Kindergarten: Chapter 10 –Identify and Describe Three-Dimensional Shapes

Chapter Essential Question:How can identifying and describing shapes help you sort them?

(Preschool) / Chapter Ten Standards
Kindergarten / After
(Grade One)
Recognize, name, and describe a cube, sphere, cylinder, and cone.
Recognize attributes of a cube, sphere, cylinder, and cone.
Sort and classify by one attribute. / Geometry 1: Describe objects in the environment using names of shapes, and describe the relative positions of these objects using terms such as above, below, beside, in front of, behind, and next to.
  • I can use the terms above and below to describe shapes in the environment.
  • I can use the terms beside and next to to describe shapes in the environment.
  • I can use the terms in front of and behind to describe shapes in the environment.
/ Reason with shapes and their attributes.
(1.G.1) (1.G.2) (1.G.3)
Geometry 2: Correctly name shapes regardless of their orientation or overall size.
  • I can identify, name, and describe three-dimensional shapes including spheres.
  • I can identify, name, and describe three-dimensional shapes including cubes.
  • I can identify, name, and describe three-dimensional shapes including cylinders.
  • I can identify, name, and describe three-dimensional shapes including cones.

Geometry 3: Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, "flat") or three-dimensional ("solid").
  • I can solve problems by using the strategy use logical reasoning.

Geometry 4: Analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes, in different sizes and orientations, using informal language to describe their similarities, differences, parts (e.g., number of sides and vertices/"corners") and other attributes (e.g., having sides of equal length).
  • I can analyze and compare three-dimensional shapes by attributes.

Geometry 5: Model shapes in the world by building shapes from components (e.g. sticks and clay balls) and drawing shapes.
  • I can model two- and three-dimensional shapes by building and drawing.

Each day the math block will begin with 15 minutes of Daily Math Review and Mental Math. The focus of DMR should be either prerequisite standard skills or previous chapter concepts that were not mastered. The focus of mental math should be based on the current Chapter’s skills and concepts. Adjust the amount of questions in DMR and MM to fit into the 15 minute time block.

Suggested Chapter Pacing

All lessons are paced for one day, unless otherwise indicated. Teachers may adjust to meet students’ needs.

Launching the Chapter / Pre-Assessment / Review Prerequisite Skills
What's the Difference?: 569I
Sort Several Ways 569I / Show What You Know Assessment
TE 570
Identify Tier 2 and Tier 3 Groups for Small Group Instruction.
Day before beginning Lesson 10.1 / Vocabulary Activity
Picture It! TE 572A / Vocabulary Builder
TE 572
Identify students who will need further vocabulary support for Chapter Ten. / Preview Chapter Centers
Introduce chapter game Follow the Shapes, activities, and literature students will be using during center time. / School – Home Letter
Read together and send home.
I Can Statement / Essential Question / Implementation Notes
*Center activities are introduced/reviewed daily as needed.
*Grab-and-Go Literature may be incorporated into whole or small group
Geometry4 / I can analyze and compare three-dimensional shapes by attributes. / How can you show which shapes stack, roll, or slide? /
  • 3-D Shapes (e-Teacher Resources)
  • Introduce Activity Card 12: Findthe Shapes
  • Introduce Literature: I Know Big and Small

Lesson 10.2
Geometry 2 / I can identify, name, and describe three-dimensional shapes including spheres. / How can you identify, name, and describe spheres? /
  • 3-D Shapes (e-Teacher Resources)

Lesson 10.3
Geometry 2 / I can identify, name, and describe three-dimensional shapes including cubes. / How can you identify, name, and describe cubes? /
  • 3-D Shapes (e-Teacher Resources)
  • Introduce Literature: Curious George Goes to a Toy Store

Lesson 10.4
Geometry 2 / I can identify, name, and describe three-dimensional shapes including cylinders. / How can you identify, name, and describe cylinders? /
  • 3-D Shapes (e-Teacher Resources)

Lesson 10.5
Geometry 2 / I can identify, name, and describe three-dimensional shapes including cones. / How can you identify, name, and describe cones? /
  • 3-D Shapes (e-Teacher Resources)
  • Activity Card 12: Get in Shape
  • Mid-Chapter Checkpoint is optional TE 600

Lesson 10.6
Geometry 3 / I can solve problems by using the strategy use logical reasoning. / How can you solve problems using the strategy use logical reasoning? /
  • 2-D Shapes (e-Teacher Resources), 3-D Shapes (e-Teacher Resources)
  • This lesson may take up to two days

Lesson 10.7
Geometry 5 / I can model two- and three-dimensional shapes in the real world. / How can you model shapes in the real world? /
  • Straws, Toothpicks, Clay, Paper Circles
  • This lesson may take up to two days

Lesson 10.8
Geometry 1 / I can use the terms above and below to describe shapes in the environment. / How can you use the terms above and below to describe shapes in the environment? /
  • Connecting Cubes
  • Introduce Activity Card 9: Tip Top
  • Introduce Literature: Up, Up to the Top

Lesson 10.9
Geometry 1 / I can use the terms beside and next to to describe shapes in the environment. / How can you use the termsbeside and next to to describe shapes in the environment? /
  • Introduce Activity Card 9: Think Outside the Box

Lesson 10.10
Geometry 1 / I can use the terms in front of and behind to describe shapes in the environment. / How can you use the termsin front of and behind to describe shapes in the environment? /
  • Introduce Activity Card 9: Top of the Heap

Resources and Centers for Chapter 10
Technology / Hands-On Resources / Centers
Digital Lesson: Engage / Clay / Activity: Find the Shapes
Interactive White Board Lesson / Connecting Cubes / Activity: Get in Shape
Interactive Student Edition / Crayons / Activity: Think Outside the Box
iTools: Geometry / Paper Circles / Activity: Tip Top
iTools: Two-Color Counters / Three-Dimensional Shapes / Activity: Top of the Heap
Math on the Spot Videos / Toothpicks / Literature: Curious George Goes to a Toy Store
Mega Math / Two-Dimensional Shapes / Literature: I Know Big and Small
Personal Math Trainer / MathBoard / Literature: Up, Up to the Top
Other Hands-On Resources may be needed for Small Group Instruction Activities.
Additional Resources for Chapter 10
Geometry 1 / Geometry 2 / Geometry 3 / Geometry 4 / Geometry 5
Teachers will use Go Math materials to teach G.1. If more practice is needed teams of teachers may find or create more experiences with this concept. / Teachers will use Go Math materials to teach G.2. If more practice is needed teams of teachers may find or create more experiences with this concept. / Teachers will use Go Math materials to teach G.3. If more practice is needed teams of teachers may find or create more experiences with this concept. / Teachers will use Go Math materials to teach G.4. If more practice is needed teams of teachers may find or create more experiences with this concept. / Teachers will use Go Math materials to teach G5. If more practice is needed teams of teachers may find or create more experiences with this concept.

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Kindergarten – Chapter 10