Maggie Ortiz, 2011

Edited by Jenny Marion and Paul Knobel, 2013

1.1What are Structural Geology and Tectonics

Structural geology & tectonics-motions & processes that build Earth’s crust
Types of Motions:

Rigid body motion-transportation, no change in size or shape; no permanent imprint
Deformation - motion that changes size and/or shape

Structural geology scale-submicroscopic to regional

Tectonics Scale-regional to global

Continuum Mechanics-describes the motion of material bodies of continuous matter, taking into account the body’s deformability. Includes kinematics and mechanics.

1.2Structural geology, tectonics and the use of models

Geometric Models

-3D interpretations of structures in Earth

-based on: mapping, geophysical data
-examples: geological maps, vertical cross sections

Kinematic Models

-prescribe motions that could have carried system from undeformed→deformed state

-not concerned with why, how or physical properties of the system

-assess validity by comparing observed motions w/ model

Mechanical Models

- models motions as the consequence of their relationship with forces and material properties.

1.3The interior of the Earth and other terrestrial bodies


-dense, predominantly iron-nickel alloy

-solid inner core, liquid outer core


-thick, much lower density than core, magnesium-iron silicates

1. Lithospheric mantle-crust and upper mantle (100 km under ocean, 200-300 km under continents)

2. Asthenosphere-closer to melting temp→weaker

3. Mesosphere-stronger, high density, crystalline phases of magnesium-iron silicates or oxides


-thin layer that surrounds mantle

-low-density materials

-igneous rocks-granitic to basaltic

-sediments and sedimentary rocks
-metamorphic equivalents of above rocks

Temperature gradient-+25oC per km in crust and mantle (this change decreases with depth)


-moves heat out of liquid core

-carries heat transferred from core & from radioactive decay w/in mantle to surface

Heat escapes earth by:

-Conduction through cold lithospheric boundary layer

- Advection of heat in magmas

- Upwelling of asthenosphere at oceanic spreading centers

1.4The Earth’s crust and plate tectonics: Introduction

Continental Crust-granodioritic composition

Oceanic Crust-basaltic composition

Surface elevation-Bimodal

-continents-w/in 100’s of meters of sea level

-ocean floor-~5 km below sea surface

Tectonics-lithosphere is divided into plates the move (rigid body motion)

-deformation of plates concentrated in belts ~100’s of km wide

Plate Boundaries


*plates move away from each other

*Material flows up from mantle

*horizontal stretching & vertical

thinning of crust

*normal faulting surface, ductile thinning deeper

-Convergent-subduction zones

*thrust faults w/strike-slip faulting

*continent-continent collision-folding,

metamorphism & igneous activity

-Transform-sliding (horizontal)

*strike-slip faults

*vertical zones of ductile deformation

w/sub-horizontal direction of displacement.

Factors influencing structures

-orientation and intensity of forces

-motions to which rocks are subjected

-physical conditions-pressure and temp

-mechanical properties of rock

Brittle deformation

-rock fracture, low temp & pressure

Ductile deformation

-high temp and pressure but below melting temp and low intensity of applied forces or slow imposed deformations

-flow of rock in solid crystalline state

-stratigraphic layers, stretching & thinning of layers, parallel alignment of grains

1.5Ocean basins

Ophiolites - on-land exposed rock sequences thought to represent old oceanic crust

Oceanic crust

-3-10 km (avg. of 7 km) thick

-igneous rocks of basaltic composition

-differences in elevation due to differences in density and thickness of underlying crust and mantle

Averaged layer model
Vp is seismic p-wave velocity

Layer 1-Vp=3-5 km/s

-unconsolidated sediment of pelagic, hemi-pelagic or turbidic origin

Layer 2-Vp=4-6 km/s

-predominately submarine basaltic extrusive and shallow intrusive rocks
- subdivided into 2A, 2B, 2C based on how velocity increases in depth

Layer 3-Vp=6-7.5 km/s

-mafic, ultra-mafic plutonic rocks and/or serpentinized mantle peridotite

-3A & 3B-reflect olivine quantityi. Features of Oceanic Plate Margins

Midocean ridges

-divergent plate margins-high regions

-40,000 km long, 2.5 km high (above floor), and 1000-3000 km wide

-active normal faults

Transform fault boundaries

-seismically active parts of fracture zones

-sharp ridge and trough topography

-steeply dipping faults

-deformed oceanic rocks

-up to 10,000 km long, up to 100 km wide

-crust tends to be less thick here


-Chains of volcanic islands accompanied by parallel trenches (island-arc-deep sea trench pairs)

-extend 1000’s of km

-volcanoes 70-80 km apart-rise above ridges-few 100 km wide

-trenches-up to 12km deep, ~100km wide

*landward side-active thrust faults

-crust- ~25 km thick

ii. Features of oceanic plate interiors

Abyssal plains

-vast areas of flat ocean floor

-deepest regions of ocean

-5 km below sea level

Oceanic plateaus

-broad elevated regions

-variety of origins

-100-1000’s 0f km2 area

-1-4 km above normal ocean floor

Aseismic ridges

-linear ridges characterized by high elevation, thick crust, and lack of associated seismic activity

-most cases-linear constructional ridges formed by chains of basaltic volcanoes

1.6The structure of continental crust

Continental crust

-older, thicker, less dense, lower velocity

-~35 km thick (average)

-velocity tends to increase with depth

-velocity inversions

Upper crust-metamorphosed rocks intruded in places by granitic rocks

Middle crust-migmatite

Lower crust-highly folded rocks

-moho discontinuity is less sharp

1.7Precambrian shields

-Precambrian shield-large areas where Precambrian rock >60 Ma are exposed

-Archean rocks- >2500 Ma

-Proterozoic rocks- 2500 Ma to 540 Ma

-Archean regions-greater evidence of crustal instability

i. Archean terranes

Archean Terranes

-divisible on basis of metamorphic grades

-high grade gneissic regions

*amphibolite or granulitic facies of


*form bulk of archean regions

*quartz-feldspathic gneisses derived

by metamorphism of felsic igneous


*complexly mixed with greenstone belts over 10-100’s of km

-greenstone belts-rocks at greenschist or lower grades of metamorphism

*Greenstone-mafic to silicic volcanic

rocks and shallow intrusive bodies
Sutures-regions of deformed oceanic material thought to be remnants of disappeared oceans

Structural features of Archean Terranes

-highly deformed and display more than 1 generation of folds

-contacts between gneissic and greenstone are complex

-sedimentary rock types fall into one of two categories:

*immature volcanogenic sediments


-Similar sedimentary and tectonic conditions occurred globally during Archean times

During Archean:

-higher temps in earth

-thermal gradient 2-3x higher than present

-plate tectonics likely operated

-oceanic crust prob. thicker

-continents smaller and less numerous

ii. Proterozoic terranes
Terranes include both highly deformed mobile areas and slightly deformed stable regions

-Cratons-tectonically stable regions of crust (became abundant in Proterozoic)

Deformed belts

-multiply deformed regions rich in volcanic rocks

-thick sedimentary sequences deposited in linear troughs

- include Proterozoic dike swarms

Aulacogens-series of smaller linear sediment-filled grabens

1.8Phanerozoic regions

i. Interior lowlands and cratonic platforms

-most platform sediments are marine

ii. Orogenic belts

-thick sequences of shallow-water sandstones, limestones and shales deposited on continental crust

-crude bilateral symmetry

-form at convergent margins

iii. Continental rifts

-abundant normal faulting, shallow EQ activity, mountainous topography

iv. Modern continental margins

Passive, rifted, or Atlantic-style margins (horizontally lengthened and vertically thinned continental crust)

-initiate at divergent plate boundaries

Convergent or Andean-style margins

-where consuming plate boundaries are located along a continental margin

-abrupt topographic change from a deep sea trench offshore to a high belt of mountains w/in 100-200 km off the coast

-narrow or absent continental shelf

-mountains have chain of active stratovolcanoes

Transform or California-style margins

-sharp topographic differences between oceans and continents

- active strike-slip faulting, poorly developed shelf, irregular ridge & basin topography and many deep sedimentary basins

Back-arc or Japan style margins

-composite margins - passive margin separated by narrow oceanic region from an active island arc


Maggie Ortiz, 2011

Edited by Jenny Marion and Paul Knobel, 2013