Sustaining and Improvement Inspection 2017
Baseline: ETI February 2014
In the published ETI Report of February 2014 Rainey Endowed School was rated as very good in:
- Overall Performance Level
- Achievements and Standards
- Provision
- Leadership and Management
Achievements and Standards 2014-ETI
- 7+ A*-C English and Mathematics above the NI average.RES= 94% in 2013
- All pupils entitled to FSM achieved 5+ A*-C at GCSE including English and Mathematics.
- At grades A*-B almost all of the subjects were above or in line with NI average; + of all subjects are 10% + points above average.
- At A Level 3+ A*-C is above NI average for similar schools, majority of subjects are 5% above the NI average. RES=78% 3+A-C grades in 2013.
Provision 2014-ETI
- Most lessons ranged from good to outstanding.
- Whole school approach to raising literacy skills.
- Well-designed programme of staff development and formation of inter departmental groups has established connections to develop language skills across most departments.
- Numeracy audit identified needs to focus on embedding mental maths’ strategies to ensure pupils are able to transfer and apply their numeracy skills across the curriculum.
- Pupils feel safe and secure; high quality pastoral care.
- Relationships between pupils and staff are excellent.
- Strong pupil centred ethos, well-established tradition of educating young people from differing religious and cultural backgrounds across the communities it serves.
- SEN is enthusiastically led and is exemplary across the school.
- There is an effective tripartite arrangement among pupils, parents, and learning support staff ensures that academic and social needs are being met effectively for pupils with statements.
- Relevant and coherent careers programme, well embedded into curriculum and nearly all subject areas. Excellent links with local employers, FE and HE institutions.
- Curriculum managed effectively, creative timetabling, provides good programme opportunities for pupils, strong collaborative arrangements.
- Wide range of extra-curricular activities in sports, arts and cultural activities to develop personal, social and leadership skills. International links with the school are strong.
- Quality and range of pupils’ experience in line of ICT is variable.
Leadership and Management 2014-ETI
- SDP processes are effective.
- Action planning is effective, it is important that school articulates more clearly its longer term actions for improvement.
- Governors provide appropriate challenge to SLT, good understanding on performance of school and how it compares with similar schools. Governors are highly committed and play an active role in SDP process.
- SLT comprised Principal, VP and Deputy Principal and provide highly effective leadership of school. Strategically well-informed and provide a clear and achievable vision for school.
- Collegial working across school by senior and middle management, good progress being made in embedding self-evaluation across pastoral and academic work of the school.
- Appropriate culture for improvement, underpinned by openness and transparency, raising leadership capacity throughout the school.
- Roles and responsibilities are clear, levels of accountability are strong.
- Staff relationships are harmonious, contributing to achieving shared vision for the school.
- High levels of professionalism and commitment of staff.
- Overall Pastoral quality is very good; school is meeting very effectively the educational and pastoral needs of pupils, demonstrates its capacity for self-improvement.
- Dispersed and poor fabric of accommodation adversely affects the internal and external circulation throughout the school and does not provide a modern learning environment.
- Satisfactory arrangements for safeguarding children and young people, but the school needs to review further the arrangements of all pupils moving in external circulation areas.
Focus & ReviewFebruary 2014- June 2016
Rainey Endowed School committed to improving:
Learning and Teaching, Achievements and Standards, ICT provision and E-learning,improving our staff and student experience, and promoting our role in the community, home to school communication, literacy, numeracy, (see attached review in current SDP).
TIME / •Review of curriculum provision to extend range of subjects being offered
•Key focus on sharing best practice on all SDDS; shared resources developed by staff; T&L group formed
•Lesson observations, SLT walks, paired observations, common lesson templates to ensure quality of T&L and consistency of approach
•Task group formed 2015-16 to review current provision and establish new priorities
•Clear communication with and involvement of BoG
•Provide professional development for staff in relation to SEN
Formation of Parents into learning group (PLTG) / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ •Construction GCSE, Health and Social Care (GCSE and A2), Applied Business (GCSE and A2) now on offer; other options offered through MLP
•See reviewed Action Plans
•ETI 2014 – almost all lessons good to outstanding ( 56% very good/outstanding) December ETI DI visit 80% very good/outstanding, 70% outstanding; all lessons good or better
•Minutes and presentations from task group meetings
•BOG/Education committee minutes
FSME outcomes
TIME / •Use of data (GL/MIDYIS/YELLIS/CHANCE) to set targets and track pupil progress
•Individual subject targets A*-A, A*-B, A*-C
•Departments to evaluate pupil performance at departmental meetings (using relevant data) to shape classroom practice
•HoD bi-annual reviews and termly line management meetings to monitor and review targets; departmental agendas to focus on pupil tracking
•Interventions, such as pupil support classes, offered at lunchtimes/after school as required
•Parental training offered for SLG / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ •2016 100% A*-C including English & Maths at GCSE
•87% 3+ A*-C at A-Level - Very ambitious targets not fully met at A Level , but steady improvement across the board at all levels
•See tables of results 2014-16
TIME / •Refurbish and update existing ICT suites
•Extend and improve ICT provision for pupils throughout the school
•Update ICT facilities in all classrooms and for all staff
•Staff training and sharing of good practice re the use of Fronter and IWBs / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ •Significant investment in ICT infrastructure, resulting in new classroom suites (S1/MAC Suites in Art and Music) and CP1 and CP2 completely refurbished
•BYOD – storage facilities for sixth form pupils; updating of computer resources in study centre; wifi hotspots available throughout the school
•IWB Provision in all classrooms and all staff provided with new laptops
•Increased use of Fronter/ VLE in depts. and SLG usage by parents
•Lesson observations demonstrate effective use of ICT in the classroom
£4 million
£10,000 / •Increase number and range of Clubs & Societies available for pupils at lunchtime
•Improve school facilities and fabric of building eg Sports Hall, English and Maths classrooms
•Use SLG to engage parents in pastoral information
•Develop opportunities for pupils leadership
•Develop opportunities for distributed leadership / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ •Improved access to 50+extra-curricular clubs
•New classrooms for English, Maths, Art and Drama
•3 million pounds Sports Hall completed
•Refurbishment of key staff areas e.g. staffroom, staff and pupil toilets, classrooms, canteen, sixth form centres
•Task group established priorities for new action plans eg prefect training, pupil leadership in assemblies, development of peer mentoring programme
•Improved student voice opportunities: Committee, year councils, senior prefects meeting with Head
•Improved whole student attendance rates to 96.5%
•Formation of task groups i.e. T G 1 - 6
•Staff well-being days
•Staff well-being group formed
•Minutes of task groups; presentations given to SLT and all staff
•Improved pastoral & academic links
TIME / •Promote and develop relationship with Rainey Former Pupils’Association
•Develop SEP opportunities within MLP
•Introduce Community Service Group for sixth form pupils
•Develop links with local Primary Schools
•Form and extend links with local community groups
•Develop international dimension and achieve Internationalism award / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
/ •Improved RFPA Fundraising £175K in donations 2016
•MLP links, RCUK, QUB, RI Regiment
•Increased SEP opportunities RES →SMG, SIC, MHS, SPX & NRC; Shared Education for Years 8, 9 and GCSE English and Maths pupils; collaboration between teachers for the same
•Community Group well established; 92 members in September 2016
•Summer school for literacy and numeracy established 2015; 2016 ran for two weeks with over 70 pupils in attendance; departments such as Modern Languages and Music running workshops for local primary pupils; Numeracy links eg Woods, Moneymore
•Whole school involvement with charities such as ASHA, Little Gems, Angel Eyes; charity representatives attend school assemblies for presentations
•Agriculture club established links with members of the farming and industrial community
•Use of facilities by local groups such as Bright Young Things, churches, Ulster Rugby, PSNI, Bowls Club, Cricket Club, Parkour, Scouts
•International Schools’ Award achieved 2014, Global Leaders Award 2017
Achievements and Standards 2014-2016
- In 2014 at GCSE A*-B grades in almost all of the subjects were above or in line with the NI average; 14subjects were 5% or greater above the average and 8 were 10% or more above the average-4 were below the A*-B average
- In 2016at GCSE A*-B grades in almost all of the subjects were above or in line with the NI average; 20 subjects were 5% or greater above the average and 12subjects are 10% + points above average.
- In 2014 at A Level % 3+ A*-C grades is above the NI average for similar schools, majority are 5%(14) above the NI average, with 9 subjects being 10% above the NI average- 2 were below the NI average.
- In 2016at A Level % 3+ A*-C grades is significantly above the NI average for similar schools, majority (21) are 5% above the NI average, with 13 subjects being 10% above the NI average.
GCSE / 2013-14 / 2014-15 / 2015-16
A*/A / 51 / 58 / 55
A*/B / 82 / 89 / 87
A*/C / 98 / 98 / 100
A Level / 2013-14 / 2014-15 / 2015-16
A*/A / 43 / 48 / 45
A*/B / 79 / 79 / 83
A*/C / 95 / 95 / 95
- In 2016, at GCSE 100% of pupils achieved 5+ A*-C in English and Mathematics for FSM pupils and 100% of pupils achieved 100% 7+A*-C in English and Mathematics, 55% of grades were at A*/A and87% of all grades were A*-B. As was the case in 2015, results have improved since 2014.
- At A Level in 2016 our A*/A grades were 45%, A*-B 83% and A*-C overall pass rate remaining very high at 95%, 87% achieved 3+ A*-C.
Focus 2016-19
Throughout 2014-16, the Board of Governors and SLT consulted extensively with all stakeholders in the formulation of the new SDP for 2016-2019. A number of areas in school improvement were identified and were included in a new and ambitious SDP, with associated Action Plans and three-year overview. These seek to focus on:
- Successful Learners (Learning &Teaching)
- Confident Individuals (Pastoral & Academic)
- Responsible Citizens (Leadership Arrangements at all levels)
There arenew SDP foci for 2016-2019 developing and extending areas identified in the previous ETI Report and are at the core of our new SDP, maintaining the focus of our child centred, holistic approach to education.
Quality of Provision September 2016 – Present
Many factors have contributed to the sustained improvement in outcomes. In particular, the documentation of best practice in relation to Learning and Teaching, the implementation of a wider Post-16 curriculum and effective self-evaluation, focus on action planning, and review, evaluation and monitoring of all aspects of school life have had a marked impact. All lessons are good or better 70% of lessons are outstanding, 90% are very good.
In terms of quality of provision, the school offers – 24 subjects at GCSE and 27 subjects at A Level. New classes such as Health & Social Care, Applied Business, LLW, Construction, Performing Arts and Hospitality, Life and Health Sciences have broadened pupil choices and the curriculum provision. A staff teaching and learning committee shares best practice, is innovative and this feeds into a centralised staff development programme.
We have continued to embed best practice in: peer and self-assessment; differentiation; plenaries; effective questioning; feedback for improvement; independent learning and a collegial approach to lesson observation, incorporating the sharing of best practice in Teaching and Learning, tracking; further blending of pastoral and academic; a whole school approach to the individual with an emphasis on pupil leadership, staff, parents and pupils working in an increased tripartite partnership to ‘make the best even better’.
There has been a very significant investment in our school’s estate, totalling some £7m comprising new Sports Hall, Art, Drama, English, Mathematics classrooms, toilet facilities, refurbishment of canteen, Home Economics and Health and Social areas, Sixth Form study areas, upgraded heating, improved disability access provision, new CCTV provision. All external boundaries are now secure and circulation has been improved considerably. There is an on-going comprehensive window replacement programme.
ICT Provision, a BYOD and secure storage area, a new classroom for Science and Home Economics block, upgraded ICT suites, interactive boards in all classroom areas, staff training on ICT and VLE/SLG development for parents and pupils, laptop provision in Sixth Form study area and trialling of Apple and Android devices in Technology and Physics.
Leadership and Management-Present
The current SLT arrangement is Principal, Vice-Principal, one Senior Teacher and three SLT co-opted members.
As a result of Task Group feedback it is proposed that the new leadership structure will be Principal and one Vice-Principal with four Assistant Principals, with responsibility for key strategic areas such as: Achievement and Standards; Teaching and Learning; Academic and Pastoral Care; School Policies and Procedures; Self-Evaluation and Enrichment; Data, Literacy/Numeracy and ICT Co-ordinators will operate across the school. Development and promotional opportunities will be made available for positions such as Assistant Heads of Year to take the school, its learners and staff into the 21st Century.
Proposed Structure structure 2017 onwards
Focus on School Improvement Inspection March/April 2017
Action Plan 1 (Successful Learners): Sustained focus on improving quality of Learning and Teaching and improving quality of outcomes for all of our learners
Action Plan 2 (Confident Learners): Improving communication between pastoral and academic staff to generate a more holistic view to student progress
Action Plan 3(Responsible Citizens): Encourage all members of our school community to take a proactive role in availing of leadership opportunities