Job Title: / ICT Systems Manager / Hours per Week: / 37
Service: / Corporate Services / Team: / ICT\GIS
Job Location: / Headquarters / Line Manager: / Director of Corporate Services
Band: / E


To lead a small ICT and GIS (Geographic Information Systems)team, with a diverse portfolio.

Manageboth Scottish National Park Authorities information technology and computer systems and control, evaluate and enhance IT and electronic data operations.

Lead on opportunities to develop, implement and coordinate systems, policies and procedures,share ideas, technology and expertise with key partners.

Oversee the provision and management of efficient, effective and secure GIS, e-planning systems and data management services.

The post folder will line manage the ICT team and the GIS Manager.


  • Ensure the provision and continuity of secure and efficient IT, telephony, data, web and intranet systems which support the business needs of both National Park Authorities, including help desk, security, ongoing maintenance and business continuity.
  • Work with both Management Teams to develop any IT, telephony or data strategies and policies required.
  • Provide advice, expertise and information as required on matters relating to ICT, telecommunications and web infrastructure, and ensure the effective monitoring of all such systems.
  • Ensure effective management, monitoring and reporting on all IT, telephony and data budgets and the ongoing delivery of efficiencies within area of responsibility, overseeing the effective and efficient deployment of budgeted resources within LLTNPA and across both NPAs.
  • Develop the appropriate partnerships and engagement with other organisations particularly across other key partner organisations to develop and implement good practise, share knowledge, expertise, skills and expertise and identify opportunities to improve services/achieve greater efficiencies.
  • Understand emerging ICT technologies and their application to improve services, prepare and present clear and well-organised written and oral reports and be able to explain ICT/GIS-related technical issues and concepts to non-technical staff.
  • Analyse complex problems, evaluate alternatives, and make sound, well-structuredrecommendations.
  • Develop and support user awareness initiatives, including training, to promote more effective, efficient and sustainable use of ICT and data, web and telecommunications infrastructure.
  • Oversee the provision and management of efficient, effective and secure GIS, e-planning systems and data management services to support the organisation’s business needs and statutory functions and to deliver related strategies, projects and initiatives.
  • Manage the teams for which this role is responsible, ensuring that these functions support business needs and deliver their objectives.
  • Undertake any other duties appropriate to the grade as required.


Assessment Areas / Essential Criteria / Desirable Criteria
Relevant Experience /
  • Demonstrable experience of technical strategy development.
  • Excellent project and budget management experience.
  • Experience of Windows 7/8/10, Windows Server 2008/2012 and MS Office 2010/2016 applications.
  • In depth knowledge of VMware Infrastructure 7 VMware View technology.
  • In depth knowledge of MS Office core applications (Word, Access, Excel, Outlook and Project)
  • Experience and understandingofMS Lync Unified communicationssystem.
  • In depth knowledge of PC’s + Networking protocols.
  • Experience and understanding of IP sub-netting.
  • Good physical networking skills (cabling and wiring) including troubleshooting.
  • Experience of MS Project; Windows Sharepoint Services; Terminal Services or Citrix environment; IIS 6 and IIS7.
  • MS Exchange 2010/16, Windows Server 2008/2012
  • Experience of Office 365,
  • Experience of managing or delivering GIS or ePlanning services online
  • Experience of Ordnance Survey and other geographic data management

Specific Skills, Abilities and Qualities /
  • Excellent written and oral skills.
  • Ability to translate complicated technical information to meet the information needs of a variety of audiences.
  • Articulate with excellent interpersonal skills.
  • Ability to work collaboratively within both NPAs or in partnership with others.
  • Flexible approach to working hours as evening and weekend working may be required occasionally.
  • Good negotiating and contract management skills.
  • Report 7 Documentation writing skills.
  • Mail service administration with excellent troubleshooting skills of DNS, SMTP,DHCP,TCP/IP protocols .
  • Strong knowledge of Windows 2003 (2008) active directory and group policies.
  • Understanding of IT security including Firewall technology & VPN connectivity
  • An understanding of the operation of the statutory planning system
  • Knowledge of FOI, EIR, DPA, INSPIRE and other relevant data and information related legislation

Required Qualifications /
  • Degree or equivalent in computing or closely related discipline
  • Membership of appropriate professional body.

Any Additional Job Related Requirements /
  • Full UK driving licence or access to a driver if disability prevents driving

March 2017