HuntingtonMiddle School
Gifted Science
Mr. Jeff Knutson ()
Welcome to Gifted Science for the 2014-2015 school year! We plan on having lots of activities as learning happens during this important year. Following are some rules, procedures, and expectations that need to be followed in order for this to be the successful year we all strive for.
- To keep our textbooks in good order, they must be covered throughout the school year. If, after the first week of textbook issuance, the student does not have it covered, there will be a strike issued. It is important for care of these books to avoid damage costs later in the year.
- All required materials must be brought to class each day. Students will NOT be permitted to return to lockers during class. Additionally, students are NOT allowed to call home for forgotten assignments or class materials. Any additional materials needed for class will be issued to students and becomes their responsibility.
Rules and Classroom Expectations
- No talking when the teacher or another person is speaking or duringannouncements (this is just
simple courtesy). Raisehandforrecognition!
- Stay seated unless permission is given for being up.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself always.
- Name-calling, teasing, foul language, and throwing objects are prohibited.
- No gum chewing, eating food/candy, or wearing hats in class (except special circumstances).
- Verbal warning
- Conference with me
- Strike system (note and/or call to parent)
Special Note to Parents: Please know that you are welcome to contact me with any concerns you may have. Call the school (478-542-2240) and leave a message or e-mail me at .
I am looking forward to an exciting year with you at Huntington Middle. Parents and students please sign below (and return to me) to indicate awareness of the guidelines and procedures for Honors Science.
Thank you,
Mr. Knutson
- Students are responsible for completing all assignments and turning them in on time. All work mustbe fully completed and ready to turn in when you enter the classroom.There will be ONE (1) Redemption Day near the end of each 9 week grading period. This is the ONLY day for students to turn in late work (at reduced point value). Students will have that Redemption Day to also retake ONE (1) test if they choose to replace the previously earned score. No late work will be accepted at any time except on Redemption Day. The exceptions are excused absences. Students that have an excused absence will have the number of days absent to turn in work at no penalty.
- Major tests (usually on a Friday) will always be announced in advance. Quizzes may be given at any time, so always stay current with the material.
Grade Values
Chapter Tests40%
- Absences:
a.Students having an excused absence on the day of a pre-announced test/assignment or on the due date of a long-term project are responsible for that work on the next day’s return to school. If it is known ahead of time that the student will be absent, they need to submit the work before their absence. Please refer to the student handbook for other policies regarding make-up work.
b.It is the responsibility of the student to see the teacher for any assignments or hand-outs that they may have missed while absent. Students should borrow a classmate’s notebook to copy any notes missed due to an excused absence. Students should arrange to meet with the teacher after school to receive any additional help.
Materials needed throughout the year:
- One spiral notebook. This is the graded Science Notebook. It should be kept in the binder.
- 3-ring binder with loose-leaf paper
- Blue OR Black pens (NO OTHER COLORS!)
- Pencils with usable erasers
Important: 7th graders are required to have 2 bottles of rubber cement and a composition book for Science Fair!
** The following items would always be welcome DONATIONS for the classroom:
- Loose-leaf paper
- AA batteries
- Hand sanitizer
- HP printer cartridges (#56 = black, #57 = color)
- Pencils
Parent signature Student signature