Advanced Placement Biology
Ms. Bombard
Aims & Scope of Course:
This course is considered a college level course. Thus, you will be reading from a college text, perform college level labs, and be following the format of a college level introductory biology course. There will be (4) Big Ideas that will be stressed during the year. The Big Ideas are as follows: (1) The process of evolution drives the diversity and unity of life; (2) Biological systems utilize free energy and molecular building blocks to grow, to reproduce and to maintain dynamic homeostasis; (3) Living systems store, retrieve, transmit and respond to information essential to life processes; (4) Biological systems interact, and these systems and their interactions possess complex properties.
Who should take AP Biology?
Course is geared to students interested in pursuing a career in the biological sciences or those interested in a rigorous academic challenge. College credit can be obtained by scoring successfully on the AP
Biology exam administered in May.
It will be expected that you review and recall basic biological and chemical principles. Since there is a great amount of material that must be covered, you will also be expected to read and learn independently throughout the year.
Required Materials:
Text: AP Edition Biology, Tenth Edition, Campbell and Reece
1 ½ “ ringed-notebook, pocket folder, pen, pencil, colored pencils, filler paper, calculator
*All unit and lab tests as well as prelab questions must be saved throughout the year. These items will be collected at the end of the year. It will count as an participation grade for the fourth marking period.
Course Format:
The course is composed of the following elements: (1) lecture, (2) assigned readings, (3) laboratory work, (4) small group
Lectures will present much of the foundation material. Lectures will try to overlap textbook readings and lab work; however, at times it may not. Prepare for lectures by reading, taking notes, reviewing and using good study skills. You are encouraged to ask questions and be prepared to answer questions.
Laboratory Work:
There are AP labs recommended by The College Board. Other labs will be included during the year to enhance your understanding of science. Each lab will generally follow with a lab report for a group of two students. Lab will also be preceded or followed by a lab quiz. Reports will be scored as a group and individually; quizzes only individually. YOU MUST READ AND UNDERSTAND THE LAB BEFORE LAB DAY!!
Tests and Quizzes:
Tests will follow the AP style of multiple choice and essays. Also, the tests will usually cover multiple chapters/topics. Quizzes are announced. Makeup ASAP!!!!
Weekly homework sheets will be distributed. Outlines must be handwritten. Study guides must be completed to the best of your ability. Grades will be based upon completeness and effort.
Quarter grades are based upon test, quiz, labs, homework, etc. The grade will be following a total point system and closely follow the district’s grading policy.
General Course Policies:
1. You are responsible for all work missed when absent. The number of days absent should be ample time to makeup work. All work that is not made up will result in a grade of zero.
2. You are prepared for class. Passes to retrieve forgotten items are frowned upon and may not be given.
3. Are required to submit all outlines on the due date at the beginning of the period or when collected. During the 1st marking period, one or two outlines may be submitted late depending upon reason and teacher decision. After the 1st marking period, NO LATE OUTLINES WILL BE ACCEPTED.
4. Assignments will be neatly presented with headings, title of assignments, dates. Assignments that cannot be read will not be graded. Examples of assignments are lab reports, pre or post lab assignments, worksheets, etc. Assignments are due on the due date for full credit.
5. Follow proper lab and safety rules. No one will be permitted to participate in lab without a safety contract that has been signed by you and your parent.
6. Be prepared, listen and an enjoyable biology experience will follow for all of us.
Extra Help:
Help is available upon request. Please see me before or after class to setup an appointment.
Looking forward to an exciting and successful year!!!