Second Editions
by Peter Stannard and Ken Williamson
Stage 5 Syllabus Checklists
for New South Wales Science7-10 syllabusto be implemented in 2005
These checklists form part of the revised 2004 NSW Course Construction Guides for ScienceWorld. They have been prepared by Margaret Shepherd, Freeman Catholic College, Bonnyrigg Heights, and the authors. They are available free of charge to NSW Schools as a hard copy or as Word (2002) or PDF files (Acrobat v5.0) from the series web page at
The Word file incorporates ‘tracked changes’ allowing users to see the revisions to the new syllabus compared to the 1999 syllabus. To display tracked changes, on the Reviewing toolbar change view to ‘Final showing markup’.
Schools may copy portions of this document into their own teaching programs.
Other documents comprising the revised 2004 ScienceWorld NSW Course Construction Guides are available from the series web page or from Macmillan offices:
Stage 4 Syllabus Checklists
Core and Additional Content for ScienceWorld 7
(giving details of the principal outcomes and additional content covered by the textbook)
Core and Additional Content for ScienceWorld 8
Core and Additional Content for ScienceWorld 9
Core and Additional Content for ScienceWorld 10
ScienceWorld 9 & 10 Second Editions – Contents Lists
Summary Grid of ScienceWorld
Stage 5 Prescribed Focus Areas Checklist
Stage 5 Domains Checklist
Stage 5 Skills Checklist
The Second Editions of the ScienceWorld junior/middle series published by Macmillan Education Australia enables teachers to implement the revised NSW Science Years 7-10 Syllabusfrom 2005 onwards.
Stage 4:
- ScienceWorld 7 Second Edition – Year 7
- ScienceWorld 8 Second Edition – Year 8
Stage 5:
- ScienceWorld 9 Second Edition – Year 9
- ScienceWorld 10 Second Edition – Year 10
The content of the series assists teachers:
- to cover the five Prescribed Focus Areas (PFAs) and the Domain content, and
- to develop knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes through appropriate contexts.
Each chapter addresses at least one of the Prescribed Focus Areas and all five PFAs are covered in each book. There are some chapters which concentrate on the skills domain but in all chapters the development of skills is fully integrated with other domain content.
The ‘Getting started’ section at the beginning of each chapter establishes a context and checks what students know already.
Outcomes and core content checklists
This documents comprises checklists which indicate the match between ScienceWorld and the NSW Syllabus for Stage 5. The references in the checklists are to the last two books in the ScienceWorld series. These checklists indicate where the core content is covered in ScienceWorld. Stage 5 outcomes are developed in ScienceWorld 9 and 10, while Stage 4 outcomes are developed in ScienceWorld 7 and 8. (It should be noted that values and attitudes are not included in these checklists since they are very general and should be kept in mind at all times.) In the summary grid, each ScienceWorld chapter has been placed in the domain to which it contributes most strongly. Details of the way in which ScienceWorld facilitates the development of the outcomes and core content are provided in separate documents, listed on the first page.
Through the Experiments, Activities, Exercises, Challenges and Further Activities, ScienceWorld provides ample practical experiences to occupy at least 50 per cent of the allocated course time. Many of these practical experiences are designed for small groups of students, allowing opportunity for the development of Skill 4/5.22.2 (work in teams). Many of the skills, for example solving problems (4/5.20), are developed in the Workbooks which accompany ScienceWorld.
Each chapter begins with a practical experience page called ‘Getting started’. This has two functions:
- to establish an everyday context for the chapter, and
- to help the teacher establish what students already know about the content of the chapter.
Student research project
ScienceWorld provides many opportunities for teachers to meet the syllabus requirement for student research projects. There are many suggestions for student projects throughout the series.
Stage 5 Syllabus Checklists for the series ScienceWorld Second Editions
by Peter Stannard & Ken Williamson. Published by Macmillan Education Australia
ScienceWorld 9 & 10 Second Editions – Contents Lists
ScienceWorld 9 Second Edition
/ScienceWorld 10 Second Edition
1Investigating reactions1.1Reaction rate
1.2Speeding up reactions
1.3Energy and mass in reactions
2Life in the past
2.1Fossils and how they form
2.2Inferring from fossils
2.3How life has changed
3Light and sound
3.1Properties of light and sound
3.2Light and colour
3.3Light and sound waves
4How cells work
4.1Cells and cell growth
4.2Cell processes
4.3How materials get into cells
5Everyday substances
5.2Carbon compounds
5.3Plastics and fibres
6Using electricity
6.1Electrical safety
6.2Measuring electricity
6.3Generating electricity
7Living with microbes
7.1Microscopic life
7.2Helpful microbes
7.3Microbes and disease
8Dynamic Earth
8.1Changes in the Earth
8.3Earth plates
9Living with acids and bases
9.1What are acids and bases?
9.2Explaining acids and bases
9.3Reactions of acids and bases
10.1Nerves and hormones
10.2Responses in plants
10.3Body balance
11Ecosystem Earth
11.1Living in ecosystems
11.2Local ecosystems
11.3The Earth as an ecosystem
12Consumer science
12.1Consumer testing
12.2Guide to options / 1Science is investigating
1.1Steps in investigating
1.2Processing data
1.3On your own
2Communications technology
2.3Television and radio
3Exploring the universe
3.1The universe from Earth
3.3Star life cycles
4Road science
4.1Speed and acceleration
5Space travel
5.1Living in space
5.2Getting into space
5.3Orbiting the Earth
6Explaining reactions
6.1Chemical bonds
6.2Chemical shorthand
6.3Predicting a reaction
7Metals and non-metals
7.1The periodic table
7.2Chemical families
7.3Extracting metals
8Our genes
8.1Genes and chromosomes
8.2Genes at work
8.3DNA and the genetic code
9Species survival
9.1Variations and selection
9.3Selecting genes
10Our energy future
10.1Energy today
10.2Renewable energy
10.3Managing energy
11.1Cells and batteries
11.3Corrosion of metals
12Chemicals in the environment
12.1Air pollution
12.2Water pollution
Stage 5 Syllabus Checklists for the series ScienceWorld Second Editions
by Peter Stannard & Ken Williamson. Published by Macmillan Education Australia
Summary Grid of ScienceWorld
Syllabus elements
/Integrated with domain content
Prescribed Focus Areas
/Stage 4
/Stage 5
Year 7
/Year 8
/Year 9
/Year 10
Domains /The physical world
/ 4Seeing and hearing6Pushes and pulls
7Using magnets / 9Electricity
5Energy in our lives
12Investigating heat / 3Light and sound
6Using electricity / 2 Communications technology
4Road science
Matter / 3Everyday reactions / 1Mixing and separating
8Building blocks of matter
6What are things made of? / 1Investigating reactions
5Everyday substances
9Living with acids and bases / 6Explaining reactions
7Metals and non-metals
The living world / 5Our bodies / 3Building blocks of life
4The living world
10Food for life / 4How cells work
7Living with microbes
10Responding / 8Our genes
9Species survival
Earth and space / 8Rocks
9The Earth in space / 7The Earth and beyond / 2Life in the past
8Dynamic Earth / 3Exploring the universe
5Space travel
Inter-actions / 10Living things and places
11How things work / 11Environments / 11Ecosystem Earth
12Consumer science / 10Our energy future
12Chemicals in the environment
Skills / 1Working in a laboratory
2Science skills
12Structures / 2Working scientifically / 1Science is investigating
Stage 5 Syllabus Checklists for the series ScienceWorld Second Editions
by Peter Stannard & Ken Williamson. Published by Macmillan Education Australia
Stage 5 Prescribed Focus Areas Checklist
Showing which chapters in ScienceWorld 9 and ScienceWorld 10 cover the Stage 5 Prescribed Focus Areas.
Each unit of work must address at least one of the Prescribed Focus Areas. Teachers will select the appropriate essential content to achieve the relevant Stage 4 or Stage 5 Prescribed Focus Area outcome. The essential content described below reflects Prescribed Focus Area knowledge and understanding that students should be able to demonstrate by the end of Stage 5.
5.1explains how social factors influence the development and acceptance of scientific ideas.4/5.1the history of science to:
a)identify some of the scientific ideas that different cultures have contributed to science throughout history
b)describe (using examples including those developed by Aboriginal peoples), ideas developed by different cultures to explain the world around them
c)describe some models and theories that have been considered in science and then modified or rejected as a result of available evidence
d)discuss examples where societal, religious or ethical values have had an impact on scientific developments
e)describe historical cases where developments in science have led to the development of new technologies
f)describe historical cases where developments or improvements in technology have transformed science. / 3
8, 9
5, 7 / 3, 8
3, 12
3, 9, 11
2, 7, 10, 11
5.2describes the processes that are applied to test and validate models, theories and laws.
4/5.2the nature and practice of science to:
a)evaluate the role of importance of using creativity, curiosity, objectivity and logical reasoning in describing phenomena carrying outin their surroundings, stimulating investigations about phenomena and in the devising and testing of hypotheses
b)distinguish between scientific argument and economic or legal argument
c)apply scientific processes to test the validity of ideas and theories
d)describe how an idea can gain acceptance in the scientific community as either theory or law
e)use examples which show that scientists isolate a set of observations, identify trends and patterns and construct hypotheses or models to explain these
f)give examples that demonstrate the benefits and limitations of using models
g)identify that the nature of observations made depends upon the understanding that the observer brings to the situation. / 1, 9,10,12
8, 11
3 / 12
3, 6, 8, 9
5.3evaluates the impact of applications of science on society and the environment.
4/5.3applications and uses of science to:
a)identify and describe examples of scientific concepts and principles that have been used in technological developments (including Australian examples)
b)discuss, using examples, the positive and negative impacts of applications of recent developments in science
c)identify and describe examples where technological advances have impacted on science
d)give reasons why society should support scientific research. / 13, 5, 6
4 / 2, 4, 11
8, 9, 10, 11, 12
3, 5
8, 10
5.4discusses evidence supporting different viewpoints.
4/5.4implications of science for society and the environment to:
a)discuss viewpoints about some issues with a major scientific component
b)give examples to show that different societal groups may use or weight criteria differently to make a decision about an issue involving a major scientific component
c)identify choices that need to be or have been made when considering whether to use particular scientific advances
d)analyse reasons why different cultures or groups within a society, including Aboriginal people, may have different views in relation to scientific issues
e)discuss the place of social and ethical considerations in scientific practice and in applications of science. / 4, 5, 7, 9
5, 7, 12 / 2, 9, 12
8, 10, 12
10, 12
1, 8
5.5analyses how current research might affect people’s lives.
4/5.5current issues, research and developments to:
a)describe some recent scientific contributions made by male and female scientists, including Australians, and discuss the effect of their contributions
b)evaluate the potential impact of some issues raised in the mass media that require some scientific understanding
c)identify scientific skills that can be useful in a broad range of careers
d)identify possible career paths in science. / 7
10 / 3, 5, 7, 10
5, 8, 9, 10
Stage 5 Syllabus Checklists for the series ScienceWorld Second Editions
by Peter Stannard & Ken Williamson. Published by Macmillan Education Australia
Stage 5 Domains Checklist
Showing which chapters in ScienceWorld 9 and ScienceWorld 10 cover the Stage 5 Domains.
5.6applies basic physical models, theories and laws to situations involving energy, force and motion.Models, Theories and Laws; Structures and systems related to the Physical world
5.6.1the wave model
a)identify waves as carriers of energy
b)qualitatively describe features of waves including frequency, wavelength and speed
c)give examples of different types of radiation that make up the electromagnetic spectrum and identify some of their uses / 3
3 / 2
5.6.2Newton’s Laws – motion
a)describe qualitatively the relationship between force, mass and acceleration
b)explain qualitatively the relationship between distance, speed and time
c)relate qualitatively acceleration to a change in speed and/or direction as a result of a net force
d)analyse qualitatively common situations involving motion in terms of Newton’s Laws. / 4, 5
4, 5
Structures and systems related to the Physical world
5.6.3electrical energy
a)design, construct and draw circuits containing a number of components
b)describe voltage, resistance and current using analogies
c)describe qualitatively the relationship between voltage, resistance and current
d)compare characteristics and applicationsadvantages and disadvantages of series and parallel circuits / 6
6 / 3
5.6.4light energy
a)distinguish between the absorption, reflection, refraction and scattering of light and identify everyday situations where each occurs
5.6.5nuclear energy
a)identify that energyand particles may be released from the nuclei of atoms
b)a)explain radioactivity in terms of release of particles and energy / 3
2 / 3, 12
5.6.6gravitational force
a) relate qualitatively the force of gravity between two objects to their masses and distance apart
distinguish between the terms ‘mass’ and ‘weight’. / 5
5.7relates properties of elements, compounds and mixtures to scientific models, theories and laws.
Models, Theories and Laws related to Matter
5.7.1atomic theory
a)describe features of and the location of protons, neutrons and electrons in the atom
b)distinguish between elements, using information about the numbers of protons, neutrons and electrons
c)identify properties of different substances that can be explained in terms of their subatomic structure
d)c)describe an appropriate model that has been developed to describe atomic structure. / 6, 9
9 / 7
6, 7
6, 7
Structures and Systems related to Matter
a)identify the atom as the smallest unit of an element and distinguish between atoms and molecules
b)describe some relationships between elements using the Periodic Table / 6
5.7.3compounds and reactions
a)identify that a new compound is formed by rearranging atoms rather than by creating matter
b)classify compounds into groups based on common chemical characteristics
c)construct word equations from observations and written descriptions of a range of chemical reactions
d)identify a range of common compounds using their common names and chemical formulae
e)qualitatively describe reactants and products in the following chemical reactions:
i) combustion
ii) corrosion
iii) precipitation
iv) acids on metals and acids on carbonates
v) neutralisation
vi) decomposition
f)describe the role of indicators. / 5
5, 9
5, 9
1, 9
9 / 6
5.8relates the structure and function of living things to models, theories and laws.
Models, Theories and Laws related to the Living World
5.8.1cell theory
a)explain that systems in multicellular organisms serve the needs of cells
b)identify the role of cell division in growth, repair and reproduction in multicellular organisms
c)b)identify that abnormal cell function may result in disease / 4
4, 7
5.8.2the Watson-Crick model of DNA
a)explain the advantages of DNA replicating exactly
b)explain the advantages and disadvantages of DNA mutating
c)identify that information is transferred as DNA on chromosomes when cells reproduce themselves
d)identify that genes are part of DNA
e)identify the role of genes and environmental factors in determining the features of an organism / 8
8, 9
5.8.3the theory of evolution and natural selection
a)discuss evidence that present-day organisms have developed evolved from different organisms in the distant past
b)relate natural selection to the theory of evolution. / 2 / 9
Structures and Systems related to the Living World
a)describe the role of, and interaction between, coordination systems in maintaining humans as functioning organisms
b)describe some responses of body systems to infectious and non-infectious diseases
c)relate the organs involved in human reproductive systems to their function. (ScienceWorld8, Chapter 3, p58) / 10
5.9relates the development of the universe and the dynamic structure of Earth to models, theories and laws and the influence of time.
Models, Theories and Laws related to Earth and Space
5.9.1the big bang theory
a)discuss current scientific thinking about the origin of the universe
b)identify that some types of electromagnetic radiation are used to provide information about the universe
c)describe some of the difficulties in obtaining information about the universe / 3
5.9.2the theory of plate tectonics
a)discuss evidence that suggests crustal plates move over time.
Structures and Systems related to Earth and space
5.9.3components of the universe
a)relate some major features of the universe to theories about the formation of the universe
b)describe some changes that are likely to take place during the life of a star / 8 / 3
5.9.4natural events
a)identify that geological history can be interpreted from the formation, by sediments, of horizontal layers in which the oldest are at the base and the youngest at the top
b)describe conditions under which fossils form
c)relate the fossil record to the age of Earth and the time over which life has been evolving
d)relate movements of Earth’s plates to convection currents in the asthenosphere and to gravitational forces
e)explain how interactions at plate boundaries may result in earthquakes, volcanic activity and new landforms result from interactions at plate boundaries
f)explain some impacts of natural events including cyclones, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes on the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and/or biosphere. / 2, 8
5.10assesses human impacts on the interaction of biotic and abiotic features of the environment.
a)distinguish between biotic and abiotic features of the local environment
b)describe the importance of cycles of materials in ecosystems
c)describe some impacts of human activities on ecosystems
d)discuss strategies used to balance human activities and needs in ecosystems with conserving, protecting and maintaining the quality of the environment. / 11
7, 11
11 / 9
5.11analyses the impact of human resource use on the biosphere to evaluate methods of conserving, protecting and maintaining Earth’s resources.
5.11.1energy resources
a)discuss the importance of energy as a resource and identify renewable and non-renewable sources of energy
b)identify properties that make some natural resources economically important and describe their uses / 10
5.11.2waste from resource use
a)relate pollution to contamination by unwanted substances
b)identify excessive use of fossil fuels as a contributing factor to a greenhouse effect.
c)discuss strategies used to balance human activities and needs in ecosystems with conserving, protecting and maintaining the quality and sustainability of the environment. / 11
11 / 12
5.12describes scientific principles underlyingrelates the interactions involved in using some common technologies to their underlying scientific principles.
a)identify that simple machines make tasks easier or more convenient (ScienceWorld 7, p212)
b)identify some advantages of levers, pulleys, gears and inclined planes (ScienceWorld 7, Chapter 11)
c)a)describe some everyday uses and effects of electromagnetic radiation, including applications in communication technology / 3
3 / 2
d)discuss, using examples, how developments in electronics have changed technology, and identify some applications
e)b)give examples of medical and industrial uses of nuclear energy and discuss the benefits and problems associated with medical and industrial uses of nuclear energythese uses
f)c)describe some benefits and problems and some of the social and ethical issues of using biotechnology
g)d)describe ways in which technology has increased the variety of materialsmade resources. / 6
5, 7 / 2
10, 12
Stage 5 Syllabus Checklists for the series ScienceWorld Second Editions
by Peter Stannard & Ken Williamson. Published by Macmillan Education Australia