Team JAMAS - ID Document

Introduction (Executive Summary)

Brief background/history of problem or need and its importance, target audience, and stakeholders The problem determined was disjointed communication and challenges to group collaboration with the need for a common repository of shared documents.. Wiggio was selected as free online toolkit that facilitates communication and collaboration among group members and creates a common repository to share ideas, resources, etc. The target audience are students that need to collaborate long distance.

Brief purpose, goals, and objectives of the instruction: The purpose of the instruction is to enhance group collaboration and interaction through use of a variety of Wiggio features and functions. Wiggio is a very beneficial online program for coordinating group work within the MIST program and could be helpful for entire class.

Ethical considerations: Students with disabilities have special needs that need to be considered in the evaluation and implementation of the product.

Constraints: The largest constraint involved is having an stable, working Internet connection without potential blocks placed by the Internet source.

Resources and sources available: Wiggio FAQs, YouTube video, and Wiggio Tour (video based) for groups, threads, events, files, meetings, to-do-list and polls. Wiggio Test Drive allows anyone to look at Wiggio before they sign up for an account.

General timeline and costs for development, implementation, and evaluation. The timeline starts as soon as the student signs up for an account. Implementation for a group starts when the group account is established and collaboration begins. Evaluation as part of a full implemtation would include both a formative and summative evaluation using direct testing with a questionaire and problem solving/skills assessment.



Type of Need: Expressed

Need has been expressed by our group, by another group (they are working on a different solution to the problem), in our Learner Analysis survey responses and also expressed in Ask The Instructor Forums, etc.

What is the problem?

Desired outcome - facilitate communication and collaboration among group members & create a common repository to share ideas, resources, etc.

Present situation - disjointed communication and challenges to collaboration with no support in creating a common repository

Who will be taught?

Short term - MIST Students

Long term - any online students that are tasked to collaborate in a group

Who will do the teaching?

Short term - Face to face (January 2012) = Team JAMAS and Module

Long term - online module

When will it be taught:

Short Term - Face to Face for MIST Students in January 2012

Long Term - Used for future orientation for any program that uses a Cohort and group model

Where will the teaching take place?

Short Term - Delivery in person

Long Term - Deliver online - easily accessed as part of orientation to any college course with collaboration requirement and available if groups need collaboration support throughout the course

How will the learning/teaching be accomplished?

Through face to face (short term) or orientation meetings (long term) connected to a online learning module and associated job aid.

What will be taught:

1.Identify a broad range of goals

a.will learn how to communicate in their teams (via online video forums, emails, chat groups, etc.) (#1)

b.will learn how to share references and materials (#3)

c.will learn how to distribute work for optimal effectiveness (#2)

d.will be able to identify and develop each learner's skills within the group (#4)

2.Rank order of the goals (#1 highest)

3.Identify the difference between performance (P) and goals (G) - all four are performance goals with each one being a learning objective for our ID project

4.Set priorities - figuring out if there is a need for this type of instruction for group support/ is there enough demand and need for support of group dynamics (long term - is this just an issue with MIST and/or CSUMB or is this something that is in demand for other programs throughout the country)


Survey Results - Survey Monkey

General Characteristics -

length of time since previous education (68.4% - 0-5 years & 15.8% - 5-8 years)

employment status (63.2% - employed full-time & 26.3% - - full-time student)

language skills (level of proficiency) (73.7% - native fluency)

family/friend support (88.9% - classmates; 61.1% - family that lives with me; 55.6% - friends; 33.3% - professors & family that lives elsewhere)

Specific Entry Characteristics - (1 level=low to 10 level=high)

technical skills

●Skype (42.1% - level 9)

●Internet (36.8% - level 10)

●Microsoft Office (31.6% - level 9)

●Search Engines (31.6% - level 9)

●Library Tools (26.3% - level 5)

●Computer Hardware (22.2% - level 10)

study skills (38.9% - level 9)

organization skills (31.6% - level 9)

motivation level (42.1% - near the top of your current priority list)

Learning Styles -

Audio (36.8%)

Visual (38.4%)

Kinesthetic (21.1%)

Analytical (21.1%)

Combination of the Above (42.1%)

Learning Disability (5.3%)

Current Group Dynamics -

Communicate Frequently (100%)

Ineffective communication (10.5%)

Equal workload (84.2%)

Shares information, resources & ideas (94.7%)

I feel very valued (57.9%)

I feel my voice is heard and is important (73.7%)


●My only complaint (kind of) so far is that we often spend too much time discussing and making decisions (via Skype), instead of quickly deciding on a plan and letting us get started on our own.

●Too much time wasted discussing the work that would be better spent on actually doing the work. Group projects are a waste of time adding nothing to the learning process and only burdening us with useless tasks and discussion.

●I like live lectures.

Workplace/Environmental/Setting Analysis

As this is a self-paced computer-based training program, the main environmental focus for the learner would be ensuring a stable Internet connection with access to both the training program and Wiggio.

Task Analysis

Instructional Goal for this Task Analysis: Given the platform of Wiggio, students will be able to demonstrate their ability to maximize group collaboration for the highest level of success with assigned deliverables. Within Wiggio, students will use a calendar to organize due dates, use the file sharing portion to share documents, use the task manager to compile action items with due dates, access the messaging and meeting areas to communicate among team members, and the Poll feature to complete surveys among the group members and invited guests.

  1. Establish the group members
  2. Each group member must create a profile on
  3. Identify a team member to establish a group and invite all group members by email
  4. Invite group members by email, link, or
  5. Group members must reply to request before being added officially
  6. Group members can be added or deleted at any time
  7. Identify the features of and expand on the details
  8. Set up Account Features for each member
  9. Member clicks on name on top of screen
  10. Edit Account Profile
  11. Update Name
  12. Update Email Address
  13. Change Password
  14. Add profile photo
  15. Add AIM, Skype, Facebook, Twitter and Blog information
  16. Add Cell phone number if elect to receive Text messages
  17. Choose privacy settings
  18. Display or hide email address
  19. Display or hide phone number
  20. Elect to “Delete Wiggio Account”
  21. Click “Save” to save changes to Account
  22. Select to Join a Group
  23. Type Group Name and Group Password in pop up box
  24. Click “Join”
  25. Share Wiggio with other members
  26. Link to group appears
  27. Link can be shared via email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
  28. Set up Notification features for each group
  29. Click on Group name on left of screen
  30. Click on Group Profile under name
  31. Pop up menu appears
  32. (Main) Email information for posts to group
  33. (Invite) Options for inviting members to specific group (links, emails, Facebook)
  34. (Members) List of members and email addresses
  35. (Email) Select email preferences
  36. Email - select if wish to receive notification via email
  37. Text - select if wish to receive notification via text (short) or email (long)
  38. Daily Summary - email digest of notifications from the prior day
  39. No Mail - no notifications sent - view only via Wiggio online
  40. Calendar
  41. Click on the calendar icon and the group calendar will display
  42. Click on any event to view or edit (if given permission) the information
  43. Click on any specific day to add an event
  44. Or click on “Event” to also access the Calendar feature
  45. Click on specific Date
  46. Name the event
  47. Identify start and end times
  48. Select “All Day” as an option if needed
  49. Choose “group” or add participants
  50. Add additional event details
  51. Repeated Event
  52. Location
  53. Place/Address
  54. Add reminders
  55. Create Event
  56. All recipients receive a notification of the event via email
  57. To-Do-List
  58. Click on the To-Do List icon and the Create To-Do List table will display
  59. Click on List Name box
  60. Enter name of To-Do List
  61. Click on Task box
  62. Enter name of Task
  63. Action icons and buttons pop up
  64. Due date name button appears
  65. Click on Due date name button and calendar pops up
  66. Select Due date in calendar
  67. Assign action button appears
  68. Click on assign button and assign box pops up
  69. Enter name or email address of individual
  70. Move task up icon appears
  71. When multiple tasks are created click on move up icon to advanced selected task
  72. Move task down icon appears
  73. When multiple tasks are created click on move down icon to move selected task backward
  74. Delete task icon appears
  75. Click on icon to remove task
  76. Add another task name appears
  77. Click on Add another task button
  78. Click in Task box
  79. Action icons and buttons pop up
  80. Repeat steps 1.2.1 – 1.2.5
  81. Click on Add a subject to this Thread
  82. Enter subject information
  83. Click on Choose Group
  84. Click on group name from drop down box
  85. Click on Add participants
  86. Type in name(s)
  87. Notification
  88. All participants will receive automatic email notification
  89. Create
  90. Click on Create button
  91. File Sharing (3 Parts)
  92. Upload Files:
  93. Click on the File icon and the file table menu will display
  94. Click on the Upload Files box
  95. Click on the Add files button
  96. Select the file(s) to be uploaded
  97. File name appears on display
  98. Add comment pop up box opens
  99. Type uploaded file comments in box
  100. Click on Add a subject to this thread
  101. Enter subject information
  102. Click in Optional: Add a comment with this thread
  103. Enter comments
  104. Notification
  105. All participants will receive automatic email notification
  106. Upload
  107. Click on Upload button
  108. Create File:
  109. Click on the Create file icon and the file table menu will display
  110. In the Type box select Document or Spreadsheet
  111. Click in the File Name box
  112. Enter file name
  113. Click on Add a subject to this Thread
  114. Enter subject information
  115. Click in Optional: Add a comment with this thread
  116. Enter comments
  117. Click on Choose Group
  118. Click on group name from drop down box
  119. Click on Add participants
  120. Type in name(s)
  121. Notification
  122. All participants will receive automatic email notification
  123. Create
  124. Click on Create button
  125. Add Link:
  126. Click on the Add Link icon and the file table menu will display
  127. Click in the URL box
  128. Enter or paste the URL
  129. Click in the Name box
  130. Enter a name for the URL
  131. Click on Add a subject to this thread
  132. Enter subject information
  133. Click in Optional: Add a comment with this thread
  134. Enter comments
  135. Click on Add a subject to this Thread
  136. Enter subject information
  137. Click in Optional: Add a comment with this thread
  138. Enter comments
  139. Click on Choose Group
  140. Click on group name from drop down box
  141. Click on Add participant by email
  142. Type in email address
  143. Notification
  144. All participants will receive automatic email notification
  145. Post
  146. Click on Post
  147. Meetings
  148. Conference Call
  149. Click on Meetings, then Conference Call
  150. Select “Start right now” or “Select the day and time for the conference call.”
  151. If “Start right now”
  152. Type in a description or subject concerning the call
  153. Select Group of participants or invite participants by email
  154. Click on “Create” button
  155. All recipients receive a notification of the event via email
  156. If “Select the day and time for the conference call.”
  157. Use the pop-up calendar to select the future time and date for the call to occur.
  158. Add the subject description or comment regarding the call
  159. Add a predetermined group of participants or add participants by email address.
  160. Click on the “Create” button
  161. All recipients receive a notification of the event via email
  162. Pop-up window appears giving the phone number and access code for the call to occur.
  163. Dial the number -
  164. The message asks you to enter the access code followed by the pound sign (#)
  165. You then record your name followed by the pound sign (#)
  166. While you wait for other members to join the call, elevator-type jazz music and easy listening selections play.
  167. When the call is complete, hang up. Individual members leaving will not end the call, allowing two members to continue the call if needed.
  168. Virtual Meeting
  169. Click on Meetings, then Virtual Meetings
  170. Type in name of Virtual Meeting
  171. If select Start Right Now
  172. Add optional text in text box
  173. Select group or Non-Group Thread from drop box
  174. Add additional participants by email
  175. Click on Create
  176. Meeting will start automatically in separate tab
  177. If selecting a specific day and time
  178. Click on Date box and select date from calendar
  179. Click on Time box and select the dime
  180. Add optional text in text box
  181. Select group or Non-Group Thread from drop box
  182. Add additional participants by email
  183. Go to home page
  184. All participants will receive a notification and reminders of the meeting
  185. Find scheduled meeting
  186. Click on Start Meeting
  187. Meeting will open on separate tab
  188. Teleconference subwindow will pop up.
  189. Click Okay
  190. Same information is on the top right side.
  191. Moderator:
  192. Select attendees one at a time
  193. Click on microphone in the middle left
  194. This enables conversations
  195. Click on camera in the middle left
  196. This enables video conferencing
  197. Other features to enable:
  198. Drawing
  199. Presenting
  200. Type messages on the bottom right
  201. Click Exit to exit
  202. Moderator, on pop window choose
  203. Stop meeting to end meeting
  204. Leave meeting to allow meeting to continue
  205. Cancel to continue in meeting
  206. Chat room
  207. Click on Meetings, then Chatroom
  208. Type in name of Chatroom
  209. Select day and time for chat (current or set day and time)
  210. Add comment to chatroom (specify the discussion)
  211. Invite participants
  212. Click on Group icon to invite all group members
  213. Click on drop down arrow on group to select “Non Group Thread”
  214. Add participants by email (can be non-Wiggio members)
  215. Click “Create”
  216. Popup “Chatroom created”
  217. Click “Start”
  218. Chatroom discussion
  219. Top section of screen includes members of the chat and chat discussion
  220. Type text in bottom portion of screen and click “Post” or Enter on computer keyboard to post text
  221. Chatroom text is archived for future use and reference
  222. Emails
  223. Click on Messages, then on Email
  224. Type in Subject
  225. Type in body
  226. Select participants
  227. Choose group from drop down box
  228. Add additional participants by email
  229. Choose Non-Group Thread from drop down box
  230. Add participants by email
  231. Click Send
  232. All participants will receive the email
  233. Click Cancel
  234. Email will be deleted
  235. Messaging
  236. Click on Voice Note, Email, or Text
  237. Click on Voice Note
  238. The pop-up window gives the following directions
  239. Click record and speak into microphone
  240. Click stop when you are finished
  241. Click play to playback your recording
  242. Add an optional comment
  243. Choose an organized group or select participants by email
  244. Click “Send”
  245. All participants will be notified by email
  246. Click on Email
  247. The pop-up window needs to be completed
  248. Type in an appropriate subject
  249. Type your message into the “Body”
  250. Select the pre-selected group of participants or select participants by email address
  251. Click “Send”
  252. All participants will be notified by email
  253. Click on Text
  254. Complete the pop-up window
  255. Complete the message section
  256. Select an organized group of participants or individual participants by email
  257. Click “Send”
  258. All participants will receive notification by email
  259. Surveys/Polls
  260. Click on the poll icon and create a poll will display
  261. Click on the poll name text box
  262. Type the desired poll name in the designated box
  263. Click the Box “Don't show participants' names in the results”, if you so wish
  264. Type question one
  265. Select the types of answer
  266. Yes/No
  267. Short answer
  268. Multiple choice
  269. Enter your choice
  270. Click done
  271. Repeat all the steps above every time you want to add another question(s)
  272. Click on the subject text box to add a subject to this thread, if you so wish
  273. Click on the comment text box to add a comment with the poll
  274. Click on participants
  275. Select an organized group of participants or individual participants by email
  276. Click send button
  277. All participants will receive notification of the poll by email
  279. Initial comment - click on “Comment”
  280. In the box under “Add Subject to this Thread” type in your comment.
  281. To add additional items (like chat, polls, etc.) click on the “Add” drop down menu under the box with the comment
  282. Include participants
  283. Click on Group icon to include all group members
  284. Click on drop down arrow on “Group” button to select “Non Group Thread” to include comments to outside group
  285. Add comment participants by email (can be non-Wiggio members)
  286. Click on “Post” to post comment to feed
  287. Select “Group” button to display all group members
  288. Click on “X” next to name to remove member from comment thread
  289. Add additional members by typing in email addresses
  290. Select Notification option
  291. “Send based on their mailing list preference” will send how they have selected to receive notifications
  292. “Do NOT send notification” will post comment on thread but will not notify members of comment
  293. Reply to Comments
  294. Click on “Reply” (bottom right of comment post)
  295. Type in text box reply to comment
  296. Use Drop-Down arrow next to “Reply” to include additional items such as polls, chat room appointments, files, etc.
  297. Select notification type:
  298. Send based on their mailing list preference (members will be notified via email, text or daily summary)
  299. Force regardless of their mailing list preference (members will be notified even if they select “no mail” in their notification settings)
  300. Do NOT send any notification (for the comment to just post to Feed)
  301. Click on “Post” to post reply to comment
  302. Can also reply via email when receive email notification and it will post to comment thread
  303. Identify the needs of a high functioning group
  304. Establish Group “Norms”
  305. Every team has two components that team members must pay attention to if the team is going to succeed.