March 2017
To: All Churchwardens in the Gloucester and Cheltenham Archdeaconries
Only one copy is being sent to each parish
Dear Churchwardens
The Visitation Service
The Archdeacon of Cheltenham and I are looking forward very much to seeing you at one of this year’s visitation services, details of which are on the enclosed notice from the Registrar. There are two copies of the Citation, one for each Churchwarden.
Churchwardens are required to attend so as to be sworn into office for the next year. Ideally it would be best if you can attend the service in your deanery but if this is not possible please come to one of the others in your Archdeaconry. I enclose the Attendance Slip which you are asked to bring to this service to register your attendance.
During the service we will be asking the incumbents of each benefice (or an associate minister or the Area Dean when the parish is in vacancy) to come and present the churchwardens from their benefice to the Archdeacon immediately after the swearing of the oath. If you are attending in a different deanery from your own, please sign in at the church so that arrangements can be made to include those attending from outside the deanery in which the service is being held. I am expecting the service to last no more than an hour at the most. There will be refreshments at the end and I do hope you will plan to stay for a while.
Any who are retiring as Churchwardens will also be most welcome to attend as there will be an opportunity in the service to express thanks for your ministry. Do please pass on this invitation as appropriate.
Information Gathering – To be completed and returned by Thursday, 5 May 2017
Enclosed with this letter are the following documents, which I would be grateful if you could now ensure are completed:
The Articles of Enquiry – which you, the churchwardens should complete. As this year’s Articles include information regarding the ‘LIFE’ vision, you may wish to consult with clergy and others as most appropriate for answering the questions.
The Church Electoral Roll Certificate 2017 - to be completed and signed by the chair of the Annual Meeting.
Data Collection Form – Please complete the details of your PCC Secretary, Treasurer and Church Wardens (Vote of Vestry). For data protection purposes please ensure the relevant post holders sign as requested.
Once these forms have been completed please ensure they are returned to you then place them with one copy of the annual report and accounts (if not returned electronically) as presented to the Annual Meeting in the enclosed envelope. These will be collated by your Deanery for return to the diocese. If you are posting the returns please use a ‘large letter’ stamp to ensure that the correct postage is paid and to prevent delays in the system.
These forms can also be downloaded from the diocesan website at
All of the above must be completed and returned by Thursday, 5 May 2017
Could I also remind you that your 2016 Statistics for Mission return including the details of Sunday attendance in October and Christmas and Easter attendance was due by the end of January 2017. You can do this now online or by paper return to Church House. These can be completed or downloaded at If you require any assistance with submitting your return online please contact Becky Smith on 01452 410022.
Finally there will be the annual Churchwardens’ workshops in the autumn – Archdeacon Phil and I are still finalising details but we are intending to hold them on a weekday afternoon, a weekday evening and a Saturday morning. There was a great response to the last workshops, with very positive feedback.
I am, of course, available for a conversation or to meet with you if there is any matter you wish to raise with me – do please be in touch.
I am enormously grateful for all you do in your ministry as Churchwardens and Archdeacon Phil and I look forward to seeing you at the Visitation Service.
With my very best wishes
Yours sincerely
The Venerable Jackie Searle
Archdeacon of Gloucester
Diocese of Gloucester
To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham
BY VIRTUE of a Citation under the hand and Seal of The Venerable Phil Andrew, Archdeacon of Cheltenham, I HEREBY CITE YOU to appear before The Archdeacon and to attend the Visitation according to ancient custom at one of the locations identified on the Schedule below.
THE ARCHDEACON will deliver his Charge within an act of worship and churchwardens will be admitted to their office. Retiring Wardens, Families, Sidesmen and women and other PCC members are also invited.
You are asked to return your Record of Attendance at this service
Dated this 1st day of March in the year of our Lord 2017
Jos Moule
Diocesan Registrar
c/o 2 College Green
Schedule of Visitations
Tuesday, 2 May 2017, 7pm – St Michael, Bishop’s Cleeve, GL52 8LJ
Thursday, 11 May 2017, 7pm – St Philip and St James, Grafton Road, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, GL50 2DL
Sunday, 14 May 2017, 3pm – St Mary Magdalene, Sherborne, GL54 3DZ
Monday, 15 May 2017, 7pm – Cirencester – The Parish Church of St John the Baptist,
Market Place, Cirencester, GL7 2NX
Light refreshments will be served after the service.
Area Deans are requested to robe; other clergy attending the Visitation are requested to sit in the congregation with their churchwardens
Diocese of Gloucester
To: All Clergy and Churchwardens in the Archdeaconry of Cheltenham
BY VIRTUE of a Citation under the hand and Seal of The Venerable Phil Andrew, Archdeacon of Cheltenham, I HEREBY CITE YOU to appear before The Archdeacon and to attend the Visitation according to ancient custom at one of the locations identified on the Schedule below.
THE ARCHDEACON will deliver his Charge within an act of worship and churchwardens will be admitted to their office. Retiring Wardens, Families, Sidesmen and women and other PCC members are also invited.
You are asked to return your Record of Attendance at this service
Dated this 1st day of March in the year of our Lord 2017
Jos Moule
Diocesan Registrar
c/o 2 College Green
Schedule of Visitations
Tuesday, 2 May 2017, 7pm – St Michael, Bishop’s Cleeve, GL52 8LJ
Thursday, 11 May 2017, 7pm – St Philip and St James, Grafton Road, Leckhampton, Cheltenham, GL50 2DL
Sunday, 14 May 2017, 3pm – St Mary Magdalene, Sherborne, GL54 3DZ
Monday, 15 May 2017, 7pm – Cirencester – The Parish Church of St John the Baptist,
Market Place, Cirencester, GL7 2NX
Light refreshments will be served after the service.
Area Deans are requested to robe; other clergy attending the Visitation are requested to sit in the congregation with their churchwardens
Deanery …………………………………………………………………………………………
Parish ……………………………………………….……………………..…………………..
Churchwarden/Priest ………………………………………...………………………………………
(Please delete as appropriate and sign)
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………
To be placed in the box provided at the Visitation and NOT to be returned beforehand
Deanery …………………………………………………………………………………………
Parish ……………………………………………….……………………..…………………..
Churchwarden/Priest ………………………………………...………………………………………
(Please delete as appropriate and sign)
Name: …………………………………………………………………………………………
To be placed in the box provided at the Visitation and NOT to be returned beforehand
Archdeacon’s Visitation 2017
Articles of Enquiry
Parish …….……………………………………………………………………………………………
Deanery …….……………………………………………………………………………………………
This form should be completed by the Churchwardens in consultation with their Vicar and others as appropriate and returned via the Area Dean in the enclosed envelope Thank you for your time.
1. Diocesan LIFE Vision
To develop an understanding of how parishes are engaged with and planning to engage with the new Diocesan vision of LIFE, launched in November last year, please would you share where you see your parish engaging with the Vision? Following this exercise, it may be that people who are developing collective work across the Diocese make contact with you to find out more about what you are doing. Please do not worry if sections do not apply to you – just leave them blank.
‘To share the transforming Gospel of Jesus Christ with people in and around Gloucestershire’ / Already engaged in this area / Planning to engage over the year aheadLEADERSHIP: Committed to transformation
Developing diverse lay and ordained leaders from the communities we serve
Piloting liberating models of leadership and ministry, especially in multi-parish benefices
Creating learning networks for lay and ordained leaders
IMAGINATION: Opening new paths to faith
Investing in our engagement with baptism families to spark an amazing adventure with Jesus Christ
Placing schools at the heart of our mission with creative connections between churches and schools beyond collective worship and ‘Open the Book’
Encouraging new and courageous ways of worshipping, in different places, which connect with more people
Approaching the use, upkeep and future of our buildings in bold and creative ways
FAITH: Living as adventurous followers of Jesus Christ
Enabling people to discover new depths to prayer and spiritual growth, individually and together
Nurturing confident disciples to live out their faith seven days a week
Sharing our stories in new and different ways, including through digital media
Being advocates for human flourishing, through initiatives which combat injustice, environmental destruction, exclusion and isolation
Using sport, music and art to build relationships and share the Christian faith
Connecting with new housing developments in innovative ways
Investing in people and programmes which excite young people to explore and grow in faith
Please detail here any particular comments you have about activities you are engaged in which relate to LIFE
1. Safeguarding
In terms of PCC meetings, is Safeguarding a regular reporting item? YES/NO
Have you revisited your parish checklist to check where your Safeguarding priorities YES/NO
are for the coming year?
Do you have a Nominated Person who is linked to the diocesan network of nominated YES/NO
Who are they? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
In terms of confidence in safeguarding issues what else could the diocesan central HR and Safeguarding Department do to help or support you?
2. Other Issues
Are there any other issues you wish to raise with your Archdeacons?
(Please note we cannot necessarily respond to every issue raised but it helps us to be aware of matters of concern to you. If you have specific issues relating to your parish or church please do not hesitate to contact us directly).
Signed: ………………………………………. Signed: ………………………………...……………
Warden 1 …………………………………… Warden 2 ……………………………….………….
(Surname in block capitals please)
Date ……………………………………...
The Articles will be analysed and this analysis shared with diocesan staff and with you.
2017 data return
Confirmation of Parish Officers for the PCC of:
Name of parish/beneficeIn the deanery of ….
Name of incumbent
(please print)
Please ensure that information about the officers below is correct, and that when signing this sheet they are aware of the data protection statement, that this information will be stored and used/shared for the purposes of diocesan information and communications; and in the publication of the Diocesan Directory for 2017/18.
Full name and title (please print)
Address (home or church office please state)
Please include full postcode
Telephone contact details
Email contact
I understand this information will be stored and used in line with Data Protection requirements; used for relevant diocesan information and communications; and consent to this information being included in the Gloucester Diocesan Directory for 2017/18. / Signed and dated by the individual
PCC Treasurer
Full name and title (please print)
Address (home or church office please state)
Please include full postcode
Telephone contact details
Email contact
I understand this information will be stored and used in line with Data Protection requirements; used for relevant diocesan information and communications; and consent to this information being included in the Gloucester Diocesan Directory for 2017/18. / Signed and dated by the individual
Churchwarden (Vote of Vestry meeting)
Full name and title (please print)
Address (home or church office please state)
Please include full postcode
Telephone contact details
Email contact
I understand this information will be stored and used in line with Data Protection requirements; used for relevant diocesan information and communications; and consent to this information being included in the Gloucester Diocesan Directory for 2017/18. / Signed and dated by the individual
Churchwarden (Vote of Vestry meeting)
Full name and title (please print)
Address (home or church office please state)
Please include full postcode
Telephone contact details
Email contact
I understand this information will be stored and used in line with Data Protection requirements; used for relevant diocesan information and communications; and consent to this information being included in the Gloucester Diocesan Directory for 2017/18. / Signed and dated by the individual
I confirm this is a correct record of elections held at the APCM on the date below:
Date of APCM
Signature of Incumbent
Date of Signature
This form is part of the Annual Returns Pack for the Diocese of Gloucester. Once completed please return this form with the Articles of Enquiry, etc in the envelope provided to the Area Dean.