Accompanied by:
y/o male/female, initial Healthy Habits Clinic Intake, referred by Dr. for evaluation and treatment of excess weight.
Problems with weight since:
Changes that occurred in patient’s life around the time that weight started to increase:
Previous Evaluation:
Pt’s perspective of current weight: feels it is a problem.
SMART goals set during Session 1:
Breakfast –
Lunch –
Dinner –
Snacks –
Drinks –
Screen Time:
No fatigue. No sleep problems. No loud snoring.
No heat and cold intolerance, No skin/hair/nail changes
Appetite normal. No abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea. Stools normal.
No polyuria, polydipsia, or nocturia.
No joint pains.
No depression. No concentration problems.
No hirsutism. No acne.
Birth: BW:
Met early developmental milestones. No early feeding problems.
Other medical diagnoses:
Allergies: NKDA
Immunizations: UTD for age
Family History
Mother ‘’ tall, menarche at age
Father ‘’ tall, puberty -
MPH = “
Obesity -
Diabetes -
Thyroid disease –
Autoimmune disease –
Hyperlipidemia -
CV disease – none < 55
Stroke – none < 55
Cancer –
Social History
BMI = %
Gen: well-appearing, overweight
HEENT: PERRL, fundi normal, nose and OP clear
Thyroid: normal
No cervical LAD
CV: RRR, no murmur
Resp: comfortable, lungs clear
Abd: soft, NT, ND, no HSM
Neuro: DTRs 2+ with normal return
Skin: no acanthosis nigricans, no hirsuitism, no acne, no striae on sides of abdomen
Musculoskeletal: spine straight – no scoliosis noted
Pubertal Assessment:
Peak documented weight:
Current weight:
Goal weight (for BMI=24 at current height):
Ideal body weight at current height:
- Obesity – BMI . Motivation for weight loss is
- Labs: CBC, CMP, insulin, fasting glucose, TSH, Ft4, Hgb A1c, lipid panel, 25-OH Vitamin D, FSH/LH, Free and total testosterone panel
- Discussed:
- BMI and potential health consequences of excess weight
- 9-5-2-1-0 plan for healthy lifestyle changes: 9 hours of sleep daily, 5 servings of fruits and/or vegetables daily, less than 2 hours of screen time daily, one hour of physical activity daily, no sweetened beverages
- Safe, realistic rate of weight loss 1-2 lbs/week
- 75 minutes of group education and problem solving during Healthy Habits Clinic session one. Topics covered included: assessing willingness to change, barriers to change, identifying healthy and less healthy habits, creating SMART goals, and goal setting exercise.
- F/u 1 month and with lab results, sooner for problems
- SMART goals created at Healthy habits Session 1:
Best contact:
*Enter “BMI” as primary diagnosis code; it will adjust according to percentile in vital signs entry
*Add V65.41: Anticipatory guidance for exercise
*Add V65.43: Anticipatory guidance for nutrition
*Add V65.49: Anticipatory guidance for sleep