Postgraduate Certificate in Managing Practice Quality in Social Care

Please complete one booking form per participant and email to .

I would like to enrol on the Team Manager Development Programme that starts with a pre-course seminar on the date shown below:

14 July 2016 in NorthWales (TMDP 23)

20September 2016 in South West Wales (TMDP 24)

I have specific access, communication, learning or dietary needs. Please specify these needs here and/or contact Chris Brennan on

Please indicate if you would prefer to either submit your written assignments and/or receive individual support in the medium of Welsh or English.

Please indicate whether you are working in:

Children's Services or Adults' Services or Other please specify

Title / First Name / Last name
Job Title
Care Council for Wales registration number (or equivalent body)
Your line manager’s name
Your line manager’s email address

The cost of the programme is £3,000 per person. The fee covers programme materials and administration costs, but not your travel and accommodation expenses (if necessary). The IPC cancellation and non-attendance policy applies.

My Purchase Order Number is:

Address for invoice to be sent to (if different to above):

Enquiries: please contact Chris Brennan at IPC on or 01225 484088.

Institute of Public Care 1

Please answer the questions over page

TMDP Entry Requirements

The programme is aimed at team managers and aspiring managers, including senior practitioners, in social care teams. Such teams can include integrated teams with health or education as well as social work professionals. The programme is therefore suitable for other professionals, as well as social workers, who manage or supervise qualified professionals e.g. community-based Occupational Therapists. The course is, however, not appropriate for managers of provider services, such as residential or day care services.

Please confirm that you meet the entry criteria for the qualification or contact if you do not:

I have a recognised professional qualification in social work (or similar for non-social work staff) and registration with the Care Council for Wales (or equivalent body)

I have a minimum of three years post qualifying experience

I occupy a front line management or senior practitioner position in a social care setting (as described above), or have been identified as an ‘emergent leader’ with impending career progression

I have some supervisory responsibilities of qualified professionals

I have the support of my line manager to undertake this qualification

Please complete the following in 200 - 400 words:

Why is managing quality important within a social care environment?

Institute of Public Care 1