnoa Cataloging, Lisa Sepa / UH Maui College, BJ Short / Bishop Museum, Annie Thomas / Kapiolani CC
Recorder: Toyama
Next recorder: Kershaw
Current version: Voyager 7.2.5
The minutes of the February 19, 2014 meeting were approved.
Unfinished Business
WebVoyáge Login Screen:Kellett showed the new login page with two boxes for UH and Not UH patrons in the Auhlibs@ sandbox view. The UH logo watermark was added to the brown box for UH patrons.
Voyager 8 Upgrade:Kellett forwarded a link to WebVoyáge Voyager 8 testing website to the webvoyage-l list. The test database data is a snapshot of the live database from about a month ago. The link is
Client installation software for Voyager 8.2.2 is available for download from the Systems Office FTP server.
The upgrade will bring few changes to WebVoyáge. It will affect Primo extracts from Voyager.
Voyager 8 does not support Office 2013. There is no ODBC driver available for the 64-bit version of Windows 7. To run Access reports from the Voyager database, you need to install the 32-bit version of MS Office 2010.
ISL Multiple Requests Display:Kellett reported that this problem cannot be fixed.
Display of 655 Genre/Form Data:Kellett reported that the change to show 655 data under a separate Genre/Form label has been implemented for screen and print displays for all sites. Catalogers are recommending against stripping 655 tags from ebrary records. The committee is satisfied with the 655 data being displayed separately from the subject headings.
UHLC Review of ILS Committee: Garcia has been selected by the UHLC as the WebVoyage committee=s representative to the committee. He went over the memo sent by the UHLC to the Voyager functional committee. He will look at the last ILS migration as a model and will review WebVoyáge committee meeting minutes and listserv postings to compile a wish list of features we would like to see in a library system.
Removal of Suppressed ebrary Records:Kellett reported that the suppressed ebrary records have been removed from the Voyager database, and thus will no longer appear in Primo.
Wikipedia Articles in Primo:Kellett believed that Wikipedia had been turned off in Primo Central Index for all libraries. However, we did find Wikipedia articles in Primo search results. Based on previous experience with Primo updates, it is possible that changes to PCI settings may have been reversed by the application of a Primo patch by Ex Libris.
List of Full Text Resource Available in PCI:Kellett has downloaded the list, and will post it to Laulima. The list may contain inaccurate data because it relies on what content providers have reported about what is available in their products.
New Business
Disappearance of Primo Results List Numbering: This may have been the result of a Primo patch.
ALink to Resource@ Link in Primo: Hasegawa inquired about a confusing ALink to Resource@ that appears under the Links list in the Details tab in a Primo record. The link that goes to a UH Mnoa login screen. The record the committee looked at was for the book The Rights of My People: Liliuokalani's Enduring Battle with the United States, 18931917. The link accesses an electronic version of the book that UH Mnoa subscribes to from Ebook Library (EBL). This title is also available from ebrary.
Shelflist Capability in Voyager 8: Hasegawa inquired about the ability for Voyager 8 to generate a shelf list that includes the cost of items and the LCCN. It may be possible to get a list from the Shelflisterprogram that contain that data.
Toyama reported that WaydeOshiro has started as Leeward CC=s new head librarian.
Garcia reported that UHWO is working on budgeting for digital initiatives.
Kershaw reported that Windward CC is in the hiring process for their LA IV position.
Kellett reported that the Systems Office is planning the Voyager 8 upgrade. JerardYagi has successfully installed Oracle 11 on test server. Erin Kim and Arthur Shum will be going to Montreal in late April for ELUNA and Ex Libris training. Kellett will be out at about that time. Beth Tillinghast is the interim AUL until December 31, and as a result, only one of the three people who work on digital repositories is currently working on Dspace projects. DNS is recruiting for a temporary librarian to fill in for Beth Tillinghast.
Hasegawa reported that she was not selected for jury duty.
Minatodani reported that they are still waiting for approval to recruit for a Hawaiian.Collection librarian collection and for a Hawaiian language cataloger .
Gmelin reported that Kauai CC is implementing LibGuides and Credo Reference. She will be traveling to the mainland for the birth of her fourth grandchild.
Lee may be doing a presentation at the HUGM meeting on May 23rd, in her capacity as chair of the Information Literacy Committee. She would appreciate assistance with the presentation.
Upcoming Meetings
The next meeting will be April 16 at JABSOM. The following meeting will be May 28 (following the Voyager 8 upgrade) at JABSOM. Kellett will initiate a WhenIsGood for a possible June meeting. Hasegawa would like the committee to start considering who should be the next committee chair.