Before preparing your proceedings for 123HiMAT, you are kindly requested to read the instructions carefully and to follow them closely. To write your paper, please use the format shown in these instructions. The proceedings will be printed in black and white. Articles should be written in English, including the language used in tables and figures. The deadline (15th May, 2015) for proceedings submission must be strictly observed.


Please make sure you fully understand the following instructions before proceeding with the preparation of your paper.

2.1 Content

Proceeding structure:

Title and Authors

• Title: Should be as concise and as short as possible.

• Authors’ name and affiliation: Should include full first name and surname and affiliations of all authors.

Main Text

• Summary (ideally no more than 15 lines) containing concise information about:

- Objectives of the work

- The results obtained

- Conclusions

• Introduction

• Methods, techniques, materials, study area

• Results

• Discussion

• Conclusions

• Acknowledgements

• References

• Tables and figures (illustrations, line drawings and photos) should be included in the main text.

2.2 Styles and Layout

The text of papers should be typed in single-spaced and a double column format. The maximum number of pages is four, including text, figures and tables. Tables and figures should be positioned in the main text.

Page size acceptable is A4 (210 x 297 mm). Margins: 20 mm at the top, 20 mm at the bottom and 20 mm on each sides. Two column writing, 84 mm width and 12mm column separation. Left and right justified typesetting should be used for each text column with automatic line spacing.

The font and the requested type sizes are as follows:

• Title: Arial 12 point in CAPITAL and bold face.

• Authors' name and affiliation: Times New Roman 10


• Abstract and Key words: Times New Roman 10 point.

• Main text: Times New Roman 10 point.

Headings: Times New Roman 10 point in bold face.

2.3 Headings

Try to avoid adopting too many different types of headings. Use point system like 1, 1.1, 1.1.1… Headings should be written in bold face.

2.4 Headers and Footers

Do not put page numbers or other information in the headers or footers. Do not use footnotes either, since the page numbers will be typeset at the bottom of each page when printing the proceedings.

2.5 Equations

Equations should be typed on separate lines and numbered consecutively in parentheses [(1), (2)...] on the right-hand margin in the last line of the equation. The difference between capital and lower case letters should be clearly shown and care should be taken to avoid confusion between the letter O and zero (0), and between the lower case "I" and the numeral one (1). Variables used in any equations should be defined in the main text where they first appear.

2.6 Subscripts and Superscripts

These should be clearly typed as such and not aligned with the rest of the text.

2.7 Abbreviations

Abbreviations should be explained if they are not well known.

2.8 References

All papers cited should be listed under the REFERENCES, numbered consecutively in their order of appearance in the text.

Reference numbers within the text are placed immediately after the punctuation mark of the sentence in which the reference is mentioned. Use Arabic numerals for all references.

There are essentially three types of reference: the article reference, the book reference and the unpublished paper reference. Please follow the rules given below when making a reference list.

• Article: Name(s) of author(s), article title (in quotations), technical journal, volume, number, year and pages.

• Book: Name(s) of author(s), chapter title (in quotations), book title, name of publisher, city and state or country of publication, date of publication and pages.

• Conference paper: Name(s) of author(s), title of paper (in quotations), the name of conference at which the paper was presented, the city, state or country in which the conference was held.

• Unpublished paper or document: Name(s) of author(s), title of paper (in quotations), reference or what type of document it is.

2.9 Tables

AII tables should be inserted within the text. Tables and figures (see 2.10) should be placed in their order of appearance in the text. They can span a single text column or both columns, but should not be split over two pages. Coloured tables are acceptable, but should be clear enough for monochromatic printout.

Tables should be numbered consecutively (e.g., Table 1, Table 2...). Table headings containing the table's number and the title should be placed above the table. Any symbols used in a table should be properly explained in either the table or in its heading.

2.10 Figures

All figures (illustrations, line drawings, photos, etc.) should be placed in the main text. They can span a single text column or both columns, but should not be split over two pages. Coloured figures are acceptable, but must be clear enough for monochromatic printout.

Figures should be numbered consecutively (e.g.. Fig. 1, Fig. 2...). Figure captions containing the figure's number and their caption should be placed below the figure.

2.11 Other Points

It is recommended to use SI units and their derivatives.


The proceeding should be submitted as an electronic form, according to the above rules.

The electronic format should be PDF. The File can be sent by e-mail if it does not exceed 10 MB. If it exceeds this size, please send the file stored on disk (CD-R or USB) by postal mail. Please check your file is virus-free before sending it. When you send your disk by postal mail, please pack the disk in protective wrapping.

The due date for submitting full paper for peer review is 15th May 2015 through web site.

Web site is available for submitting full paper from 1st March 2015.