As Reeveof the County of Minburn No. 27it is my pleasure to report on the 2016 County activities and initiatives.Council and staff’s first priority is to look after the protection, safety and welfare of our residents and to ensure that essential services are provided. We recognizethe need to be sustainable and viable and striveto invest in the community by enhancing economic, social and cultural development and protectand improve the quality of our environment which people and economies within Alberta depend. Infrastructure development and maintenance of municipal roads, bridges, water/wastewater systems and facilities, emergency services vehicles and facilities are simultaneously ongoing along with the provision of essential services which include road grading, snowplowing, graveling and community social services such as recreation, family and community support services, library and police protection. The Countycontinues to partner with theFederal,Provincial and other Municipal governments wherever possible in order to meetits long term infrastructure upgrade plan goals.The County’s objective is to provide the community with the best service possible with available funding. The following report summarizes the highlights of the activities for 2016.
The total tax collection for 2016 was 98.02%. Thiscontinues to be an impressive rate of collection and all ratepayers are commended for their conscientious effort in this regard.
The 2016 tax rate varied on residential (4.1599Municipal) / farmland (17.7465Municipal).
A breakdown of the tax rate structure is as follows:
2016 / 2015Alberta School Foundation Fund / 2.4279 / 2.2869
Homestead Senior Citizens / .1423 / .1381
Municipal – Farmland/Residential / 17.7465/4.1599 / 16.8537/4.6599
Recreation / .6713 / .57
Planning Fund / .046 / .046
Total – Farmland / 21.0340 / 19.8947
Total – Residential / 7.4474 / 7.7009
The County of Minburn in partnership with the Village of Mannville and Village of Innisfree continues to provide regional assessment review services for residents in accordance with Part 11 of the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and Alberta Regulation 310/2009 – Matters Relating to Assessment Complaints Regulation. No assessment appeals were received in 2016.
The County purchased the following equipment in 2016:
▪ 2016 John Deere 872G motorgrader
▪ 2015 Caterpillar 160M motorgrader
▪ Fuelmaster software upgrades for the fuel systems at the Vegreville, Innisfree and Mannville municipal shops
The following transportation expenditures were accounted for in 2016:
Gravelling / 512.5 miles / $ 2,069,143Maintaining / $ 1,036,326
Snowplowing / $ 208,186
Total / $ 3,313,655
The County completed road construction/improvement projects for an approximate cost of $1,697,572 in 2016.
The County of Minburn’s 2016 Municipal Sustainability Initiative (MSI) Capital grant allocation from the Province of Alberta was $1,923,936 and applied toward the ongoing multi-year Gravel Supply Reserve Program. The 2016 MSI Operating allocation in the amount of $177,311 was approved for various regional service contracts with the Town of Vegreville and Village of Mannville as well as assisting the operations of non-profit organizations in the County of Minburn.
The Gas Tax Fund (GTF) 2016 allocation in the amount of $226,727 determined through federal-provincial territorial GTF agreements was dedicated to bridge replacement and rehabilitation projects.
The Government of Alberta encourages strong working relationships between communities and regional approaches to municipal services delivery and supports regional and capacity building priorities through the Alberta Community Partnership (ACP) Program. The County of Minburn, as the managing partner, participated with the Village of Innisfree in an ACP Program application and was successfully approved for a grant of $252,000 under the Intermunicipal Collaboration (IC) component for the purchase of a regional fire services vehicle.
Transitional Stream and Infrastructure/Debt Servicing Stream grant funding in the amount of $1,175,000 was received from the Province of Alberta under the ACP Program – Municipal Restructuring (MR) component in 2016 to assist with the restructuring costs of the Hamlet of Minburn.
The County allocated the 2016 Recreation/Facility Improvement Grant to the following organizations:
Mannville & District Agricultural Society / $106,420Innisfree & District Agricultural Society / 36,000
Minburn & District Agricultural Society / 20,000
Ranfurly & District Recreation & Agricultural Society / 20,000
Town of Vegreville Parks, Recreation & Culture / 319,087
Lavoy Action Society / 15,000
Rotary Peace Park / 35,900
Wapasu Park / 17,887
Total / $570,294
2016 was a busy year for the Planning and Development Department. The day to-day activity included the review and issuance of development permits, subdivision application review and report preparation, review of oil and gas sector notices and requests, economic activities and assorted inquiries.
Planning and Development
57 development permit applications were issued in 2016 with a value of over six million dollars.
The Viterra grain terminal was initially planned to commence construction in the spring of 2016. Due to land transfer delays the project is now planned to begin construction in the summer of 2017. The Grizzly Creek Wind Power Project received Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) approval and is scheduled to commence in late 2017 with an estimated in-service date of December 2018. The ATCO Electric Grizzly Bear Transmission Project began in November 2016 with a proposed in-service date of November 2017. The project will connect the Grizzly Bear Creek Wind Power Project to the electrical grid. ATCO Electric Vincent Sub-station construction commenced in December 2016 and will be in-service tentatively by December 2017.
Subdivision activity has doubled this year in comparison to last year’s applications. There were 22 subdivision applications submitted in 2016 compared to 11 in 2015.
The County of Minburn’s Land Use Bylaw (LUB) was updated and Municipal Development Plan (MDP) amended in 2016.
Ratepayers are reminded that Safety Code Permits which include building, electrical, gas, plumbing and private sewage are processed and inspected by The Inspections Group Inc. These permits are required regardless iflandownersare completing the work themselves. Application forms and fee schedules are available at the County of Minburn Administration office or from the The Inspections Group Inc.
Oil and Gas Sector
Given the downturn in the economy a number of pipelines and wells were abandoned in 2016, however there were 13 new wells drilled in 2016 which is a drastic increase compared to the number of wells drilled in 2015. Approach and road crossing applications have slightly increased compared to 2015. In general the oil and gas sector activity generally slowed down in 2016 compared to previous years when this type of economic activity was booming.
The Transportation Routing and Vehicle Information System (TRAVIS) Multi-jurisdictional (MJ), an automated one-stop oversize vehicle permitting system developed by the Province has been operating for over five years and Roadata Services of Red Deer continues to handle the permitting of overweight and over dimensional vehicles on County of Minburn roads. Administration and review of the permitting process is still controlled by the Planning and Development Officer. 419 permits were issued for overweight vehicle moves on County roads in 2016 which is consistent with 2015’s low numbers.
A number of pipeline projects have been placed on hold. The TransCanada Heartland Pipeline Project received a three year extension from the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER). Husky Oil Operations Ltd. commenced construction on a crude oil pipeline in the south-east corner of the County of Minburn in October 2016 and is anticipating completion by the end of 2018.
Economic Development
The County of Minburn continues to promote and facilitate economic development while supporting prospective business initiatives. We continue to maintain our membership in the Northeast Alberta Information Alberta HUB Ltd. also known as Alberta HUB which is the Regional Economic Development Alliance (REDA) of Northeast Alberta. The County of Minburn is also featured in Go East of Edmonton, Go Yellowhead, Kalyna Country, Alberta’s Lakeland Tourism and various other publications within the region.
Good strategic planning stimulates and supportseconomic development. The County of Minburn’s planning initiatives in 2016 will give potential investors and developers the certainty they require when makingdecisions on where to locate. Areas have been identified within the County that may become growth areas in the short and long-range time frame. Planning for these areas will help lead to future economic development opportunities.
The County of Minburncontinued to work with the three fire departments operating within the County – Vegreville which protects the western portion, Innisfree which protects the central portion and Mannville which protects the eastern portion of the County.
2016 Stand-Ready Fees
Assistance is provided to the Vegreville, Innisfree and Mannville Fire Departments through the payment of stand-ready fees to offset the operational costs associated with each fire department.
The total stand-ready feespaid in 2016 are as follows:
Vegreville Fire Department / $ 65,238.15Innisfree Fire Department / 17,250.78
Mannville Fire Department / 38,581.62
Total / $ 121,070.55
2016Fire Revenues
Fire revenues are collected for responses to motor vehicle collisions and fires. The following revenue has been received from the fire departments operating within the County:
Vegreville Fire Department / $ 64,235.00Innisfree Fire Department / 11,409.51
Mannville Fire Department / 35,441.75
Total / $ 111,086.26
A new tanker truck was delivered to the Innisfree Fire Department in October 2016. The cost of the truck was $252,000 and funded by the ACP Program through intermunicipal collaboration with the Village of Innisfree.
Fire Calls in 2016
New False Alarm Policy
In 2016 the County of Minburn received a significant increase in the number of false alarm calls which was partially due to the rise of security alarm systems installed in private residences. As a result of the fire response costs to false alarm calls a new policy was adopted to invoice landowners the full cost of false alarm calls with a minimum cost of $500, effective October 17, 2016.
East Central 911 Call Answer Fees for 2016
East Central 911 operating in the Town of Wainwright provides 911 dispatch services for the Innisfree and Mannville Fire Departments. In 2016 the County of Minburn paid $5,175for these services at a rate of $4 per capita for a total population of 1,509.
This 911 service also provides fire permit services for the western portion of the County of Minburn (Vegreville Fire Department’s area of coverage). $1,874 was paid in 2016 for these services at a rate of $1 per capita for a total population of 1,874.
Fire and emergency dispatch services for the western portion of the County is provided by Strathcona 911 and TELUS collects 911 revenues for this coverage area.
Significant substructure repairs were completed on the following bridges in 2016:
Bridge File (BF) / Location / Division / CostBF 7640 / NW 4-53-14-W4M / 7 / $101,396
BF 13740 / SSE 26-53-14-W4M / 4 / $104,428
BF 773 / SSE 3-54-14-W4M / 4 / $110,759
The County of Minburn is committed to providing a safe workplace for employees. In 2016 staff participated in the Health and Safety Program and completed courses such as First Aid and CPR, Transportation of Dangerous Goods, Defensive Driving and Picker Truck Operation. Safety meetings and onsite toolbox meetings are regularly held to ensure staff is aware of specific work hazards and reinforce risk management practices.
In 2016 the County of Minburn continued to work with the Town of Vegreville and Mannville-Minburn-Innisfree FCSS by entering into the following funding agreements in order to provide FCSS programs and services to its residents:
Provincial Funding / Municipal Funding / TotalTown of Vegreville / $62,979.40 / $26,811.40 / $89,790.80
Mannville-Minburn-Innisfree / $51,528.60 / $21,936.60 / $73,465.20
Grants were also provided to the Vegreville Transportation Services Society (VTSS) and Mannville-Minburn-Innisfree FCSS in the amount of $5,000 each in 2016 to assist withtheir operational costs of assisting seniors and persons with disabilities residing within County boundaries.
The County of Minburn is a participating member of the Northern Lights Library System (NLLS) which allows membership to be available to every County resident. In 2016 the County contributed $34,303.62to NLLS. The County also contributed $52,518.20to the Vegreville Centennial Library, $19,604.62 to the Innisfree Library and $38,230.64to the Mannville Centennial Library in 2016.
The following transfer stations and landfill services are available to County residents:
Ranfurly Waste Transfer Station1211 Township Road 520
Pt. SE 3-52-12-W4M
Contact 780-632-3715 for hours of operation. / East Regional Waste Transfer Station
50329 Range Road 92
Pt. NW 23-50-9-W4M
Contact 780-632-3715 for hours of operation. / Town of Vegreville Landfill
52321 Range Road 144
NW 21-52-14-W4M
Contact 780-632-6976 for hours of operation.
Two Hills Regional Waste Management Commission (THRWMC) supplies contract hauling services for the Ranfurly Waste Transfer Station and East Regional Waste Transfer Stationand also picks up wastein the Hamlet of Minburn.
The Town of Vegreville is contracted to pick up waste in the Hamlet of Lavoy.
Through the Alberta Central East (ACE) Water Corporation regional water pipeline the County of Minburn currently supplieswater to Hamlet of Lavoy residents, 28 rural residential users and the bulk water stations located in the Hamlets of Lavoy and Ranfurly and north of the Hamlet of Minburn.
The following bulk water stations are open for the sale of potable water:
Lavoy Bulk Water Station5128 – 51 Avenue / Ranfurly Bulk Water Station
51231 Range Road 121 / Minburn North Bulk Water Station
50318 Range Road 102
1.50 miles north of Highway 16 on Range Road 102
Those wishing to purchase water from the bulk water stations must apply at the County of Minburn Administration office.
Following the dissolution of the Village of Minburn in July 2015, County Utility Servicesexpanded to now include the sanitary sewer services within the Hamlet of Minburn. Several upgrades and repairs to the sanitary sewer system were required and construction began in the fall of 2016. A new lift station and storm sewer system is being installed and several repairs are being made to existing mains. Completion of the upgrades will commence in 2017.
Throughout 2016 the County of Minburn has been active in providing their input into the MGA review by participating in several public consultations hosted by Alberta Municipal Affairs, and surveys and discussion guides initiated by the Alberta Association of MunicipalDistricts and Counties (AAMDC). Bill 20, Municipal Government Amendment Actand Bill 21, the Modernized MGA focus on three major areas: Governance, Planning and Development and Assessment and Taxation. Alberta Municipal Affairs is anticipating that all changes to the MGAand associated regulations will be proclaimed prior to the municipal elections in October 2017.
The County of Minburn once again enjoyed a prosperous and productive year by efficiently managing resources to better serve our ratepayers. Council and Staff are commended for their commitment and efforts in 2016 and their continued support will ensure that 2017 will be equally successful.
Respectfully submitted,
Roger Konieczny
In 2016 the Agricultural Service Board (ASB) continued with Livestock Age Verification, pest monitoring and control, weed control and emergency registration of two percent liquid strychnine for Richardson Ground Squirrel Control.
Richardson Ground Squirrel Control producers are permitted to purchase up to two cases (1 x 24 bottles) of two percent liquid strychnine per purchase and are required to sign an affidavit stating that they will abide by all rules and regulations as set out by the Federal Pest Management Regulatory Agency.
Extensive surveys were conducted throughout the municipality for crop insects and diseases such as bertha armyworms, diamondback moths, fusarium graminearum and clubroot of canola disease. Both fusarium and clubroot have been detected in the County in 2016. Survey counts are forwarded to the “Ropin’ the Web” website and translated onto provincial maps to aid producers in production decisions. Producers may access these maps at As a result of our pest surveys, one new fieldof Clubroot disease of canola was located in the western portion of the municipality as the disease slowly spreadfrom west to east. It is recommended that producers look to widen crop rotation between canola crops and consider equipment cleaning between field moves.
•Inspection and enforcement of Pest Control, Weed Control and Soil Conversation Acts
•Licensing and grading of Vegreville and Innisfree Seed Cleaning Plants
•Roadside Weed Control Program
•Shelterbelt Tree Program
•Implementation of Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Projects
•4-H Grants and Awards Program
•Weighing of 4-H calves
•Pest and disease monitoring (ie: Wheat Midge and Clubroot disease)
•Livestock Predation Program
•Prevention of agricultural land flooding
•Northlands Farm Family Awards Program
•Specialized equipment rental
•Private land spraying for noxious weeds, scentless chamomile, toadflax and tansy
Equipment and Rental Rates
Portable weigh scale / $45 per dayTwo portable squeeze chutes / $30 per day/each
Two tree planters / No charge
Insecticide sprayer / $15 per day
Brush and weed sprayer / $15 per day
The County of Minburn is partnered with the County of Vermilion River to deliver the Environmental component of the ASB program. The Environmental component facilitates continued development and adaptation of management practices that make agricultural production and processing more environmentally sustainable. Jordan Smith is the Sustainable Agriculture Coordinator responsible for administering the Environmental programs in the County of Minburn and County of Vermilion River.
On behalf of the County of Minburn ASB we thank residents for their cooperation throughout the year and look forward to assisting them with their agricultural needs and inquiries in 2017.
Respectfully submitted,
Darwin UlleryDavid Melenka
Director of Agriculture and Utility ServicesAgricultural Service Board Chairman