CGC 1DIMulticulturalism Presentation
The purpose of this project is to increase our awareness of the characteristics of the countries from which new Canadians are emigrating. We will be using our own ancestral roots as the basis for our research. You may work in partners if you choose.
□ 1. Choose a country: With a partner, or individually, choose a country to research.
□ 2. Information: Using the Internet (helpful sites listed below), and books in the library
obtain the following information about your country:
□ Geography: population, capital city, area/size, major physical features (bodies of
water, mountains, desert etc.), description of climate, location of country on a world
map, map of the country itself (1-2 slides, plus maps)
□ Cultural Baggage: Create one slide each for at least 4 of the following:
- holidays- dress/clothing- sports- religion
- foods- language- tourism- skills
- art- marriage customs- etiquette- music/dance
□ Ethnic Breakdown: give percentages of language, ethnic or religious groups to
illustrate the diversity of your country.
□ Flag: download a copy of your country’s flag and include the website where you got it
- When collecting the above information be sure to put it into your OWN words.
□ 3. Bibliography: Keep track of the sources of your information (websites, books etc).
Create a bibliography page for the last slide of your presentation.
□ 4. Power Point/Other: Using Power Point, Prezi or another presentation program,
organize the information you collected into a series of slides.
□ 5. Presentation: You will be presenting your project and cultural extras* in front of the
class (10-15 mins). Practice what you will say and how you will present the
information. Include a 5-10 question quiz at the end for your audience.
□ 6. *Spice it up! You are encouraged to spice up your presentation by dressing in
cultural clothing, brining in traditional foods, singing/dancing, playing a game etc.
Multiculturalism Presentation – Marking Scheme
Topic: ______Name(s): ______
Criteria / Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4 / MarkKnowledge/ Understanding
(see checklist below) / Research demonstrates little knowledge of facts and concepts / Research demonstrates some knowledge of facts and concepts / Research demonstrates considerable knowledge of facts and concepts / Research demonstrates thorough knowledge of facts and concepts / /20
Thinking/ Inquiry / Research has not been conducted and organized in an effective manner.
Poor or no sources in bibliography. / Research has been organized and conducted in a somewhat effective manner.
Sources in bibliography are minimal. / Research has been organized and conducted in an effective manner.
Good variety of sources in bibliography. / Research has been organized and conducted in a highly effective manner.
Excellent variety of sources in bibliography. / /5
(Written text) / Information has been communicated with limited effectiveness / Information has been communicated with some effectiveness / Information has been communicated with considerable effectiveness / Information has been communicated with a great degree effectiveness / /5
Communication (Oral) / Information delivered with limited effectiveness
Quiz generated little or no interest / Information delivered with some effectiveness
Quiz generated some interest / Information delivered with considerable effectiveness
Quiz held the students’ attention / Information delivered with a great degree of effectiveness
Quiz was creative and interesting. / /5
Application / -Presentation not organized in an effective manner
-Limited ability to display information graphically / -Presentation organized in a somewhat effective manner
-Moderate ability to display information graphically / -Presentation organized in an effective manner
-Considerable ability to display information graphically / -Presentation organized in a highly effective manner
-Excellent ability to display information graphically / /5
TOTAL: / /50
Knowledge/Understanding Checklist:
- Small and large scale maps
- Area of country
- Physical features
- CapitalCity Description
- Population of country
- Ethnic Breakdown Graph
-Culture (2 marks each)For Groups of 3: