Administrative Memorandum No. 30-02
April 1998
Service Section
Daily Statistical Sheet/Direct Services
Purpose:To establish a “Daily Statistical Sheet” to track staff time units to determine how much time is spent on each specific service and on Title 7C, AB 204 and United Way Services as a whole. This sheet is for “Direct Services” only.
Information:1.It is necessary to document the
time spent by Title 7C, AB 204, and United Way funded staff positions to determine if the
proper amount of time is being spent in each
service area.
2.It is necessary to track time spent by service providers to facilitate proper administration an regarding advanced planning.
Procedure:1.A “Daily Stat Sheet” (DDS) should be on the
desk of all staff members funded by Title 7C,
AB 204 and the United Way. During the day
notations should be made in each category
that the staff member spent time on. At the end of the working day the notations made on DSS should be totaled at the bottom to determine the time spent in each service
2.All times on the DSS is kept in 15 minute units. A service that is provided is always rounded up to the nearest 15 minutes. For example, if a service delivered takes 14 minutes. A 1 would be placed in the proper category. 15 minutes = 1, 30 minutes = 2, 45 minutes=3 60 minutes = 4, and so on.
- Any service delivery that includes services in more than one category should be marked in each category where service were delivered.
4.At the end of the day the employee will often have more than 8 hours (or 32 units) of service delivery marked down. The employee should then reduce the time down to 8 hours (or 32 units) by making his or her best estimate of the time spent during the day.
- In filling out the DSS, staff members should start by writing their name in the top left corner and the month, day, and the year in the top right corner. The individual sheet should never cover more than one day.
- In filling out the main body of the DSS form the following definitions should be used:
- CONSUMER NAME means to completely and correctly write the name of the individual served.
- PEER ADVISING means working with consumers individually or in a group discussing common mutual problems experienced by people with disabilities.
A.BENEFITS COUNSELING means counseling consumers about their rights and responsibilities involving possible or actual financial benefits.
- HOUSING SERVICES means any consumer seeking help in finding accessible, affordable housing. This may also be working with other agencies to find housing for a specific consumer. Also modifications for access to the consumers.
- CARE PROVIDER SERVICES means a consumer with a disability needing an attendant or any person seeking to work as an attendant. It can also be training provided to either the consumer or the attendant.
- INFORMATION AND REFERRAL SERVICES means answering a question regarding services and/or referring a consumer for services. The category must be involved with questions regarding services or a consumer problem. Follow up or deactivated letter are in this category.
- INDIVIDUAL ADVOCACY means advocating for a specific consumer on any issue relating to the individuals ability to live independently.
B.SYSTEMS ADVOCACY means advocating for a group and or and individual. This usually involves representing such a group and or individual, such as State Rallies, advocating with the government, and ADA issues.
- CONSUMER INTAKES means the initial taking of information from a new consumer for the purpose of opening a file and providing services. Intakes can also mean the periodic retaking of basic information from certain consumers that it is felt may have had their basic information change significantly.
- INDEPENDENT LIVING SKILLS TRAINING means a group or individual who attends classes held at the center with the specific purpose to learn how to improve their independent living skills. They also may mean referring out to other agencies for this service.
- DEACTIVATE means that during a staffing session, a specific consumer’s file is to be deactivated. This is due to many reasons and is determined to be placed on deactivate by the Directors of Services.
- CLOSED means that during a staffing session, a specific consumer’s file is to be closed. This is due to either death or the consumer has moved out of the catchment area. If the consumer has requested his/her file to be closed.
C.At the end of the month, DSS forms for that month will be added under each column, where it says total by the Service Provider. The Service Provider will then transfer this information to their monthly service report (MSR). The MSR shows the numbers for total intakes, consumers served, consumer I&R requests, cases deactivated, cases reactivated, and cases closed.
- The Service Provider completes these procedures and then turns in the DSS forms and the MSR to the Director of Services by the first Friday of each month. If the Friday due date falls on the first, second, or third of the month, then the reports are due on the 2nd Friday of that particular month.
O.The Director of Services then compiles the total amount of Statistical information and puts this in to their MSR, to be turned in to the Executive Director by the second Tuesday of the month.
Executive Director