Department of Psychology, University of Northern Iowa

(319-273-7733 or 319-273-2235)


This major is available on the thesis option only and requires a minimum of 41-44 semester hours. The M.A. program in psychology includes two emphases: 1) clinical science, for those who wish to pursue doctoral-level study in clinical or counseling psychology or to become master’s level providers of psychological services operating in clinical settings under appropriate supervision; and 2) social, for students wishing to pursue doctoral study in social and related areas of psychology or obtain masters-level research or teaching jobs. Students may also choose an individualized study option in which they choose a program of study beyond the courses required for all students in conjunction with a faculty advisor and the graduate coordinator. The program maintains a strong empirical, research-based orientation and seeks to provide students with opportunities to develop skills in research methodology, gain advanced knowledge of major areas of scientific psychology, and obtain basic competence in skills relevant to their areas. All students are required to complete a thesis for successful completion of this program. All students also receive practical experience through one or more practicum placements.

In addition to meeting general University admission requirements, applicants are also required to submit the following for consideration: 1) a departmental application form; 2) three letters of recommendation, preferably from undergraduate psychology instructors; 3) Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores on the general aptitude tests; and 4) a statement of interests in psychology. All materials should be received by the departmental graduate coordinator no later than February 1 to ensure consideration for financial aid for the following academic year or April 30, for consideration for admission to the program. Early application is strongly encouraged.

Required for all students:

Advanced Statistics ...... 3 hours

Readings ...... 2 hours

Thesis Research ...... 6 hours

In addition to the above courses, students in the clinical science emphasis will be required to take:

Cognitive & Intellectual Assessment …………...... 3 hours

Personality Assessment …………...... 3 hours

Theories, Research, and Practice of Psychological Treatment...... 3 hours

Empirically-supported Psychological Treatments...... 3 hours

Psychopathology …………...... 3 hours

Ethical Issues in Psychological Assessment ………………………1 hour

Ethical Issues in Psychological Intervention ……………………….1 hour

Clinical Practicum …………...... 4 hours

Electives in Psychology ...... 12 hours

(determined in consultation with the Graduate and Area Coordinators)

Students in the social emphasis will also be required to take:

Social Psychology …………...... 3 hours

Special Topics in Social Psychology...... 3 hours

Developmental Psychology …………...... 3 hours

Personality …………...... …3 hours

Brain, Biology, and Behavior…………………………………………3 hours

Principles of Psychometrics …………...... ……………………….3 hours

Directed Research …………………..……………...... 6 hours

Electives in Psychology ...... 6 hours

(determined in consultation with the Graduate and Area Coordinators)

A minimum of 41 semester hours (44 hours for the clinical science emphasis), including a thesis, is required for receipt of the M.A. degree.

Additional elective courses not listed above include:

Psychology of Human Differences

Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

Research Design

Computer Programming for Psychological Applications

Conditioning and Learning

Memory and Language

Sensation and Perception

Health Psychology

Special Topics in Developmental Psychology

Development of Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective

Drugs and Individual Behavior

Psychology of Aging

Psychology of Music

Psychology and Technology

Seminar in Psychology

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