Chick Day Order Form 2018

Please select your pick-up date:

Order Date / Pick-up Date*
March 9th / April 11th
April 6th / May 9th
May 4th / June 6th
June 8th / July 11th

Payment due upon order. Birds MUST be picked up on specified delivery date.

Minimum order 6 birds (state law).

Name: ______Date: ______

E-mail address: ______

Day Phone: ______Evening Phone: ______

RHODE ISLAND RED – This “old time breed” is very dark red in color. They are good producers of brown eggs. $2.69 / # Ordered:
GOLDEN COMET – These light red/golden chicks are bred for high brown egg production, good feed conversion and excellent livability. A nice addition to any flock! $2.69 / # Ordered:
BUFF ORPINGTON – Will produce high quality eggs in good quantities. Coloring is yellow orange. Quiet temperament, friendly disposition and excellent setters. $2.89 / # Ordered:
AMERAUCANA – Lay a light blue or green egg. These birds vary in color and size. Very good temperament and cold hardy. $2.89 / # Ordered:
AUSTRALORP – Are calm and friendly, and excellent layers of brown eggs. They are black with a sheen of green and purple when light hits their feathers. $2.89 / # Ordered:
SILVER LACED WYANDOTTE – Have similar qualities to the Ameraucana. Excellent egg production, calm nature and cold hardy. They sport a beautiful white and black lacing on their feathers. $2.89 / # Ordered

*Please Note: We work with the hatcheries the best we can to establish dates for pick-up. Please keep in mind that these are live animals and we cannot always control when they will hatch, or arrive. We will always call you to let you know if your birds are here, and also to update you on potential changes. Please also be aware the hatchery provides us with a 90% rate of accuracy regarding the sex of your laying birds. Thank you for your understanding.