I (name of student)______student number ______

wish to leave the ______department on (date) ______

for the following reason:______

I understand that the University will withdraw sponsorship of my Tier 4 visa from this date and as a result my right to remain in the UK will be withdrawn. I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that I am not in breach of immigration regulations.

I will remain in contact with my supervisor as agreed after this date.

I understand and confirm the following:

  1. It will be my responsibility to ensure that my ISM/dissertation is received by the department by the deadline of ______.
  1. This is a request to not study in residence at the University of York as stated in General Academic regulations and procedures for students on taught programmes regulation 6.4 (copy overleaf).
  1. I understand that by studying at a distance this cannot be used as any grounds for appeal or mitigating circumstances if the need arises.
  1. I understand that the usual supervision process involving face-to-face contact with my supervisor may be compromised by my decision to leave York early. I waive the automatic right to supervision by choosing not to attend face-to-face meetings with my supervisor.
  1. I understand that my supervisor may choose to make alternative arrangements to support my work towards the ISM/dissertation, either by email or Skype, but there is no obligation on my supervisor to provide this alternative.
  1. My choice to leave York cannot be used as grounds for requesting a change of supervisor or any complaint concerning the level of supervision.
  1. Furthermore I accept that early departure does not represent grounds for remission from any fees or accommodation dues paid or payable to the University.

Signed: ______(student)


Signed: ______(Supervisor)

Date: ______

Signed: ______(Director of Postgraduate Programmes)

Date: ______

Signed ______(Chair Board of Studies)

Date: ______

6.4 Residence and attendance

(a) Students must normally live within reasonable travelling distance of their designated place of instruction for the duration of designated periods of study. For the purpose of the regulations, this will be interpreted as being within 30 miles of their designated place of instruction for full-time students and 60 miles for part-time students. Where fieldwork or practice placements constitute part of a programme of study, these locations may be regarded as the designated place of instruction.

(b) Students may be absent from their designated place of instruction during periods of study provided they are not away at any time at which academic engagements have been arranged. Students are responsible for seeking approval for absences at other times from their supervisor or, in the supervisor’s absence, the Chair of the Board of Studies concerned.

(c) “Designated periods of study” will usually equate to University terms. Exceptions to this will be recorded as programme requirements in departmental documentation.

(d) Exceptions: distance learning programme: Students on distance learning programmes are expected to demonstrate attendance through participation in all designated academic engagements.

(e) Exemptions: Students seeking exemptions from residence or attendance requirements for up to four weeks on medical or other reasons should follow the procedure set out in the Mitigating Circumstances Policy. This also includes a procedure for self-certification for short periods of absence due to ill-health.

(f) It shall be a condition of any arrangements that are made regarding paid employment, residence and attendance that regular supervision will be provided for.