Minute of the Spiritual Care Committee

held on Monday 16th February 2009 at 10.00 am

in the Conference Room, Summerfield House


Sarah Campbell, GREC

Margaret Coll, Catholic Chaplain, WoodendHospital, representing Catholic Church

Fred Coutts, Head of Spiritual Care

Harvey Grainger, Aberdeen Presbytery, representing Church of Scotland

Laura Gray, Director of Corporate Communications

Ian Groves, Chaplain, Inverurie Hosptial, representing sessional chaplains

Sue Kinsey, Lay member

Stuart Hannabuss, Humanist Society of Scotland

Linda Oldroyd, Nurse Consultant in Patient Safety and Patient Experience

Sarah Campbell, GREC

Sylvia Spencer, Chaplain, representing Scottish Episcopal Church

By Invitation

Grant Cumming, Consultant, Moray Community Health & Social Care Partnership

Linda McKerron, Learning & Development Manager, Moray Community Health & Social Care Partnership

In Attendance

Helen Murray, Clerk to the Professional Advisory Committees

Item / Subject / Action
1. / Welcome & Introductions
Laura Gray welcomed everyone and introductions were made round the table. In the unavoidable absence of the Chairman, Laura Gray chaired the meeting.
2. / Apologies
Apologies received from David Cameron, Elizabeth McDade, John McKinnon, Harriet Mowat, Nigel Firth, Sharon Duncan, Jane Alton, Muriel Knox, Liz Tait.
3, / Minute of meeting held on 7 November 2008
Minute accepted as a true record.
4. / Matters Arising
4.1Chapel at Dr Gray’s Hospital
Work is progressing well and still within timescales for opening event late Spring.
4.2Draft Baseline Audit
This has gone to the Chaplaincy Team Meeting. There is still some work to be done. Final version with action plan to be tabled at a future meeting.
4.3Chaplains and Patient Information
Short life working group has been looking at internal actions that wecould take to ensure that documentation is completed consistently and accurately on admission to hospital and that there is an opportunity for updating information. Correspondence still ongoing. Fred Coutts stated that according to the ChiefExecutive’s letter oral consent to communication withchaplains would be sufficient for everything. Consent doesnot haveto be documented and signed. This is probably the best way forward but we need consistent understanding of how thiswill work in practice. / FC
5. / Information Pack for new members
Dr Stuart Hannabuss had raised this matter at the last meeting and had circulated suggestions.
Stuart highlighted that members could benefit from having some background to the duties of the Committee. It could be put together by a group of people. Anyone joining the Committee could then have a pack of information to enable them to get the context and idea of what is involved with joining the Committee.
Everyone agreed that this was a good idea and that it would prove very helpful, both to current members and new members. It was suggested this could be completed over the coming year, but that it should be kept brief and concise. / LG FC
6. / Moray 2020 and Pastoral Care to support the Healthcare Experience
Grant Cumming and Linda McKerron from Moray Community Health and Social Care Partnership attended to give a presentation on Moray Digital Health which is going on in Elgin. A paper had been circulated previously which outlined information given in presentation.
Grant and Linda were thanked for an informative presentation. What they were hoping to develop was fascinating. In answer to a query regarding equality and accessibility it was confirmed that it was intended to get all faiths involved. It was suggested that people of different faiths would feel comfortable using this service and would welcome the privacy offered. GPs and consultants etc are happy with this concept as they can direct their patients to the relevant information.
Comments re Recommendations –
  1. Convent with NHS Grampian Chaplain re pursuing a pilot of this work in Moray CHSCP
Dialogue needed between Moray and the Spiritual Care Team.
  1. Investigate the possibility of supporting a PHD in the outcomes of e pastoral care with local HighlandTheologicalCollege (University of Highlands and Islands)
Links with both University of Highland and Islands and University of Aberdeen needs to be looked into
  1. Investigate also links to Long Terms Conditions and Self Care Projects within Change and Innovation Plan for NHS Grampian
Both major programmes of work across Grampian.
  1. Seek funding for lap tops and additional equipment for pilot.
No budget as a Committee. Moray 20/20 finance used up. Contact Stuart Scott, Clinical Director for IM & T ehealth.
  1. Advise NHS Education Scotland Development Officer for Healthcare Chaplains of proposal
Contact should be made with NHS Education Scotland
  1. Engage with NHS Grampian Ethics Committee in proposal development.
Contact should be made with Clinical Ethics Committee
  1. Secure Moray 2020 Executive committee agreement to pilot development
Going to Executive Committee
  1. Present as part of Women’s Health Project paper to international conference in September 2008.
Presented to Conference in September 2008. Now preparing package on Holistic Health.
It was suggested that there could be access to spiritualist care using Patient Line. They produce bespoke packages for different hospitals. Contact Ewan Robertson of ehealth Committee. / FC
7. / Appointment of Rev Dr Ewan Kelly as Programme Director for Healthcare Chaplaincy [SACH Soundings Newsletter (Page 3)]
The newsletter which had been circulated gave a brief background of Rev Dr Ewan Kelly.
Comment was made at this time that previously Minutes of the National Spiritual Care Committee had been circulated but this did not appear to be happening any more. This would be looked into and re-started. / FC
8. / CEL (2008)49 - Spiritual Care
This was letter issued on 17th November.
Action plan for Grampian needed as a result of this. There are certain recommendations we have done already and others we will need to take action as an organisation and as a committee.
Copies of HDL2002 to be distributed as soon as they are received.
Internal audit of position against standards by next meeting. It was agreed that Fred Coutts would take the lead on this and bring back overview and action plan to a future meeting. . Spiritual Care policy will need to be revised to include role and remit of Committee, but is considered fit for purpose in the meantime. / FC
9. / Spiritual Care Matters – An Introductory Resource for all NHS Staff
Sue Kinsey, Fred Coutts, Laura Gray, Sylvia Spencer and Muriel Knox to attend and report back.
10. / Postgraduate Certificate in Health Care Chaplaincy
This is a qualification in Chaplaincy at post graduate level. Course was put out to tender by NHS Education Scotland (NES) and University of Glasgow will have the first students recruited in the autumn. 20 students have expressed their interest so far. The fees for the first cohort are likely to be paid by NES.
This is a distance learning course with two contact days and is estimated to cost £1400. Diploma and masters level also being looked at.
11. / Introduction to Islam Course – Scotland
Information regarding another course had been received.
Sarah Campbell pointed out that GREC do very similar courses which are not so expensive. Anyone interested should contact them.
12. / UK Board of Healthcare Chaplaincy - Letter
There is a move to have Chaplaincy registered as a healthcare profession. Although still at an early stage, the aim is to create a body that would validate courses and qualifications and move towards becoming a registered healthcare profession.
13. / Annual Report 2008
Report had been previously distributed. It was commented that the report was very interesting and very helpful. It was a good reflection of just how much is happening and the contribution that the team has made.
The report should be shared with Board members and to all Chaplains in the area, various faith groups etc. / LG FC
14. / Programme for Committee Meetings 2009
Programme of dates, venues and topics had been distributed.
15. / AOCB
15.1Sessional Chaplains
Last year financial provision was made in the budget setting process should the transfer of the sessional chaplains to the employment of NHS Grampian happen in 2008/09. We are now into budget setting for next financial year and we are againseeking to make that provision.
Email had been received on Friday from John Thomson (Church of Scotland) intimating that he wishes to begin communication as soon as possible about transfer.
Only Grampian and Glasgow have not started this process yet. NHS Grampian needed clarity nationally that this was the way forward, but now wish to commence discussions and a meeting will be arranged as soon as we can. Need to ensure that this is communicated to all sessional chaplains.
15.2Chapel at InverurieHospital
The chapel at InverurieHospital has been closed and dismantled.
15.3Religion or Belief
Linda Oldroyd brought attention of non NHS members to this document which can be downloaded from the internet.
15.4Religions and Cultures
Religions and Cultures booklet needs to be reprinted. / FC
16. / Date of next meeting
Friday 8 May 2009 at 10.00 am, Donside Room, Woodend.