
The superior margin of hemisphere is between following surfaces:

+Medial and superolateral

-Medial and inferior

-Inferior and superolateral

-Superior and middle


Between lateral and central sulci of hemisphere is:

+Frontal lobe

-Frontal pole

-Parietal lobe

-Temporal lobe


Precentral gyrus is in ______lobe of hemisphere:






What sulcus has name "Rolando's sulcus"?

+Central sulcus

-Lateral sulcus

-Parietooccipital sulcus

-Hippocampal sulcus


What sulcus has name "Sylvian sulcus"?

+Lateral sulcus

-Rhinal sulcus

-Cingulated sulcus

-Central sulcus


Between central and parietooccipital sulci is:

+Parietal lobe

-Frontal lobe

-Occipital lobe



Where is insula situated?

+Deep within the lateral sulcus

-Within the central sulcus

-On inferior surface of hemisphere

-Within longitudinal cerebral fissure


Where is precentral gyrus located?

+In frontal lobe

-In temporal lobe

-In occipital lobe

-In parietal lobe


Between central and precentral sulci is:

+Precentral gyrus

-Postcentral gyrus

-Angular gyrus

-Triangular gyrus


Ascending and anterior rami are branches of following sulcus:



-Inferior frontal sulcus

-Superior frontal sulcus


Between inferior part of precentral gyrus and ascending ramus is:

+Opercular part

-triangular part


-Dentate sulcus


Between ascending and anterior rami is:

+Triangular part

-Orbital part

-Angular gyrus

-Fornicate gyrus


Where is postcentral gyrus located?

+In parietal lobe

-In frontal lobe

-In insular

-In temporal part


Between central and postcentral sulci is:

+Postcentral gyrus

-Superior parietal lobule

-Supramarginal gyrus

-Opercular part


On medial surface of hemisphere between precentral and postcentral sulci is:

+Paracentral lobule

-Angular gyrus

-Triangular part



Where are angular and supramarginal gyri located?

+In inferior parietal lobule

-In inferior frontal gyrus

-In superior temporal gyrus

-In insula


The supramarginal gyrus closes following sulcus:


-Inferior temporal




The posterior end of lateral sulcus closes with:

+Supramarginal gyrus


-Paracentral lobule

-Angular gyrus


The angular gyrus closes following sulcus:

+Superior temporal

-Inferior temporal




The posterior end of superior temporal sulcus closes with:

+Angular gyrus

-Paracentral lobule

-Lingual gyrus



What sulcus is located between superior and inferior parietal lobules?






The insula is delimited from neighboring lobes by:

+Circular sulcus

-long sulcus of insular

-Central sulcus of insula

-Lateral sulcus


Between the lateral and superior temporal sulci is:

+Superior temporal gyrus

-Middle temporal gyrus

-Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus

-Angular gyrus


Where are transverse temporal (Heshl's) gyri located?

+On superior temporal gyrus

-On inferior temporal gyrus

-On middle temporal gyrus

-On cingulated gyrus


The sulcus of corpus callosum continues with the following sulcus:

+Hippocampal sulcus

-Cingulate sulcus

-Calcarine sulcus

-Rhinal sulcus


Between the sulcus of corpus callosum and cingulated sulcus is:

+Cingylate gyrus


-Lingual gyrus

-Parahippocampal gyrus


The cingulate gyrus, isthmus of cingulated gyrus and parahippocampal gyrus form:

+Fornicate gyrus

-Paracentral lobule

-Dentate gyrus



Between the parietooccipital and calcarine sulci is:



-Lingual gyrus

-Paracentral lobule


Between the marginal part of cingulated sulcus and parietooccipital sulcus is:



-Cingulate gyrus

-Lingual gyrus


Where is dentate gyrus located?

+Within hippocampal sulcus

-Within lateral sulcus

-Within circular sulcus of insula

-Within cingulated gyrus


What is within the hippocampal sulcus located?

+Dentate gyrus

-Lingual gyrus

-Heshl's gyri



Between the calcarine and collateral sulci is

+Lingual gyrus


-Parahippocampal gyrus



Between the cerebral longitudinal fissure and olfactory sulcus is:

+Straight gyrus

-Orbital gyri

-Cingulate gyrus

-Parahippocampal gyrus


The parahippocampal gyrus terminates with:



-Lingual gyrus

-Angular gyrus


Between the medial and lateral occipitotemporal gyri is:

+Occipitotemporal sulcus

-Olfactory sulcus

-Hippocampal sulcus

-Cingulate sulcus


Between the collateral and occipitotemporal sulci is:

+Medial occipitotemporal gyrus

-Parahippocampal gyrus

-Lingual gyrus

-Fornicate gyrus


Between the medial occipitotemporal and parahippocampal gyri is:

+Collateral sulcus

-Cingulate sulcus

-Olfactory sulcus

-Calcarine sulcus


Where is the nucleus of the skin analyzer located?

+Postcentral gyrus

-Inferior parietal lobule


-Posterior part of middle frontal gyrus


Where is the nucleus of the proprioceptive sensitivity located?

+Postcentral gyrus

-Precentral gyrus and paracentral lobule

-Superior parietal lobule

-Posterior part of inferior frontal gyrus


Postcentral gyrus of each hemisphere connects with:

+Opposite half of the body

-Half of the body of the same side

-Opposite upper limb

-Inferior limb of the same side


Where is the nucleus of the motor analazer located?

+Precentral gyrus and paracentral lobule

-Postcentral gyrus

-Supramarginal gyrus



The gigantic pyramidal cells (cells of Betz) are situated in:

+The fifth layer of cortex

-The sixth layer of cortex

-The third layer of cortex

-The second layer of cortex


The gigantic pyramidal cells (cells of Betz) are:

+Interneurons (associative neurons)

-Sensory neurons

-Motor neurons

-Vegetative neurons


The upper part of precentral gyrus and paracentral lobule connect with muscles of:

+Lower limbs

-Upper limbs




The nucleus of the motor analyser concerned with concord turning of the head and eyes in the opposite direction is in:

+Middle frontal gyrus

-Posterior part of inferior frontal gyrus

-Heshl's gyri

-Superior parietal lobule


The nucleus of motor analyser by means of which habitual purposeful combined movements are synthesized (the center of praxia) is located in:

+Supramarginal gyrus

-Angular gyrus

-Heshl's gyri

-Superior parietal lobule


The affection of the nucleus of motor analyser by means of which habitual purposeful combined movements are synthesized (the center of praxia) is:


-Motor aphasia


-Sensory aphasia


Where is the center of stereognosis or recognition of objects by touch located?

+Superior parietal lobule

-Middle frontal gyrus

-Supramarginal gyrus

-Superior temporal gyrus


Where is the nucleus of the auditory analyzer located?

+Heshl's gyri


-Supramarginal gyrus

-Inferior frontal gyrus


The injury of the nucleus of the auditory analyzer results in:

+Cortical deafness.


-Sensory aphasia



Where is the nucleus of the visual analyzer located:

+On the margins of the calcarine sulcus

-Uncus and hippocamp

-Middle frontal gyrus

-Heshl's gyri


The nucleus of the visual analyzer of right hemisphere connects with:

+Lateral part of retina of right eye and medial part of retina of left eye

-Medial part of retina of right eye and lateral part of retina of left eye

-Medial halves of both eyes

-Lateral halves of both eyes


The nucleus of the visual analyzer of left hemisphere connects with:

+Lateral part of retina of left eye and medial part of retina of right eye

-Lateral part of retina of right eye and medial part of retina of left eye

-Medial halves of both eyes

-Lateral halves of both eyes


Where is the nucleus of the olfactory analyzer located?


-Angular gyrus

-Heshl's gyri

-Inferior frontal gyrus


Where is the nucleus of the taste analyzer located?


-Heshl's gyri

-Supramarginal gyrus

-Superior parietal lobule


Where is the motor analyzer of written speech located?

+Posterior part of the middle frontal gyrus

-Posterior part of inferior frontal gyrus

-Superior parietal lobule

-Angular gyrus


Where is the auditory analyzer of spoken speech located?

+Superior temporal gyrus

-Inferior frontal gyrus

-Cortex of hippocamp

-Inferior parietal lobule


Where is the motor analyzer of speech articulation located?

+Posterior part of inferior frontal gyrus (opercular part)

-Posterior part of the middle frontal gyrus

-Precentral gyrus

-Supramarginal gyrus


Broca's area is the nucleus of:

+Motor analyzer of speech articulation

-Motor analyzer of written speech

-Auditory analyzer of spoken speech

-Visual analyzer of written speech


Where is the visual analyzer of written speech located?

+Angular gyrus

-Supramarginal gyrus

-Middle frontal gyrus

-Superior parietal lobule


The damage to motor analyzer of written speech results in:



-Motor aphasia

-Sensory aphasia


The affection of area of auditory analyzer of spoken speech results in:

+Sensory aphasia





The injury of visual analyzer of written speech results in:


-Sensory aphasia




The injury of motor analyzer of speech articulation results in:

+Motor aphasia

-Sensory aphasia




Wernicke's centre is:

+Auditory analyzer of spoken speech

-Motor analyzer of speech articulation

-Motor analyzer of written speech

-Visual analyzer of written speech