Thoughts of Cirencester from Pastor Greg Husband.
Keith and Pauline Horobin came and taught us at New Life Church Cirencester how to deliver Bibles and Gospel tracts into homes on the Beeches Estate. Our preparation was to pray from November the 20th 2010 until June the 11th 2011, with three weeks of prayer and fasting from 23rd May to 11th June 2011.
We learned about spiritual warfare, praise and worship, intercession and proclamation of the Word of God. We also learned how to move and flow in prophetic evangelism with the gifts of the Holy Spirit in daily operation. We learned how to work as a team with a right spirit towards God and each other.
During this time we saw at least 5 - 10 people make an initial commitment to Christ, and 2 or 3 people rededicate their lives to Christ. We saw people experience supernatural healing and deliverance on the doors. We also experienced the supernatural intervention of God to control, change, and sustain perfect weather conditions to deliver Bibles on the doors. We had one afternoon where God wanted it to rain to allow us to worship, praise and thank Him for the work accomplished on the Beeches Estate. During this time Keith went out with us on the streets to do evangelism on two occasions. We saw, experienced, and operated in the supernatural power of God. We saw nine people come to Christ and other people receive healing, deliverance and supernatural breakthrough.
Lastly, we saw the importance of prayer, what happens when you forget to pray, and what happens when we pray and break the power of the enemy in Jesus' Name to release homes to receive Bibles in a 24 hour period. Hallelujah what an awesome God we serve! Amen.
Other comments from the team included,
The booklets were most useful
The teaching followed by action was effective, even though it took me out of my comfort zone.
A testimony from Eve
When I heard that the Horobins were coming to spend five weeks with us at New Life Church, I was bowled over that they should give Cirencester so much of their very precious time. I have had previous experience of their ministry At Bible Camp and here and knew that it was very powerful in the Word and Spirit of God and lives were significantly changed and people significantly encouraged by their prophetic ministry so I was excited. I belong to 8 prayer groups throughout the town and have been praying for what seems to be a very long time - yes, the Lord has been very gracious to us but it has felt a bit like ploughing rocks.
They set up a training timetable and this was both excellent and team changing - after a short time we worked so well together with the common purpose of targeting an area of the town and then praying around and for it and then going out with Bibles and testimonies. The Lord was just so faithful and, through the team and with the help of prophetic evangelism, many accepted a Bible and testimonies, received prayer and there were miracle healings on doorsteps and others received salvation. It was like a quantum leap forward and just so encouraging.
On a personal level, I learnt much about how intercession can be led and encouraged when reports reflected what the Lord had shown us back at base while the teams were out. Also, and I am so grateful for this, the Lord ministered to us individually and powerfully and prophetic words were so accurate and true.
The crescendo, so as to speak was when Keith and Pauline ministered to us on the Sunday before they left - it was a most challenging and powerful word - the Lord wants truly surrendered lives to Him. Everyone I spoke to was impacted and the 70 year old on my right who is a mature, faithful, Christian heard to Lord say to her to move to be part of this church and she also has a heart to go out on the streets with the Gospel.
This has been a very significant time for the church in Cirencester and we are just so very grateful to Micah Ministries - they have truly been life in all its fullness while they were here - we have loved them and all they brought in the Lord - so faithful to the truth and the great commission - we would love them to stay.
May the Lord continue to follow you with his favour and abundant fruit,
Eve Trevorrow
Training in Cirencester
The Continued Work of God in Cirencester.
As MMM begins this new phase of the work it is always interesting to see how things go. The Micah team were greatly encouraged when, whilst travelling along the motorway in August they received a phone call. When Pauline answered the call the gentleman who had called asked if Keith was there and informed Pauline that Keith had called upon him, but that he had not had time to speak then, but was assured that Keith was willing to speak to him when he was able to speak.
Pauline informed the gentleman that Keith was just busy at that time driving, but would happily call him back the next day. She then thought to ask where the gentleman lived as she realised it could have been a number of locations. It happened that he was from Cirencester, the place that MMM had recently visited and taken Bibles. Keith phoned the gentleman the next day and was able to assure the gentleman that he would contact Greg Husband the assistant pastor who would be in touch with him. Keith rang Greg and left a message on his phone. In a short while after this Greg rang back and Keith was able to tell him the gentleman required a visit and where the gent was living. Greg and another of the Bible Delivery team were working at that time in the area where the gentleman lived. They were able to phone him and arrange to go immediately to visit. Greg phoned Keith back a little while after with the thrilling news that the gentleman had given his life to Jesus, and wanted to be baptised at the end of August.
Greg further encouraged the MMM team by telling them that another couple had also been attending the New Believers group at the church and were considering baptism. It is such a thrill to know of the continuation of the work after the MMM team has left the area. 1 Corinthians 3 v 6& 7...Paul planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. It's not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What's important is that God makes the seed to grow!
The Micah team once again joined with Ambassadors for Christ, St Just Free Church, and some of the local Methodist Christians to work on the streets of St Just for the Lafrowda Festival to share the Good News of Jesus. Unlike last year, this year was not sunshine all the way, but the morning was interrupted with some very heavy showers of rain, but it did not stop the word of the Good News going out onto the streets. The music group sang the Good News of Jesus, the witnessing team spoke out the Good News of Jesus, and the Christians in the town sought to share Jesus with their freinds, neighbours and visitors. It is great to have the freedom and opportunity to share in our land at this time. Let us not waste the opportunity to speak of Jesus whilst we can.
Health of the MMM team
We are pleased to say that K&P are keeping in good health. Keith is managing to keep his diabetes under control by purely diet, and Pauline has had no reaccurance of her gall stones trouble. Please continue to pray for Margaret Senior who is still battling with the cancer which is seeking to destroy her body. Please pray for her to know the presence of the Lord in the difficult times and pray for her husband Martin as he supports her and together they seek to see the Lord have the victory in this situation.
It is thought by some people that the Micah team have the month of August off as holiday, would that it were true!!!! Keith has spent the month studying in Corinthians and the Sermon on the Mount. It is hoped to have some talks concerning the Sermon on the Mount on the website soon. Pauline has just finished a booklet on the Psalms with a thought for every day working through the Psalms in a year. This is now being proof read and prepared for publication, unfortunately Peppy can't get the staples through the booklet, Pauline must have been thinking too much.
Some time has been spent through this month preparing for the openings which are coming about for the end of this year and through 2012. The annual Big Bertha clean up took place through the month and she was looking very clean. Pauline decided she would stay that way if they did not live in her.
Keith was privileged to spend some time at the Newlyn Fish Festival working with Ambassadors for Christ and Newlyn Christian Fellowship. Keith was able to share with an older couple who came from Australia, and was able to lead them in a prayer of commitment. Later that day K&P were able to renew acquaintenship with Hazel Pinder whom they had known from their days working with Summer Crusades at Wentworth House in Yorkshire. Hazel was in Cornwall with her minister and his wife who were setting off to cycle from Land's End to John O' Groats. Pauline is thrilled to be able to report that they arrived safely in John O' Groats. It was good to renew relationships and build new ones.
Continued Bible Delivery
Many of the places where training has taken place are continuing to see Jesus do some amazing things as they continue to take out the word of God. Holderness Community Church are continuing to take Bibles out into the small scattered villages of Holderness. (How will they know unless someone goes to tell them?) They reported to Pauline during one days delivery in September they were able to give out 12 Bibles, including one to a policeman who only had a small 'James' Bible which he said he was hoping to replace with a larger, modern version, and lo and behold here the team offering him exactly that. Praise God.
Keith and Pauline were privileged to be invited to share in the morning service at Newlyn Christian Fellowship as two of their members had been trained during MMM's time in Penzance, and they were now seeking to work with their own church to take Bibles into Newlyn. K&P were blessed to be with the fellowship and look forward to hearing the good reports of what is happening there as the Bibles are delivered into the area.
The people at Shekinah Christian Church are beginning to take Bibles out into their area of Penzance as part of their churches outreach into the area around where their church is based.
Gill Saldivar and Shirley are continuing to deliver Bibles in the Crowlas area of Cornwall, and Shirley and her husband are looking to deliver Bibles in the Barriper area of Cornwall where they are living.
The team in Cirencester are continuing. They have spent some time revisiting people who made an initialcommitment and since then they have also revisited an area which was closed and needed more prayer. They have taken the time to fast and pray and now having gone back into that area, have seen God open closed doors.
Shared Lives
It is encouraging to hear from different people how helpful they have found the book about K&P and the work of MMM. Can we remind you this book is available from the address on the newsletter, K&P, The Dream Centre Burton upon Trent, Zion Bookshop St Ives, and Linda Benger in Delabole. The book is £6.50 plus £1p&p from the address at the bottom of the page.
Shared Lives is now on Kindle for those who have one
Replacement for Big Bertha
The Trustees have completed establishing a trust to provide a way for people who would like to donate, to give money for the replacement of the motorhome. For those who are interested in donating cheques should be made to 'The 5M Trust' (Micah Mobile Ministries Mobility Money)
September saw a Micah team heading out to Hornsea in East Yorkshire to begin Bible Delivery with a Pentecostal Church in the centre of the town. The Pastor Angela Harvey had been in contact with Micah from the previous July when K&P had visited, and shared the Ploughing Sowing and Reaping presentation with the church. Pastor believed it was the right time to have the MMM team to train and commence Bible Delivery in September 2011. That it did not mean that everything fell easily into place and went without difficulty, but Pastor Angela believed God wanted this to happen, and so she stood firm and moved in faith.
Pastor Angela knew it was not going to be easy for her people to be available during the day time and so the Micah team adapted the teaching and sought to make it appropriate for the area and the team's availability. One time was decided upon for meeting at 8am on a Tuesday morning, and the Micah team were thrilled when seven people arrived for the early morning session, ( obviously Pastor Angela did not realise that Keith does not wake up till 10am, not only kidding that was true, but God has done some wonderful things with him through the years!) The first week saw most of the Tuesday morning people return on the Wednesday evening and some more join in.
One lady, Ann and her dog Susie, from the church met with the Micah team and showed them around the streets where they were seeking to be taking Bibles. Ann was a fount of useful information and able to confirm some of the discernment that the team was hearing from the Lord.
There was a warm welcome from the congregation at the Market Place Pentecostal Church and that makes the work so much easier for the team. K&P were blessed with an amazing meal the first week there when they attended the monthly luncheon club which is held at the church. Keith managed to witness to the people who sat opposite him, and Pauline was able to catch up with a Facebook friend who was sharing about the work of her church and some of the people Keith and Pauline had known through their time in East Yorkshire in the 1990's.
First week 'on the doors' in Hornsea
The Micah team are so grateful to the people reading this newsletter who make a point of praying for the team, and the work which is going on, and for that reason we would like to share with you the first week of Bible Delivery in Hornsea.
Keith asked for volunteers to go out with him, and Roger and Mollie, kindly did so. Roger arrived Wednesday morning ready for the visits. The first house Keith and Roger visited a lady answered the door and during the conversation told them that she had cancer. Keith said to her, 'your cancer is in the bowel', the lady asked how Keith knew and he told her that the Lord had shown him that fact. The lady was willing to let Keith and Roger pray for her. Later in the conversation Keith shared with the lady that she had been blessed by Psalm 23 when she had been at Sunday school and Keith and Roger led the lady back to the Lord. She said she would be happy for the Pastor to visit.
At the second house which they visited the gentleman had only one kidney and he was happy to receive prayer for that, as well as receiving a Bible and the testimony tracts. At the third house there was no one in. The next home, the lady was very welcoming and prayed to receive Jesus, received prayer for healing, received a Bible and tracts and was willing for the Pastor to visit at a later date.
The Lord certainly opened the doors and gave the team a good start. The next home the lady appeared not too interested, and it could appear that nothing would come of that, but we have an amazing God. When arriving at the church on Friday ready to go out again, the team were encouraged when Ann came along and shared with them that she had met this lady in the pet shop and Ann had spent some time sharing the gospel with the lady and the pet shop owner. The lady had greeted Ann with, 'I had some folks round from your church the other day, and they gave me a Bible, I don't know why'. This gave Ann on open opportunity to share with these two ladies the good news of Jesus and the salvation He has come to bring. When God is at work in an area He will use all means to reach people with His good news.