Teaching & Learning Cooperative

Facilitator Proposal (Group of 4)

Title of Proposal: Math Assessments/Tools

TLC points requested: 10-20

Proposal Submission Date: June 6, 2006

Proposal Facilitators: Elaine Newton, Pat Barroga, Monda Forrestal, Suzy Sutton

Work Location: Sunset Hills

Phone: 484-1600 Email:

Intended Audience: All district 2nd grade teachers

Start and End Dates: July—May 2006—2007

District Goals Addressed: X K-12 Literacy (support for K-12

reading, writing, or mathematics)

X Proficiency for all students across all grades

levels and content areas as measured by

standardized state measures (CST, CAHSEE)

Professional Learning Outcomes:

·  Build shared understanding of the components of the math strands.

·  Develop a menu of sequential strand materials and assessments to support the Everyday Math Program.

·  Create new materials for individual student resource folders as a tool to support math learning. Resource folders are used by students to prop up on their desks during math work time. These charts will include examples of a name collection box, place value chart, clocks, rulers, shapes, a number grid, place value chart, etc.

·  Utilize the new assessment piece to track student growth.

·  Establish a process for sharing math assessments with our school site and with other district 2nd grade teachers.

Professional Growth Activities: (Timeline)

Acquiring New Learning Activities: July 25, 27, and August 1, 3 will be dates spent creating the math assessments and resource folders (21 hours). We will divide the skills taught in each unit of Everyday Math into the seven math strands of the CA Math Standards to create assessments. Using these assessments, we will see where a student needs extra learning and create an individual plan for the students. This supports math learning for all students by differentiating learning and forming purposeful groups based on the results of each unit. The July and August dates are for the four teacher participants to spend time creating the assessments and resource folders.

Tuesday, July 25 will be spent cutting apart Math Units 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 to reassemble into like strands and glued together. Parent letters will be created to accompany each unit assessment (6 hours).

Thursday, July 27 continues the same process with Math Units 7, 8, 9, and 10 (5 hours).

Tuesday, August 1 will be time to gather resources for and start making the resource folders (5 hours).

Thursday, August 3 will be work time finishing resource folders and preparing for the Make It, Take It Workshop (5 hours).

September 21, December 7, January 26, March 15, and April 26 will be the dates our second grade team of teachers will meet to compose timelines for implementation of assessments for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters, have a reflection of student learning, and revise assessments. Each meeting date will be three hours in the afternoon. The October 5th meeting will be the “Make It, Take It” workshop for all 2nd grade teachers in the district. We will share our work with other 2nd grade teachers, and provide an opportunity for the teachers to make a resource folder and get a copy of our assessments. Lastly, the May 10 meeting is for district teachers to come and reflect on the use of the assessments and resource folders (2 hours for each meeting with a total of 19 hours).

Classroom Implementation Activities:

·  Train and guide students in the appropriate use of resource folders as related to the math strand being taught.

·  At the end of each unit, give assessments to assess students on the math strands covered in that unit.

·  Develop a parent letter to communicate student progress in each math strand.

·  Use math assessments in parent/teacher conferences to demonstrate student progress.

Reflection Activities:

·  To support goal setting, participants will reflect on and summarize the most important concepts addressed.

·  Students reflect on the resource folders through class discussion and brainstorming activities.

·  Utilize assessments in each strand to discuss results and help create an action plan for students during parent/teacher conferences.

·  Based on student feedback, teachers will revise resource folders as needed.

Budget Request:

·  $25 file folders—3 boxes

·  $30 packing tape—8 rolls

·  $15 glue sticks—60 sticks

·  $75 publications—750 sheets/color

·  $75 refreshments—2 meetings with food/drink

Total estimated cost: $220