Breeding of Dogs Act 1973, 1991 andBreeding and Sale of Dogs (Welfare) Act 1999
Application for a Dog Breeding Establishment
Please: Print or use block capitals; Select applicable information where indicated *; Attach additional sheets where necessary; Red highlights information for the webas part of the council register.
1. Application type1.1 / Type / New*/ Renewal* application
1.1a / If a new application please state date you wish the licence to commence: / Licences run for one year from the date of issue Note 1
1.1b / If renewal please state existing Licence Number: / Note 2
2. Applicant details of licence holder
2.1 / Full name/s of applicant/s:
State title: Mr / Mrs / Miss / Ms / Dr / Ltd / Plc
2.2 / Date of Birth/s (if individuals): / Note 4
2.3 / Address/es including post code:
(or if Body Corporate, name of body and address of Registered Office)
2.4 / Contact name: (and position for a Body Corporate)
2.5 / Contact phone number/s
(please include mobile):
2.6 / Contact email:
3. The Premises to be licensed
3.1 / Trading Name(if any):
3.2 / Trading address for licence including postcode:
3.3 / Trading web address
3.4 / Premises contact name (and position) for arranging inspection:
3.5 / Premises contact phone number(s) (please include mobile):
3.6 / Premises contact email(please print):
4. Offences Disqualifications etc
4.1 / Have you or anyone who cohabits with you or is associated with this business, or thisapplication, ever been:
a) convicted of any offences involving animals?
b) Disqualified under animal related legislation? / a) Yes* / No*
b) Yes* / No*
If “YES” to a) or b) please supply full details on additional sheet/s. Any information supplied here is subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and the Data Protection Act 1998
5. Consent
5.1 / Have all necessary consents and planning permissions been obtained for the running of a dog breeding establishment?
This includes any covenants on deeds or permission from landlords etc. / Yes* / No*
Please expand.(Use additional sheet/s where necessary)
Note 5
6. Animals
6.1 / Are any of the animals used for breeding kept at a separate address? / Yes* / No*
6.1a / If yes state the address:
6.2 / Please complete the attached “Schedule of dogs - intended to be used for breeding” / Please tick to confirm completion& attachment
Schedule of Dogs
Note 6
6.3 / What is the maximum number of animals you intend to accommodate:
a) at the premises (as 3.2)?
b) off the premises/site? / Please include explanation if appropriate
7. Accommodation and Husbandry
7.1 / Please describe the type of accommodation you intend to provide? / Where necessary use additional sheet/s
7.2 / Please supply a plan with the dimensions of the proposed animal accommodation facilities. / Please tick to confirm completion & attachment
Plan of Animal Accommodation
Note 7
7.3 / Does the accommodation provided meet with the relevant licence conditions for your business?
(see CBC website - copies of standard conditions available upon request) / If “No” please expand on additional sheets if necessary:
Yes* / No*
Note 8 & 9
7.4 / Describe what steps are taken to ensure animals, at all times:
a)-Are kept in accommodation suitable in respect of;
ii)number of occupants?
iii)temperature provision?
iv)lighting arrangements?
v)ventilation methods?
(methods, frequency, chemicals used –use additional sheet/s where necessary)
b) –Are provided with suitable;
iii)bedding material?
c) - have access to; -
i)exercise facilities?
ii) contact with people?
(please include intervals of any
visits) / Where necessary use additional sheet/s
Where necessary use additional sheet/s
8. Animal Transportation - Welfare of Animals (Transport) (England) Order 2006
Animals being transported to and from your premises may be covered under the act
8.1 / During transportation what steps will be taken to ensure animals:
a) Are supplied with adequate:
iii)bedding material?
b) Are;
i) exercised?
ii)properly supervised? / Where necessary use additional sheet/s
8.2 / What sort of vehicle will be used for animal transportation? (Include vehicle registration plate if applicable)
9. Waste
9.1 / How are the different waste materials disposed of? (Demonstrate Duty of Care under the Environmental Protection Act 1990;- include general waste, faeces, soiled material (including bedding) any waste water, blood and other discharges and tissue regarded as ‘Animal- by-products’) / Please attach additional information or sheets when required
10. Disease Control
10.1 / Describe the steps taken to prevent and control the spread of infectious or contagious disease? / Please attach additional sheets when required
10.2 / What isolation and or quarantine facilities are provided? / Please attach additional sheets when required
11. Veterinary Surgeon/Practitioner
11.1 / Please provide the name of your veterinary surgeon or practitioner:
11.2 / Please provide their full postal address including postcode:
11.3 / Please provide their
email address: (if available)
11.4 / Please provide their contact telephone number:
12. Fire & Emergency Precautions
12.1 / What steps do you intend to take for ensuring that the animals will be protected in case of fire or other emergency?
Pleaseinclude alist of any equipment provided. / Please tick to confirm completion and enclosure
+Copy of the Emergency Evacuation
Procedure/s Note 10
12.2 / Do you have an emergency key holder? / Yes* / No*
12.2b / If Yes please provide:
a)the name;
b) address:
c) and phone number (including mobile) of any key holders:
Please read the following declaration carefully before signing. A false statement may render you liable to prosecution. * Ensure you delete that which does not apply.
13 - Declaration
*I/we hereby apply for a licence under the Breeding of Dogs Act 1973, 1991 and the Breeding and Sale of Dogs (Welfare) Act 1999.
*I/we confirm that when licenced, accurate breeding records will be kept and made available for council inspection, in accordance with The Breeding of Dogs (Licensing) Records) Regulations 1999.
*I/we understand *my/our responsibilities under the above legislation.
*I/we confirm that when licenced the conditions of the licence will be met at all times and understand other conditions may be applied if considered necessary.
Notes 8 & 9
*I/we confirm that the contents of this application are true and complete
*I/we enclose
*(a) The appropriate licence fee of £……….Note 11
*(b) A schedule of Dogs intended for breeding including ….continuationsheets
Note 6
*(c) A plan of the animal accommodationNote7
*(d) A copy of the “Emergency Evacuation Procedure” for the premises Note 10
*(e) Additional sheets relevant to questions………………..…………….….
of the application
*I/we understand a veterinary surgeon report is required for all new applications and the fee will be recharged to the applicant. *I/we therefore confirm provision has been made for the veterinary rechargeto be paid to the council in addition to the application fee.
*I/we understand additional vet fee/s maybe payable if a council inspector considers a veterinary inspection is required for advice on the condition of an animal or its accommodation.
*I/we agree and understand that the council maintains a public register and information from this application form will be recorded on the public register once a licence is granted.
*I/we understand that the council may disclose the information to persons or organisations in accordance with the Council’s registration under the Data Protection Act 1988.
*I/we understand that information in this form may be disclosed as part of a report to the body or person who will determine my application and that any information may be made public.
Signed: ...... Dated: ...... Note 12
State appointment held: …….……………………………………………….…..
If application is made: on behalf of a limited liability company , the secretary or an authorised director should sign; in the case of a partnership, each partner should sign
Signed: ...... Dated: ......
please state appointment held: …….……………………………………………….…..
in the case of a partnership, each partner should sign
1.New applications should be submitted at least 15 weeks before the licence is required. This is to ensure the requirements of the licence can be met and veterinary inspections undertaken. If no licence is currently in force the activity for which the licence is being applied for cannot be started / carried on. It is a serious criminal offence to carry on without a licence and such action can jeopardise future licence applications.
2.Renewal applications should be submitted at least six weeks before the current licence expires. If submitted later it may not be possible to process the application prior to the previous licence expiring. If the licence is not renewed the licensed activity must cease. It is a serious criminal offence to carry on without a licence and such action can jeopardise future licence applications.
3.You should seek independent legal advice if you have queries about these notes.
4.A person under 16 may not apply for a licence.
5.A licence granted under this legislation neither confers nor implies consent under town and country planning legislation. Any planning permission required must be obtained separately from the Planning Department at the council
6.The attached schedule of dogs must be completed comprehensively and accurately.
7.Any proposed changes to the accommodation facilities, including layout, size, (etc.), must be approved by Environmental Health, at the council, prior to changes taking place.
8.If the council is to propose any licence conditions, other than the standard conditions they will inform you of such and discuss the implications with you. A council must allow an applicant reasonable time to consider the proposed conditions before issuing a licence.
9.A right of appeal exists through a Magistrates Court for any conditions the Council propose to impose. The right of appeal is lost once a licence is granted.
10.An emergency Evacuation plan is required for animal safety and welfare and is part of the licence conditions. Guidance on the fire risk assessments is seen in the Standard Operating Procedure Appendix J ofthe CIEH Model licence Conditions and Guidance for Dog Breeding Establishments: . For further information also see the HSE website: and the dot gov website:
11.Fees are not refundable. The licence fee is subject to change; please check with the council just prior to submitting your application.
12.Any licence granted will be subject to conditions. It is the responsibility of a licensee to comply with the requirements of the Acts and the licence conditions. Failure to do so is a criminal offence.
13. The completed form and payment should be returned to Fylde Council, Town Hall, Lytham St Annes, FY8 1LW
This Authority is under a duty to protect the public funds it administers and to this end may use the information you have provided on this form within the authority for the prevention and detection of fraud. The Authority may also share this information with other bodies administering public funds for these purposes.
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Issue 319 Jan 2017
Q6.2 Schedule of Dogs–intended to be used for breeding
For completion as part ofthe Dog Breeding Licence application
Kennel Name / Pet Name / Date of Birth / Breed / Previously included in licence?Yes / No
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Issue 017th Aug 2015