- Contestants ages are determined as of January 1st of the current year. Proof of age will be required by copy of birth certificate.
- All contestants under 18 must have a release form signed by a legal parent/guardian.
- Western attire is required: Western hat, boots, and long-sleeved shirt.
- The decision of any judge, flagman or timers will be final.
- If timer misses time, contestants will receive a re-run on a new animal, plus any barrier penalty from first run.
- All rough stock will be drawn for.
- Re-rides will be given at the rodeo judges’ discretion. Re-ride may be given when stock fails to break, stops or fouls the rider.
- If re-ride is given, judge shall inform the contestant immediately of his/her marking and an option of the re-ride.
- All rough stock contestants must wear an athletic protective mouthpiece while competing.
- A contestant may be disqualified for not being ready to compete after three calls.
- A contestant may be disqualified for mistreatment of rodeo stock or contestant’s horse.
- If a contestant or parent/guardian helper is abusive to a judge, the judge may disqualify the contestant.
- Hats must be on contestant’s head when he/she enters the arena. Failing to do so will result in a disqualification.
- Boys and girls may compete in any and all events
- Only judges, adult helpers on horses, and contestants in arena during an event. Exceptions for bull fighters during rough stock events, and adults helping contestants. No kids other than the contestant(s) on horses during events.
- A contestant that is being assisted/helped cannot receive points above or placed above another contestant that is competing on their own. The contestant receiving assistance will descend to the bottom of the placing and will receive the remaining points.
- All dogs must be leashed at all times during rodeo.
- Contestants must pay entry fees prior to event (rodeo), no exceptions.
- Spacing out contestants for events must be taken care of at the entry table and must be noted on the entry form.
- Once draw is completed entry fees are not refundable, unless it it’s a medical emergency.
- No contestants may put horses in pens until all stock is taken care of first. Stock contractor has priority to stock pens first.
- Runs are as you are entered.
- If contestant is not competing or directly assisting someone who is, they should not be in the arena and may be disqualified.
- Eligibility of contestants is at the sole discretion of the Rodeo Chairperson.
- Only one parent or guardian will be allowed with contestant at the chute
- No sunglasses will be worn in arena
- Open Barrels and Youth Barrels are considered as one event and two classes. The same horse may not be used in both classes. The same horse cannot be used twice in one event. A rider competing in both classes must use two different horses. Two people riding the same horse must be entered in two different events.
- Senior Bulls- 18 and over, Junior Bulls – 17 and under
- Bull will be ridden 8 seconds.
- Time to start when the animal’s inside front shoulder passes the plane of the chute gate.
- Riding is to be done with one hand with loose rope, with or without handhold.
- Touching animal with free hand will disqualify contestant.
- Flank ropes will be used.
- Contestant must wear protective vest and mouthpiece.
Marking the ride according to how much the contestant is in control.
Score is 1-25 on both bucking animal and contestant.
- 14 and under
- Steer will be ridden 6 seconds
- Time to start when the animals inside front shoulder passes the plane of the chute gate.
- Riding is to be done with one hand with loose rope, with or without handhold.
- Time will stop if contestant touches him/herself or animal with free hand.
- Contestant must wear protective vest and mouthpiece.
Mark the ride according to how much the contestant is in control.
Score is 1-25 on both bucking animal and contestant.
If no qualified ride is made, contestant making the longest ride is to be declared the winner of money, no points.
(9 years and under)
- Calf will be ridden for 6 seconds
- Time to start when animals inside front shoulder passes the plane of the chute gate.
- Riding is to be done with one or two hands with a loose rope, with or without handhold.
- Contestant must declare one or two hands.
- If one hand is used, time will stop if contestant touches him/herself or animal
with free hand
- If two hands are used, rope must remain in both hands for full 6-seconds ride.
- Protective helmet and mouthpiece are optional but strongly recommended.
Mark the ride according to how much the contestant is in control.
Score 1-25 on both bucking animal and contestant
If no qualified ride is made, contestant making the longest ride is to be declared the winner of money, no points.
(7 years and under)
- Sheep to be ridden for 4 seconds
- Contestant must wear western attire, cowboy hat or helmet, long-sleeve shirt and boots.
- Time to start when animal inside front shoulder passes the plane of the chute gate.
- One or two hands may be used at any time during ride.
- Must be in full western attire
- Contestant may ride one handed with rope or two hands with or without rope. Contestants using one hand with a rope will be scored higher than contestants using two hands or no rope.
- Being held on by anyone will result in a no time or no score.
- No re-rides for falling, stopping or fouling the rider will be given once the sheep has moved at least the length of its body.
The ride will be scored according to how much the contestant is in control.
Latch side judge (or back judge) will record ground time to be used in case of not enough qualified scores in order to fill placing. Score 1-25 on both bucking animal and contestant. If no qualified ride is made, contestant making the longest ride to be declared the winner
- Starting line will be subject to ground rules.
- The pole-bending pattern is to be run around six poles
- Poles shall be 21 feet apart
- Poles shall be set on top of ground, five to seven feet in height.
- Poles must be in straight line.
- The horse’s nose will be timed as it crosses the starting line.
- Touching poles is permitted by horse or contestant.
- A horse may start either to the right or left of the first pole and then run the remainder of the pattern accordingly.
- Knocking over a pole is a five second penalty, per pole.
- Not following the pole-bending pattern will receive a no time.
- If horse re-crosses starting line at any time before the pattern is completed, pattern will be considered broken and run will receive no time.
- If automatic timer fails to record time, back-up stopwatch time will be used.
(Open barrel contestants 18 years of age and older; Youth barrels 17 years of age and younger)
- Arena conditions and ground rules will determine starting line and distance between barrels.
- The horse’s nose will be timed as it crosses the starting line.
- The contestant may start on either the right or left barrel.
- Touching barrel is permitted by horse or contestant.
- Knocking over the barrel is a 5-second penalty, per barrel.
- Not following the cloverleaf pattern will receive a no time.
- If horse re-crosses starting line at any time before the pattern is completed, pattern will be considered broken and run will receive no time.
- If automatic timer fails to record time, the back-up stop watch time will be used.
- Starting line will be 100 feet from stake.
- The goat should be tied to a stake with a rope 10 feet in length.
- The contestant must be mounted on a horse and must ride from the starting line to the goat, dismount, throw the goat by hand, then cross and tie any three legs tighter with a leather thong, piggin string or rope, and stand clear of goat.
- Time will start when the contestant crosses the starting line. T
- Time will stop when contestant signals the completion of the tie by throwing his/her hands in the air.
- Legs must remain crossed and secure for 6 seconds after completion of tie.
- The timing of the tie will begin when the contestant stands clear of the goat.
- Contestant will receive a no time for touching the goat or tie string after completion of the tie.
- If the contestant or horse runs over the goat or rope with horse while mounted or un-mounted, they will get at 10 second penalty.
- Contestant is still mounted until both feet are on the ground.
- To qualify as a legal tie there will be one or more wraps and a half hitch or knot.
- If the goat is down when the contestant reaches it, goat must be raised high enough to regain its feet and be re-thrown. If goat falls after being touched by contestant, goat will be considered thrown.
Lap and tap: No barrier to be used, flagger to flag time when animal’s nose clears the gate.
- Animal belongs to contestant when he/she calls for it, regardless of what happens, with the following exceptions:
A. If the animal gets out of the arena, flag will be dropped and the contestant gets the animal back lap and tap with the time added which was taken when the animal left the arena plus any barrier penalty.
B. In case of mechanical failure.
C. In the opinion of the line judge, contestant is fouled by the barrier, providing contestant declares himself by pulling up.
- There will be a ten second penalty assessed for breaking the barrier.
- No re-run or re-ride will be given due to faulty or broken equipment furnished by the contestant.
- Roping box shall be part of the arena in the roping events. Should the barrier break at any point other than the designated breaking point, the decision is up to the barrier judge. If contestant obviously beats the barrier, but the staples are pulled or barrier rope is broken and string unbroken, barrier judge may asses a ten second penalty. Otherwise, this will not be considered a broken barrier.
- Time line – 30 seconds.
- An automatic barrier must be used.
- Horse must clear box before a loop is thrown
- Time to be taken between two flags
- A working neck rope must be used. A rope keeper on tie down or headstall must be used. Contestant must adjust rope and reins in a manner that will prevent the horse from dragging calf.
- Two loops will be permitted.
- If roper intends to use two loops, he must carry two loops.
- No loops can be rebuilt.
- If second rope falls from saddle before it is used, it cannot be rebuilt.
- Only a bell catch will be considered legal.
- Roping calf without releasing loop from hand will disqualify catch.
- Time limit – 30 seconds.
- An automatic barrier must be used.
- Horse must clear box before a loop is thrown.
- Time is to be taken between two flags.
- A working neck rope must be used. A rope keeper or tie down or headstall must be used. Contestant must adjust rope and reins in a manner that will prevent the horse from dragging calf.
- Two loops will be permitted.
- If roper intends to use two loops, he must carry two loops.
- No loops can be rebuilt.
- If second rope falls from saddle before it is used, it cannot be rebuilt.
- Contestant must rope calf, dismount, go down rope and throw the calf by hand. Cross and tie any three legs.
- Any catch is legal, catch-as-catch-can.
- If calf is down when roper reaches it, calf must be stood on at least three feet (calf must be elevated high enough that he could regain his feet) and calf must be re-thrown.
- If roper’s hand is on calf when calf falls, calf is considered thrown by hand.
- To qualify as a legal tie, there shall be one or more wraps, and a half hitch or hooey.
- Three legs must stay crossed and tied for 6 seconds.
- A six second time will start when roper has remounted and his horse has taken one step forward.
- Roping calf without releasing loop from hand will disqualify catch.
- Roper will be flagged no time for touching calf, string or rope (before remounting) after giving finish signal.
- When roper gets on horse roper cannot drag calf at all.
- Time limit 45 seconds.
- Automatic barrier must be used.
- Horse must clear box before a loop is thrown.
- Time will be taken between two flags.
- Header will start behind barrier and must throw the first loop.
- Heeler must start behind barrier line.
- Time will be stopped when steer is roped, both horses facing steer in line with ropes dallied and tight.
- Roping steer without turning loose of the loop will be considered a no catch.
- Ropers must be mounted when time is taken.
- Steer must be standing up when time is taken.
- There will be only 3 legal catches.
both horns.
half a head.
around the neck.
- Hondo over horn or figure eight anywhere on head is no time.
- Any heel catch behind both shoulders is legal if rope goes up both heels.
- It will be considered crossfire and flagged as a no time if heeler throws rope before the steer is in tow by the header.
- If the heeler ropes a front foot or feet in the heel loop as foul catch, however, should the front foot or feet come out of the heel loop by the time the field flag judge drops its flag, time will be counted.
- No foul catches can be removed by hand.
- In case the field flag judge flags out a time that still legally has one or more loops coming the judge will give the same steer back lap and tap, plus time already lapsed and any barrier penalty.
Saddle Bronc
- Horse will be ridden 8 seconds.
- Time to start when the animals inside front shoulder passes the plane of the chute gate.
- Touching animal with free hand will disqualify contestant.
- Flank straps will be used.
- Contestant must wear protective vest and mouthpiece.
- Riding is done with halter, one rope rein and committee saddle.
- Standard halter must be used unless both contestant and stock contractor make agreement.
- Committee saddle specifications: Three-quarter rigging, this is determined by one-fourth the measurement from the center of the base of the horn to the inside of the top of the cantle.
- Each contestant is responsible for obtaining necessary rodeo equipment in order to be ready to contest when called.
- Riding rein and hand must be on same side.
- Horses will be saddled in the chute.
- Rider may cinch own saddle or examine same to determine if satisfactory. Either stock contractor or contestant shall have the right to call the judges to pass on whether or not horse is properly saddled and flanked to buck its best.
- Middle flank belongs to the bronc ride, but contractor may have rider put flank behind curve of horses’ belly.
- To qualify: rider must have spurs over the break of the shoulders and touching horse when horse’s front feet hit the ground first just out of the chute.
- One arm must be free at all times.
- If in the opinion of the judges, a saddle bronc deliberately throws himself, the rider shall have the choice of that horse again or he may have a horse drawn for him from the re-ride horses.
- If the contractor’s flank comes off or breaks during the ride, the rider may take score or get a re-ride. If flank comes off the horse, rider may have a re-ride, provided rider completes a qualified ride.
- Any of the following offenses shall disqualify a rider: Being bucked off; changing hands or rein; wrapping rein around hand; pulling leather; losing stirrup; or touching animal or saddle or rein with free hand; riding with locked rowels or rowels that will lock on spurs (the judges will examine clothing, saddle rein, and spurs and exception will be made if local rules make it necessary for the covering of spur rowels).
- Horse will be ridden 8 seconds.
- Time to start when the animals inside front shoulder passes the plane of the chute gate.
- Touching animal with free hand will disqualify contestant.
- Flank strap will be used.
- Contestant must wear protective vest and mouthpiece.
- One hand rigging is used. Riders may use their own rigging, if rigging is not over ten inches in width with loose hand hold, and “D” ring is not over six inches and not a freak.
- Contestants must be able to freely insert a hand into and out of the handhold.
- No wedge, gimmicks or fingertucks allowed.
- Judges are permitted to inspect the riggings.
- Riders who are knocked off at chute or when horse falls out of chute will be entitled to a re-ride at discretion of judges.
- A rider will be given a re-ride or he may take his score if the flank comes off or breaks, provided the rider completed a qualified ride. The matter of re-ride shall be decided by the judge.
- If rigging comes off horse without breaking, rider is disqualified.
- To qualify, rider must have spurs over the break of the shoulders and touching horse when horse’s front feet hit the ground first jump out of the chute.
- Contestants will have the right to call judges to pass on whether or not horse is properly flanked and cinched.
- Any of the following offenses will disqualify a rider: being bucked off; riding with rowels too sharp in the opinion of the judges; touching animal with free hand; riding with locked rowels. Judge may require rider to take his hand out of the rigging after a horse is cinched. Stock contractor may request judge to take such action
- There will be no tape or any other adhesive material or substance other than dry resin used on rigging or on rider’s glove, which will be plain glove with no flaps, rolls, wedges, welds or gimmicks. Rider may have a single layer of sheepskin or leather under handhold. Rider may not take any kind of finger tuck or finger wrap. Violator shall be disqualified.
- Rigging must lie flat on horse back while rigging is being cinched. Stock contractor may call judge to pass on whether rigging is being set and/or cinched in a day that might hurt horse’s back.
- No fiberglass or metal will be used in riggings or hand holds. Only leather or rawhide is allowed for hand holds. Flathead rivets are allowed to secure handhold; only other metal allowed will be in the “D” ring. All riggings must have enough sheepskin or sponge rubber or one-inch-thick pad underneath to cover the bars. Judges shall disqualify bareback rider, who has been advised he is next to go, if he is not above the animal with his glove on when previous horse leaves the arena. Cinches on bareback riggings shall be made of Mohair and shall be at least five inches wide.