Date August 17, 2017
TO: Graduate Curriculum Committee
THROUGH: College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
FROM: Ecosystem Science and Management College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
RE: Approval of distance and shortened courses (non-traditional)
The learning outcomes on the syllabi used for the face to face version of the distance courses were compared with the distance section syllabi. Both the face to face and distance courses had the same learning outcomes. Learning outcomes for the non-traditional courses were equivalent to the traditional course.
The contact hours listed for the face to face and distance course were the same on both syllabi. Course instructors said they used the same content for the face to face courses for the non-traditional courses. These courses have been reviewed by a faculty committee for content and has been verified to have at least one hour of direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours out of class student work for one hour of credit.
201811 / 18531 / ESSM / 610 / 699 / RANGELAND RESOURCE MGMT201811 / 14549 / ESSM / 610 / 700 / RANGELAND RESOURCE MGMT
201811 / 17776 / ESSM / 611 / 699 / GRAZING MGMT & RNG NUTR
201811 / 18777 / ESSM / 611 / 700 / GRAZING MGMT & RNG NUTR
201811 / 29023 / ESSM / 635 / 699 / ECOHYDROLOGY
201811 / 25083 / ESSM / 635 / 701 / ECOHYDROLOGY
201811 / 15666 / ESSM / 651 / 699 / GEOG INFO SYS RES MGMT
201811 / 27495 / ESSM / 651 / 700 / GEOG INFO SYS RES MGMT
201811 / 14550 / ESSM / 651 / 701 / GEOG INFO SYS RES MGMT
201811 / 28438 / ESSM / 660 / 699 / LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS & MOD
201811 / 28439 / ESSM / 660 / 700 / LANDSCAPE ANALYSIS & MOD
College Station, Texas 77843-2138 Tel 979.845.3765 Fax 979.845.6430