School of Agriculture,

Policy and Development

Clyde Higgs Scholarships 2018

APPLICATION DEADLINE:Wednesday 30th May 2018

The Clyde Higgs Scholarships 2018 are to support and encourage new and dynamic young people as they enter or progress in the agricultural industry. During his lifetime, Clyde Higgs ran a thriving two thousand acre dairy farm in Warwickshire and a four thousand acre farm in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro in addition to holding a number of prominent positions including: Agricultural correspondent for the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) and Council Member of the Royal Agricultural Society. Clyde was seen as a highly innovative and enterprising farmer. The Scholarship is generously provided by the Elizabeth Creak Charitable Trust.

The School of Agriculture, Policy and Development is pleased to announce the availability of up to three Scholarships for UK applicants for the following degree courses:

  • MSc Agricultural Economics*
  • MSc Agriculture and Development*

Each Scholarship will be worth £7,360 towards payment of the UK tuition fees.The nature of the charitable funding restricts this to UK applicants only.

*These courses are delivered by the Graduate Institute of International Development,Agriculture and Economics located within the School.

Conditions of Application and Award

Terms and Conditions

  1. To be considered, applicants must have an unconditionaloffer on one of the programmes listed above.
  1. Awards are intended to acknowledge and support applicants with a very strong academic record.
  1. A maximum of one Scholarship will be awarded per applicant.
  1. An award will only apply for the 2018-19 academic year and cannot be deferred.
  1. Successful candidates only will be contacted on an individual basis via email.
  1. The School reserves the right to offer no awards if there are no suitable applicants.
  1. Applications for a Scholarship must be received by Wednesday 30th May 2018.
  1. No further funds will be awarded. Any other additional costs will be covered by the awardee (you). The University accepts no responsibility for any such costs incurred in relation to the Scholarship.
  1. In taking up the Scholarship you agree to participate in relevant School marketing activities and maybe required to provide a report to the Charitable Trust.
  1. A selection committee will consider applications shortly after the deadline of 30th May 2018and successful applicants only will be notified by Friday 29th June 2018. The decision of the Selection Committee is final and not subject to appeal.

Criteria for Award

The panel will base its decision on a range of factors including academic excellence and the degree to which the applicant has demonstrated their suitability for an award. Scholarship offers are made as fee reductions. Students may not accept more than one bursary or Scholarship offered by the School of Agriculture or the Graduate Institute.

If you are a University of Reading Undergraduate, or alumnus who graduated in the last three years, you are not only eligible for an alumni discount but could also be awarded a Scholarship on top.

Clyde Higgs Scholarships 2018

Application form

Before completing the form you should read carefully the Conditions of Application and Award. The deadline for applications is Wednesday 30th May 2018.

Part 1: Personal details (Please use block capitals)
First name
Date of Birth
Part 2: Contact information
Part 3: Academic information:
List all your university degrees and the overall mark achieved for each of them, and the awarding University.
Subject /

Overall mark


Awarding University

Briefly explain the grading system at the University/Universities you attended. What is the minimum overall pass mark required for a candidate to successfully graduate?
Part 4: Course application details
Course applied for
Application number
Part 5: Statement
This is the most important part of the form as it will help inform our decision when awarding a Scholarship. You should give careful consideration to your submission. Keep your answers concise.
Tell us why you should receive this scholarship?
You should include any relevant experience in the agriculture field.
Please feel free to include voluntary or paid experience.
Tell us what contribution you think you will make to the wider agriculture and farming community on your graduation?
Part 7: Declaration
I understand that giving false information will automatically disqualify my application.
I further undertake to repay any monies obtained by me as a result of the above.
I have fully read and understood the information provided in the above Conditions of Application and Award.
Your name (CAPITALS)
Your signature / Date

Email completed forms as an attachment to no later than Wednesday 30th May 2018 with ‘Clyde Higgs Scholarships 2018– Application form’ as a subject header.

How will my application be assessed?

Applications will be shortlisted according to the criteria set out in Conditions of Application and Award. A selection committee will consider applications shortly after the deadline of 30th May 2018and successful applicants only will be notified by Friday 29th June 2018. The decision of the Selection Committee is final and not subject to appeal.

How will I know if my application has been successful?

Due to the large amount of applications expected, only successful applicants will be notified by Wednesday 30th May 2018. If you have not heard by this date consider that you have not been successful.

If my application is successful, how will the Scholarship be paid?

The Scholarship will normally be made as a fee reduction.