Stoke North walking group: 26 April, midday.
Sandyford Fire Station
Present: Peter Hall (Chair), Tom Pine (Secretary), Elise Butler (Network Lead), Steve Lewin, Helen Pemberton (Treasurer), Dave Taylor, Mary Taylor.
Apologies: Chris Dennison, Sue Winterbottom, Neil Dawson
Matters arising from the Minutes
- None of practical consequence. Carol D has suggested that the Burslem walk should take in GrangePark, and this will be for the group to progress.
Committee Matters
- PH had attended Hub meeting – current setup is fine until June, with the continuation of the overall scheme dependent on funding.
- PH suggested spending on a gazebo as budgeted for, though TP raised concerns about durability.
- EB reminded that Tunstall and Burslem walks will have a single meeting. There are two treasurers and two secretaries, with two signatures needed for cheques.
Treasurer’s Report
- Telephone banking is available but only for checking balances.
- There is £375.94 left in the Stoke North budget
- EB confirmed that there is £155 left to decide on how to spend out of the Burslem bid.
- With two further walks covered by the group, there is an extra £900 in the fund, with potential for £900 more if we can create two more walks
Network Lead Update
- Hub meeting well attended and went well.
- The Ramblers would like to change the OHQ, but it has been decided to continue with the old one for now.
- EB’s role will change more towards supporting the Hub, with individual groups receiving help by request.
Special Events
- Canal boat trip for 19 May discussed – plus possibility of a stall at the linked Wild About Westport event
- Canals Festival at EtruriaIndustrialMuseum on 2-3 June – Stoke West covering but need more bodies
- Burslem Park Grand Opening is approaching on 23 June.
- All to ask around to see which walkers could man stalls for part of these events
- All keen on the suggestion of an Olympic-themed walk with an inflatable baton, based on linking up existing routes between 11am and 3pm, possibly starting at Tunstall and finishing at Westport, on a weekday in July, stc.
- PH and EB will meet about the route on Friday 27 April.
- Recap on discussion about water bottles and pens as promotional materials. All agreed on pens at £34.
- Display hardware an option for displaying materials at GP surgeries, residents’ associations, TunstallPark café
- Suggestion that boxes for leaflets could be useful – EB to phone doctors’ surgeries to see if they will take them
- Plan to spend 50% of excess sum on marketing and 50% on events
- EB has produced a promotional checklist, based on tasks being done through many walkers doing what they can.
- EB has access to a volunteer who has studied e-Marketing and will ask her about getting involved in promoting the walks and writing press releases.
- EB also recommended patient panel groups at GP surgeries as a good means of promotion.
- EB also advised producing a list of events at which walks could be promoted
- All happy to help store any materials in garages etc.
New routes
- PH is planning a walk in Target Wood, plus possibly another from Sandyford – unsure as to whether this would encroach on Newcastle more than would be appropriate. EB felt that this shouldn’t really be a problem, as some walks would simply ‘run out of city.’
- All agreed that it is fine to split / vary a route and even a starting point, but that walk leaders must be present at the advertised starting point every week.
- Date of next meeting: Thursday 7 June, 12 midday, Sandyford Fire Station.