Homeowners Association Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes – November 11, 2014


The Seneca Ridge Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors met on November 11, 2014. Alysa Frith, Clyde Adams, Jennifer Sokolowski, Earl Copenhaver, Alyssa Ott, Darla Robinson and Chris Seitz were present.

The meeting was called to order at 7:34 p.m.

Approval of Minutes

Jennifer Sokolowski made a motion to accept the minutes from the October 14, 2014 board meeting as presented. This motion was seconded Clyde Adams and passed unanimously.

Finances & Treasures Reports

o  Budget Review

o  Accounts Receivable and Balance Sheet Review

o  CD Maturity

o  CD to come due at People' Bank on 11/17/2014

Alysa Frith made a motion to keep the money in a CD for a period of approximately one year based on rates provided by Bennett Williams. This motion was seconded by Jennifer Sokolowski and passed unanimously.

o  Reserve Account

o  As discussed at the annual meeting the estimated capital reserve amount did not meet previous projects.

o  Following discussion it was decided through the motions noted below that money would be transferred from two asset accounts into CDs

Alysa Frith made a motion to move the $50,276.30 from the LPL Financial Money Market Account into CDs. This motion was seconded by Alyssa Ott and passed unanimously

Alysa Frith made a motion to move $34,290.95 from the cash operating account in to CDs. This motion was seconded by Earl Copenhaver and passed unanimously.

o  Delinquent Account Status

o  Accounts delinquent over $500 will be turned over to lawyer for collection

o  Payment plan

§  Single family homeowner is in violation

§  Broke legal agreement will now be turned over for collection

o  Sheriff’s sale update on progress

§  Serving of single family home has not been successful board is contacting a process server to explore options

§  Duplex unit to be visited by the Sheriff this week for an inventory of personal property

o  Invoices

o  CGA - # 136298 (invoice plus balance from # 134793) - BW to research balance forward

o  Prestige

§  # 738 for September lawn care $12,013.96

Alysa Frith made a motion to approve the invoice #738 as presented. This motion was seconded by Jennifer Sokolowski and approved unanimously.

§  # 752 for October lawn care $6,517.96

Jennifer Sokolowski made a motion to approve the invoice #752 as presented. This motion was seconded by Earl Copenhaver and approved unanimously.

o  Strathmeyer invoice for repairs to retaining wall

Earl Copenhaver made a motion to approve the invoice as presented based on confirmation from CGA Law Firm that division of invoice is correct. This motion was seconded by Alysa Frith and approved unanimously.

o  Collection of Initiation Fee

o  Up to date

o  Duplex unit has sold (BW to contact realtor if certificate of resale is not requested)

Reports & Requests

o  Request from TH unit that no applications being applied to lawn - request was forwarded to lawn care company

o  TH resident inquired about notification from lawn care company when grass is treated - board to discuss notification with provider

o  Report of damage to swing on TH playground - scheduled for maintenance

o  Request from TH resident to share Penn Waste information with community was included in the mailing along with information from annual meeting

o  Duplex unit requested permission to correct drainage on his property

o  Drawing submitted for review

o  Board's response

§  Installation of patio below deck may not extend beyond the existing deck

§  Vegetable boxes by not lay outside the footprint of existing deck along the new patio as requested

·  Boxes will impede ease of maintenance for lawn care company

·  Boxes do not comply with continuity of units

§  All work must be completed by April 30, 2015


o  Update of existing violations reviewed

o  Letters to be sent to homeowners with violation

o  Homeowners who were already notified of need to paint foundation walls will be fined $50

§  Deadline of completion of April 30

§  Failure to meet April 30 deadline will result in additional fines

o  Trailers in single family homes

o  Trailers removed from driveways

o  Additional trailer was noted and homeowner will be contacted regarding removal

o  Weeds along curbs to be reviewed

o  Duplex resident seems to be starting project in yard, that has not been approved - letter of inquiry sent

Old Business

o  Suggestion at annual meeting to amend amendment to by laws - issued tabled until January

o  Street signs along North and South Sentinel

o  Installed incorrectly by Springfield Township

o  Bennett Williams will contact Township again regarding error

o  Paving of trail behind single families has been postponed until Spring 2015

o  Paving consent of single family homeowners

o  Two homeowners have given their approval

o  Bennett Williams to contact remaining four homeowners again

o  Business property inclusion in the HOA - no response received to date

o  Storm water management report - follow up on estimate for work

o  Wall Repair

The Board unanimously decided to approve the special assessment pertaining to the repair, inspection and associated legal fees of the retaining wall located along lots 152, 153, 154, 155 & 156.

New Business

o  Duplex resident suggestion that we increase the annual shrub trimming from 2 times per year to 3 times per year - issued tabled until spring

o  Suggestion was made at annual meeting by a TH resident that the HOA should consider buying the business property - issue was tabled until results of community survey are reviewed

o  Pruning of pear tree

o  Done on a rotation (3 phases)

o  BW to contact heritage to see if it is time to start again

The next Board meeting will be set via email for January following the results of the election ballots.

Being no further business the meeting was adjourned

Respectfully submitted,

Alysa Frith

Seneca Ridge HOA Secretary