Associated Student Government
Senate minutes × March 19, 2012
I. Call to Order at 7:03pm
II. Pledge of Allegiance lead by Sen. Lamar
III. Roll Call
IV. Orders of the Day
A. Sen. French moves to create old business item 9 “C.A.S. 2011-2012/2 “Senate Reapportionment Act”, Seconded by Sen. Baker
B. Sen. Lamar moves to add the swearing in and conformation of senators after public forum seconded by Sen. Jackson
C. Sen. Potter moves to approve the agenda, seconded by Sen. Perez, Approved.
V. Approval of Minutes
A. Sen. Baker moves to approve the minutes, seconded by Sen. Jones, Approved.
VI. Public Forum
A. Lindsey Hendrix- free GRE, LSAT, & GMAT sessions, passed out flyers
VII. Confirmation & Swearing in of Senators
A. Sen. French moves to approve, Jeremy Wortham, Shaheer Bashir, & Ryan Wishnow, Seconded by Sen. Applegate, Vote, 27-1, confirmed.
B. Sworn in
VIII. Executive Reports
A. President DeGarmo
i. Creating advertisements for the referendums going up for vote in the ASG elections
B. Election Commission Chairman Cody DeSalvo
i. Possibly getting a picture of the ASG Candidates who are running for election when you are placing your vote
ii. April 2nd LBJ amp a-theater-ASG debate
C. Vice President Roemer
i. Composite will be done by LBJ marketing, it will be during committee meeting, date: TBD
ii. Banquet: waiting for a final head count
IX. Legislative Reports
A. Sen. Baker
i. Chat room function on the ASG Website
a. Need to find a student who knows how to code in html
b. University Star debate: March 27th, 7pm flowers hall rm: 301
B. Sen. French
i. Promote the ASG election
C. Sen. Potter
i. Bobcat for a day apps are due this Wednesday
D. Sen. Lamar
i. Texas State clean-up-meet in Lilly’s lounge
X. Old Business
A. C.A.S. 2011-2012/2 “Senate Reapportionment Act”
i. Sen. French moves to recall the legislation, Seconded by Sen. Lamar, recalled.
ii. Sen. Lamar moves to change article 2 to read article 1 everywhere on the legislation, Seconded by Sen. Snoe
iii. Sen. French moves to vote on the legislation by general consent, seconded by Sen. Worthman, passed.
iv. Legislation passed.
XI. Adjourned at 7:47pm
A. Sen. Bohanan moves to adjourn seconded by Sen. Snoe, Adjourned.