Requisition #: 302212
Title: Single-Shell Tank System Structural Integrity Assessment
Revision Number: 0
Date: June 20, 2017
The purpose of this statement of work (SOW) is to procure the services of an engineering firm to provide a professional engineer registered by the Washington State Department of Licensing, or by a state that has reciprocity with the State of Washington, to serve as an independent qualified registered professional engineer (IQRPE) to prepare and certify a Single-Shell Tank (SST) System Structural Integrity Assessment report for the 100-Series and 200-Series single-shell tanks. The assessment shall meet the requirements of Hanford Federal Facility Agreement and Consent Order (HFFACO [“Tri-Party Agreement” {TPA}]) Interim Milestone TPAM04591I.
“DOE shall provide, to Ecology, an IQRPE certification of SSTs structural integrity for the remainder of the mission, or for such time as the IQRPE believes he/she can reasonably certify. The analysis supporting the certification shall be performed in accordance with the requirements identified for analysis in WAC 173-303-640(2) and will include a due diligence review of RPP-10435. IQRPE certification of the SST leak integrity is not required. A work plan and schedule for additional integrity assessment activities will be submitted as a-change package to cover any time period between the end date of the IORPE certification and the end date of the mission.”
Where the TPA M-045-91I milestone requirements conflict with Washington Administrative Code WAC173303640(2) Tank Systems: Assessment of existing tank system's integrity, and WAC173303810(13)(a) General permit conditions: Certification, the milestone requirements will prevail.
Integrity assessments must determine that existing Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (TSD) unit/components are adequately designed and have sufficient structural strength and compatibility with the waste to be stored or treated, to ensure that it will not collapse, rupture, or fail. Ordinarily an integrity assessment must determine that the system is not leaking or is unfit for use. However, this integrity assessment will be limited to the structural integrity of the 100-Series and 200-Series SSTs because the SST system, including the 100-Series and 200-Series tanks, was declared to be “Unfitforuse” in June 2002 following completion of the last integrity assessment.
“Based upon the current structural integrity assessment and evaluations of potential degradation mechanisms, the [integrity assessment] report concluded that the reinforced concrete tank structures have an adequate collapse margin, justifying continued safe storage of the interim-stabilized waste. Concerning the tank liners, the tank leak history, corrosion, and uncertain conditions, the leak integrity of any of the SSTs cannot be demonstrated. ...”
“In recognition of the inability to meet current regulatory leak integrity requirements, these tanks and ancillary systems should be considered not fit for use per 40 CFR 265.191. Notwithstanding this fitness determination, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the State of Washington Department of (Ecology) have recognized since 1988 that the SSTs did not comply, and could not be brought into compliance, with the tank design and operation requirements of the Dangerous Waste regulations. Consequently, DOE and Ecology have negotiated and agreed to a comprehensive series of enforceable milestones in the HFFACO to allow temporary continued use of SSTs pending SST closure.”
The SST system is classified by RCRA regulations, and WAC173303640, Tank Systems, as an interim status treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) existing tank system. Washington River Protection Solutions LLC (WRPS) operates and maintains the SST system on behalf of the DOE Office of River Protection (ORP). Ecology has regulatory authority for the SST system under WAC173303. To ensure environmental protection, Ecology requires that an integrity assessment of the SST system be performed on a periodic basis.
The last SST system integrity assessment concluded that the 100-Series and 200-Series reinforced concrete tank structures had an adequate collapse margin, justifying continued safe storage of the interim-stabilized waste. The work described in this SOW is for the second SST system integrity assessment covering the period from June 12, 2002, through July 31, 2018 (the time period since completion of the 2002 integrity assessment). The integrity assessment is expected to utilize the contents of the earlier integrity assessment as its foundation.
Except as necessary to support the 2018 integrity assessment there is no expectation that the work completed during the previous integrity assessment will have to be repeated. The SST system 100-Series and 200-Series tank integrity assessment report, approved by WRPS and ORP, is to be completed by September 14, 2018, for submittal to Ecology by September 30, 2018.
The IQRPE will determine the topics, checks, and extent of analyses necessary to independently demonstrate that the SSTs’ structural integrity satisfies the structural provisions of the State of Washington dangerous waste regulations contained in Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-303-640(2), “Assessment of Existing Tank System’s Integrity,” for existing tank systems. In addition to the requirements of WAC 173-303-640(2), the integrity assessment must include the following elements:
- A site map of the facility showing the location of the tank system
- A sketch of the tank system; locations of specific items inspected should be clearly indicated and cross-referenced in the results of the integrity assessment.
- Results of the structural integrity assessment; the results should clearly state if the SSTs have sufficient structural strength and compatibility with the waste being stored or treated
- Consideration of the conclusions and uncertainties identified in RPP10435, Section4.0, with respect to the intervening time period between assessments and the expectations for continued waste storage
- An estimate of remaining useful life of the SSTs, if practical
- A recommended schedule and work plan for future SST integrity assessments, “to ensure that the tank retains its structural integrity and will not collapse, rupture, or fail”. The basis for the recommendation must be included in the report in order to determine how changes of circumstances might affect the periodicity of future integrity assessments.
- A statement by an IQRPE certifying the results of the integrity assessment. This certification must be according to WAC173303810(13)(a), “Certification.” The IQRPE’s signature and stamp must be placed below the certification statement.
- Exceptions taken to WAC 173-303-640(2) in order to certify to WAC173303810(13)(a) must be identified in the assessment report.
Ecology issued Publication 94114, Guidance for Assessing and Certifying Tank Systems, as supplemental guidance for completing an integrity assessment for existing tank systems. The document contains examples of integrity assessment content and conduct.
The SST system is classified by RCRA regulations, and WAC173303640, Tank Systems, as an interim status treatment, storage, and disposal (TSD) existing tank system. An assessment of the 100-Series and 200-Series SSTs’ structural integrity is to be completed by September 30, 2018. The assessment is to conform to the requirements described in TPA interim milestone M-045-91I and the requirements of WAC173303-640(2) applicable to the SSTs structural integrity. The assessment must be certified by an IQRPE in accordance with WAC173303810(13) a) Certification.
The first SST system integrity assessment was completed in 2002. The assessment is published in RPP-RPT-10435, Rev.0,Single-Shell tank System Integrity Assessment Report.
A key element in the performance of the first integrity assessment was the development of a work plan for conducting the integrity assessment A similar work plan, RPP-RPT-51610, Single-Shell Tank Structural Integrity Assessment Plan has been prepared by WRPS for the second integrity assessment. The plan delineates the activities, reviews, analyses, evaluations, and examinations necessary to support the development of the integrity assessment.
The Subcontractor shall prepare the SST System Structural Integrity Assessment report necessary for the continued storage of dangerous waste in the tanks. Ancillary equipment and leak integrity are excluded from the assessment per TPA interim milestone M-045-91I.
The assessment will review the SST analyses performed from June12, 2002, through July31,2018 (the time period since completion of the last integrity assessment). Additional analysis may be considered, although the scope does not primarily require new analysis of components or reevaluation of prior IQRPE work.
The Subcontractor shall provide engineering services of an IQRPE for the preparation and certification of the SST System Structural Integrity Assessment report in accordance with the requirements of TPA M-045-91I and WAC 173-303-640(2). These services shall include preparation of any supporting reports necessary to determine the 100-series and 200-series tanks’ structural integrity. WRPS shall supply all necessary support services including publication and document control.
The Subcontractor shall ensure SST structural integrity assessment independence by utilizing a management chain-of-command and reporting structure that is separate from WRPS management reporting structure, and by utilizing staff with broad industrial experience applicable to this assessment.
The Subcontractor shall be responsible for managing the performance of the services including management and oversight of the work and Subcontractor personnel to ensure assignments are accomplished in an effective and efficient manner. The Subcontractor shall assign qualified personnel to individual tasks, and cooperatively and collaboratively work with WRPS in resolving and managing the review, and review findings, concerns, and issues that result from the Subcontractor’s integrity assessment.
The IQRPE will determine the topics, checks, and extent of analyses necessary to independently demonstrate that the SSTs’ structural integrity satisfies TPA Milestone M-045-91I and the structural provisions of the State of Washington dangerous waste regulations contained in Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 173-303-640(2), “Assessment of Existing Tank System’s Integrity,” for existing tank systems. As a minimum the following topics must be addressed in the report:
- Design standards, if available, according to which the SSTs were constructed
- Dangerous characteristics of the waste(s) stored in the SSTs
- Documented age of the tank system, if available (otherwise, an estimate of the age)
- An estimate of remaining useful life of the system, if practical
- Results of internal inspection, or other tank structural integrity examination
- A due diligence review of RPP10435 identifying any latent structural integrity assessment elements that either were not evident 16years ago, or did not seem applicable at the time of the assessment, to be addressed in the 2018 assessment.
- Consideration of the conclusions and uncertainties identified in RPP10435, Section4.0, with respect to the intervening time period between assessments and the expectations for continued waste storage
In addition, the integrity assessment must include the following elements:
- A site map of the facility showing the location of the tank system
- A sketch of the tank system; locations of specific items inspected should be clearly indicated and cross-referenced in the results of the integrity assessment.
- Results of the structural integrity assessment; the results should clearly state if the SSTs have sufficient structural strength and compatibility with the waste being stored or treated
- Exceptions taken to WAC 173-303-640(2) in order to certify to WAC173303810(13)(a) must be identified in the assessment report.
- A cross-reference matrix to demonstrate how the requirements identified in this section have been met. The matrix will ultimately provide a summary assessment of compliance, including cross-reference to the document(s) that demonstrate meeting the requirements.
- A recommended schedule and work plan for future SST integrity assessments, “to ensure that the tank retains its structural integrity and will not collapse, rupture, or fail”. The basis for the recommendation must be included in the report in order to determine how changes of circumstances might affect the periodicity of future integrity assessments. Observations, recommendations and findings (if any) regarding corrections and enhancements necessary for preserving structural integrity of the 100-series and 200-series SSTs must be identified.
- A statement by an IQRPE certifying the results of the integrity assessment. This certification must be according to WAC173303810(13)(a), “Certification.” The IQRPE’s signature and stamp must be placed below the certification statement.
Ecology issued Publication 94114, Guidance for Assessing and Certifying Tank Systems, as supplemental guidance for completing an integrity assessment for existing tank systems by Washington State dangerous waste regulation permittees. The document contains examples of integrity assessment content and conduct.
The IQRPE shall make the following certification:
- WAC 173-303-810(13)(a) Certification Statement for I Status
“I certify under penalty of the law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine or imprisonment for knowing violations.”
Integrity Assessment Exclusions
The SST System Structural Integrity Assessment is limited to the 100-Series and 200-series tanks. Other facilities and ancillary equipment identified as part of the SST system are excluded, including, but not limited to:
- Retrieval systems. Retrieval systems are excluded from the SST structural integrity assessment. Retrieval management of SSTs is established by AppendicesH and I of the TPA Action Plan (HFFACO attachment). Individual retrievals are controlled according to a tank waste retrieval work plan approved by Ecology. Following retrieval completion, a retrieval completion certification is submitted to Ecology, and within 12months of retrieval completion, the retrieval data report is submitted.
- Air ventilation systems. Air ventilation systems used on the SSTs (forced air and passive) are excluded from the assessment. These systems are regulated under Hanford’s Air Operating Permit and are not used for the storage of RCRA dangerous waste.
- Inactive/not-in-use ancillary equipment. Inactive/not-in-use ancillary equipment. includes miscellaneous underground storage tanks (MUST), diversion boxes, pump pits, valve pits, process vault tanks and sumps, underground pipelines, hose-in-hose transfer lines awaiting removal and disposal, and process equipment mounted in tank risers and pits, is excluded from the integrity assessment.
Inactive/not-in-use equipment is defined by RPP9937, Rev. 3, Single-Shell Tank System Leak Detection and Monitoring Functions and Requirements Document, as: “A component with no current and no expected mission in safe storage or transfer of single-shell tank system waste. Inactive/not-in-use components may and do contain waste.”
- Inactive/not-in-use ancillary equipment structures that may affect the structural loading of the SSTs, such as concrete pump pits and sluice pits, will be assessed for effect on structural integrity of the SSTs.
At completion of the integrity assessment the Subcontractor shall provide the SST System Structural Integrity Assessment Report (as documented in the Master Submittal Register) that describes the evaluations performed, and provides WAC173303810(13)(a) certification by the IQRPE supervising the integrity assessment.
Elective Option for Additional Review/Comment Incorporation Cycle to be determined at Later Date:
Following the SST System Integrity Assessment Report Rev. 0 submittal to Ecology, the Tank Operating Contractor may elect to have Subcontractor perform an additional review and comment incorporation cycle to resolve Ecology comments.
Correction of Substantial Errors in Published SST System Integrity Assessment Report and Supporting Reports, Documentation and Appendices
To make necessary substantive changes to an issued SST System Integrity Assessment Report and other reports (i.e., those that affect the IQRPE’s conclusions) a supplemental report must be prepared by the IQRPE. This process is consistent with applicable regulatory requirements provisions which provide that when an engineer reviews work done by another professional engineer, he/she must prepare a report addressing his/her findings, including supporting details. This report would make reference to, or be attached to, the original documents reviewed by the IQRPE.
In support of the work scope established above, submittals are listed on the Master Submittal Register (MSR).
Submittals shall be accompanied by the WRPS Incoming Letter of Transmittal (Form A-6005-315). All transmittal subject headings shall contain, at a minimum, the subcontract number, submittal number, and submittal description.
Submittals shall be provided in electronic format unless available only as a hard copy. Electronic submittals may be sent to or delivered via a WRPS designated File Transfer Protocol (FTP) site. Electronic formats must be non-password protected and provided in both of the following formats:
- Microsoft® Office Word
- Portable Document Format (PDF)
5.0Acceptance Criteria
Subcontract work products and services shall meet applicable standards as referenced in 6.2 below. All deliverable documentation shall be complete, accurate, legible, and reproducible. Before delivery, design media and documents shall be reviewed by qualified Subcontractor personnel for technical adequacy and appropriate content. The Subcontractor shall attest, in writing, to the accuracy and completeness of the information contained in the final deliverables.
Submittals must be formally conveyed under retrievable letter. A registered professional engineer must stamp assessments, and all assessments shall meet the appropriate WAC requirements.
Work products and services provided must meet applicable WRPS procedures for control and review of work products.
6.0Configuration Management and Standards
6.1Configuration Management Requirements
Configuration management requirements for this Release are based upon the types of engineering services being procured and include the TOC standards listed in Section 6.2 Applicable Standards and the statements below.
The Subcontractor is responsible for performing constructability review(s) on the Subcontractor’s design products. The constructability review(s) shall include a check for interferences and fit-up and consider the as-installed configuration as well as interim configurations during the installation process. In the event that the Subcontractor cannot adequately perform a constructability review due to incomplete or inadequate as-built or field walk-down information, the Subcontractor shall notify the Buyer’s Technical Representative to determine an acceptable alternate technical approach.