Tier 3 Weight Management Service Referral Form
Please complete ALL the sections and return the completed form by email to or by post to:Tier 3 Weight Management Service, Walton Hospital, Chesterfield S40 3HW
Referrals will only be accepted from Derbyshire GP’s and Specialist Physicians*
For more information telephone 01246 515166
*Referrals from Specialist Physicians must be copied to patient’s GP with a request to send a list of co morbidities and medications to the Tier 3 service
Section 1 - Client Details
Title / Full Name / NHS No.
D.O.B / Gender / Female Male Transgender
Address / Postcode
Email address / Homephone
phone / Consent to leave voicemail? / Yes No
Best time to contact client / AM PM
GP Name / GP Surgery Address (or practice stamp)
Does the client need any reasonable adjustments making in order to access this programme e.g. disability access, information & communication needs, or in terms of culture, religion, sexuality or gender? / No Yes If yes, please state the
nature of support required.
Section 2 – Referral Criteria Please tick the appropriate boxes
BMI 50 or above / Ready, willing and able to undertake lifestyle change to lose weight /
BMI 35 to 49
(Note: BMI thresholds can be reduced by 2.5kg/m2 for people who are black African, African-Caribbean, Chinese or Asian) / Ready, willing and able to undertake lifestyle change to lose weight.
Has completed a Tier 2 weight management intervention.
Has one or more of the followingcomorbities:
Cardiovascular disease / Diabetes / Pre-Diabetes
Mental ill health related to obesity / Osteoarthritis / Intracranial hypertension
Sleep apnoea / Fatty liver disease / Chronic Kidney Disease
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome / Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Clients for whom surgery is dependent on
weight loss / Other co-morbidities that would be reversed by bariatric surgery. (Please provide justification for the referral)
Is this person considering bariatric surgery? No Yes *If yes they must be a non-smoker,be drinking
within recommended limits of alcohol and have
had stable mental health for the last 12 months
Section 3 – Health Data
Current Use
Weight (kg) / Height (m) / BMI / Blood
Pressure / Smoking / Alcohol
Per week / Units per week
Please tick if the client has any of the following:
Physical Disability / Learning Disability
Mild mental health condition
Enduring mental health condition
Other conditions, please give details
Pleasegive details of medication, or attach current prescription, and latest results of blood tests.
(Please note- for referrals from specialist physicians to be processed, they must be copied to the patients GP with a request to send a list of comorbidities and medication to Tier 3.)
Section 4 - Other agencies involved in care & any risk issues
Are there any other services involved in this person’s care? / Yes No
If yes please provide contact details for each service
Please highlight any risk/safety issues we need to be aware of including recent history of verbal &/or physical aggression towards others or inappropriate, anti-social behaviour/substance misuse
Section 5 – Consent and Referrer’s Details:
(All referrals must be signed by GP or specialist physician)
I confirm this person is suitablefor the programme, is over 18, and is registered with a Derbyshire / Derby City GP(excluding Glossop) / Yes / I confirm that I have discussed the service with the client, they have agreed consent to be contacted by the Tier 3 Weight Management Service, and are motivated to lose weight / Yes
Name / Position
Place of Work / Telephone number
Signature / Date
This information will be treated as private and confidential and will be collected bytheTier 3 Weight Management Service for the delivery of lifestyle interventions. This information will be held by the Tier 3 Weight Management Service and processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. This information will only be shared with services that the patient has consented to share with.
Version: March 2018