YWCA Veteran’s Day 2013
Tips for Social Media Messaging
- You are welcome to cross-post blog posts published on November 11 about military sexual assault and Veteran’s Day. Please link back to the original blog post on
Recommended hashtags: #YWCA, #MSA, #MJIA, #vets, #veterans, #VeteransDay, #military, #VAW, #GBV, #sexualassault,
Suggestions for posts ahead of and during Veteran’s Day 2013:
- YWCA USA will be using the #YWCA and #VeteransDay hashtags for the majority of posts – you are free to do the same. Also important is the #MJIA, or Military Justice Improvement Act, hashtag in posts that link to our action alert (this link:
- YWCA USA will be posting historical facts about our work with the military. If your local association has specific historical facts about their military work, or about the military in their community, feel free to share those!
- Retweets from partners or organizations who are working to end sexual assault in the military, and pass the Military Justice Improvement Act, are encouraged.
- Live-tweeting and posting photos or videos during your local association’s Veteran’s Day events, or events hosted by other organizations that you attend, is highly encouraged
- If you submit a blog post or event to the YWCA USA’s website or blog, we will share your post/event through our social media networks
You may direct Tweets to the list of suggested Senators in the Social Media Sample Posts document, asking them to support the Military Justice Improvement Act. If a Senator is in your association’s region, send at least one Tweet to them on Veteran’s Day.
Facebook and Pinterest:
Suggestions for posts ahead of and during Veteran’s Day 2013:
- YWCA USA will be sharing images and relevant graphics that you are welcome to share on your own pages.
- Sample Facebook and Pinterest messages are provided in the Sample Social Media Messaging document, if you’d like to post them.
- Sharing posts or graphics from partners or organizations who are working to end sexual assault in the military, and pass the Military Justice Improvement Act, are encouraged.
- Posting photos and videos during your local association’s Veteran’s Day events (if you are having any) is highly encouraged.
- Search for free-for-use photos at or purchase stock photography at istockphoto.com
- Suggested resources for creating graphics:
- Great tool for creating Pinterest quotes: Share As Image
- Snap App
- Piktochart
- Visual.ly
- Infogr.am
- Easel.ly
Using Social Media – How-To Guides:
There are many guides available online that explain the details of using the social media networks we discussed today. Each network also has its own branded guide explaining the specifics of using each tool. These resources are the most reliable source of up-to-date information about using each of these networks. When using other guides, make sure to check when the guide was published, as it may be outdated information.
FacebookThe basics / Pinterest
The basics
The basics / Instagram
The basics
Twitter language and acronyms:
the complete guide