Crash Test Dummies
Michelle Daniel
Grade Level
2 – 70 minute class blocks
Rationale (How this relates to engineering)
This portfolio project will provide students with a basic understanding of the physics behind car crashes and seatbelt use (i.e. Newton’s First Law of Motion). Students will perform mathematical analyses on statistical data obtained from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety concerning car accidents and fatalities. Students will also analyze Car Insurance costs through writing equations, solving equations, graphing insurance data. Students will also write a conclusion essay, summarizing what they learned during the portfolio project.
Activity Summary
Portfolio Project that includes such concepts as Newton’s First Law of Motion, Seatbelt Safety, Car Insurance, Statistical Tables and Graphs
1. Understand how Newton’s First Law applies to car crashes
2. Identify ways to avoid car crashes and car crash injuries
3. Understand the importance of seatbelts
4. Understand how seatbelts work
5. Understand how good grades affect car insurance rates
6. Apply mathematical knowledge to construct data tables and graphs
7. Apply mathematical knowledge to write and solve equations
8. Apply mathematical knowledge to construct word problems and solve them.
9. Summarize what was learned during the portfolio project
· Standard: Scientific Inquiry
o Benchmark A: Participate in and apply the processes of scientific investigations to create models and to design, conduct, evaluate and communicate the results of these investigations.
§ Indicator 3: Construct, interpret and apply physical and conceptual models that represent or explain systems, objects events or concepts.
· Standard: Physical Sciences
o Benchmark D: Explain the movement of objects by applying Newton’s three laws of motion.
§ Indicator 22: Demonstrate that any object does not accelerate (remains at rest or maintains a constant speed and direction of motion) unless an unbalance (net) force acts on it.
· Standard: Number, Number Sense and Operation
o Benchmark D: Connect physical, verbal and symbolic representations of integers, rational numbers and irrational numbers.
o Benchmark F: Explain the effects of operations on the magnitude of quantities
o Benchmark G: Estimate, compute and solve problems involving real numbers, including ratio, proportion and percent, and explain solutions.
o Benchmark I: Estimate, compute and solve problems involving scientific notation, square roots and numbers with integer exponents.
o Indicator 3: Explain the effects of operations such as multiplication or division, and of computing powers and roots on the magnitude of quantities.
o Indicator 4: Demonstrate fluency in computations using real numbers.
· Standard: Patterns, Functions and Algebra
o Benchmark C: Translate information from one representation (words, table, graph or equation) to another representation of a relation or function.
o Benchmark D: Use algebraic representations, such as tables, graphs, expressions, functions and inequalities, to model and solve problem situations.
o Benchmark H: Solve systems of linear equations involving two variables graphically and symbolically.
o Benchmark J: Describe and interpret rates of change from graphical and numerical data.
o Indicator 1: Define function with ordered pairs in which each domain element is assigned exactly one range element.
o Indicator 2: Generalize patterns using functions or relationships (linear, quadratic, and exponential), and freely translate among tabular, graphical and symbolic representations
o Indicator 3: Describe problem situations (linear, quadratic and exponential) by using tabular, graphical and symbolic representations.
o Indicator 4: Demonstrate the relationship among zeros of a function, root of equations, and solutions of equations graphically and in words.
· Standard: Data Analysis and Probability
o Benchmark A: Create, interpret and use graphical displays and statistical measure to describe data; e.g., box-and-whisker plots, histograms, scatterplots, measures of center and variability.
o Benchmark F: Construct convincing arguments based on analysis of data and interpretation of graphs.
o Indicator 2: Create a scatterplot for a set of biveriate data, sketch the line of best fit, and interpret the slope of the line of best fit.
Background Knowledge
Newton’s First Law of Motion
Graphing Scatter Plots
Trend lines
Creating Data Tables
Writing Equations
Defining Variables
Solving Equations
Materials Required
Power Point Presentation “Crash Test Dummies”
Portfolio Packet
· Worksheet
· Power Point handout (created from presentation)
· 2 pieces of graph paper
Report Cover
CD player
Instrumental music
1. Power Point Presentation “Crash Test Dummies”
a. Guided discussion during the presentation.
2. Portfolio Project Packet
a. Students will work in teams of 2 to complete this portfolio.
b. Students are given the Rubric which explains the expectations of the project.
c. Students are given the Portfolio Packet with a report cover (for a professional presentation and preservation)
d. Instrumental music will be played in the classroom to help the students concentrate on their work and to keep them on task.
Assessment of Student Learning
The student’s Portfolio Packets will be assessed using the Rubric given to all students.
Assessment of the Activity
Students will be given the Activity Feedback Form. See the results below.
I felt that this lesson went extraordinarily well. The students actively participated in the guided discussion during the presentation and seemed to really enjoy what we were talking about. The crash test dummy video really sparked their interest about our discussion on Newton’s First Law, car accidents, seat belts and car Insurance. Because driving is of particular interest to freshmen, all of the students seemed engaged. During the presentation I discuss topics associated with driving a car and then showed the students how we were going to use these topics to practice math.
While the students worked in class I attempted to play music to help them work. Unfortunately it didn’t work. They hated the music I chose (it wasn’t hip-hop or rap) and claimed it gave them a headache. Lesson learned. No music. It may help me concentrate, but it doesn’t help them.
Something I forgot to include in my presentation was the engineering application of what we were talking about. So, to conclude the project (on day 3) I spoke about the design and development of seat belts and asked them what profession they thought did that. Scientists, Doctors, Engineers, Mechanics, etc. were all given as a response. I then highlighted the profession of engineering and how engineers are the ones that study, test and design such things as seat belts, cars, stereo systems, etc. If I could do it again, I would definitely include this in my presentation.
During this lesson, no new information was taught, but it was practiced and put into a more practical application. I feel that this project allowed for the students to explore, learn and practice mathematics in a new and interesting way.
The report covers were definitely a plus to this project. They gave the project a more professional appearance to the students. My hope was that the students would create a more professional presentation if the document appeared to be so important that it should be covered.
The students were only given three days to work on the portfolio project in class. All were collected and reviewed. The teacher and I reviewed and commented on every student’s portfolio. It was then handed back for revision. A low initial grade was given to most students (probably 95%) to show the students the importance of revising and resubmitting. If anything was incomplete in the packet, the student was given a zero. Only 100% complete portfolios will be given a grade. I felt that this tactic worked well for the students. Unfortunately they had not received a rubric when they began the portfolio packet so they really didn’t know what the expectations were. If I were to do this again I would definitely go over the rubric with the students before letting them begin to ensure they knew what was expected of them. This change in my lesson is documented in the lesson plan.
When the students received their portfolio packets back they also received a rubric. The remainder of that class period was used to answer student questions about the comments made on their portfolio and help them with concepts and instructions that they did not understand.
I felt that the worksheets associated with this portfolio project were very simple and easy to understand. Unfortunately, that was not the case when the students began deciphering and decoding what the instructions were telling them to do.
As I said above, I felt that this lesson was very successful. I am very excited to see the students’ finished products.