A publication of the Seaford Harbor PTA

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September 2016

Thoughts fromthe Executive Committee:We would like to welcome everyone “back to school” and especially welcome all our new members- both Kindergarten parents and those new to the district. We encourage everyone to participate in any PTA activity that may interest you. Various PTA committees are ALWAYS looking for help. There are committees that just need volunteers for an hour or two. Whether you have a large amount of time or an hour here or there, there is something that will suit you.

Treasure’s Report:Diane Nigra read the proposed budget for the 2016/17 school year. The budget was voted on and approved.

Principal’s Report: New principal Thomas Burkewelcomed everyone back to a new school year. He is happy to be at the Harbor. He believes there is a magic in elementary schools because of parental support. New teachers for this year include: Mrs. Schozer as a full time vice principal, Janine Kolodinsky as a secretary, Dave Amarati is a new daytime custodian, Pamela Brinkman is the new music teacher, Grade 5 – Antonella Denk, Special Ed – Kristina Lopez. Please take note of the new school mural, character ed signs, and chalkboard painted doors. Be on the lookout for BurZers monthly newsletter, and be sure to follow us on twitter - @seafordharbor. Please remember to return the Emergency Contact forms and update contact information on the Parent Portal. Please also remember to inform the school of any custody and Stay Away documents to ensure that children are released to correct people.

School Board Representative:Tammy Falkinformed us that Mr. Brian Conboy will be retiring in June 2017. The school board is currently looking for a new superintendent. School Board President, Bruce Kahn, encouraged all to attend school board meetings, next workshop meeting is October 6th; they’ve also moved the October 20th meeting to the 19th. The school board is very positive about the upcoming year.

SEPTA:Jeanne Downey announced that SEPTA is selling pocket calendars for $5. The next meeting is Tuesday, October 18th at 7:30pm in the Middle School Library. The speaker will be the homework guru. Also please look out for a flyer for family bowling soon. All children and families are invited to attend. The new Septa president, Bridget Kateridge, is a Harbor mom. Septa is for everyone.

Teacher Representative: Mrs. Hansen introduced herself and Mrs. Kempner as the Teacher Representatives for the year. She thanked everyone for being such great advocates for our children and our community. She reminded us to please communicate with your children’s teachers if there are any problems. Communication can be in the form of email or a note in your child’s backpack.


Auction: Karen Buck announced the theme for this year is “Anchors Aweigh”. Save the date Thursday, April 20th, 2017 7-11pm. Contact Karen Buckto join the committee. This is the biggest fundraiser of the year and sure to be our best!

Apparel: Christina Cappetti is selling Seaford Pride apparel this year with some new styles for fall. Order formswill go home in the backpack soon. There will be a one time order in October for delivery in December.

Banking:Laurel Klein and Jodi Wind informed us that banking will continue to be done with Bethpage Federal Credit Union. Keep an eye on backpacks for registration information and the dates for banking. Banking will begin in October and will be 2x a month in the cafeteria during lunch periods. Great savings plan for our students.

Bake Sale:Dame Cascone and Andrea Monopoli reminded us the bake sale will take place on Thursday, September 29th at 7:30pm during Back to School Night. All class parents MUST bake. Please drop off your baked good at the school from 3:15-6:00pm. Please label all ingredients on an index card. All class parents must sign in their baked goods to confirm you baked. All items must be homemade – no store bought goods will be accepted. Please try to package items in baggies for sale.

Box Tops: Maritza Tuohy wanted to remind everyone to send in box tops in a zip lock bag. Please send 50 box tops in each baggie, if less than 50, then label your bag with number of box tops inside, this will make it easier to send in. Visit for more information on the products. The first submission is in October.

Fifth Grade Committee:Lisa Garciainformed us that it will be an exciting time for the 5th graders.Please start gathering pictures as submission dates for Yearbook and DVD will be here before you know it! The fifth grade meeting will be every month at 7:15pm prior to PTA meetings. ALL 5th grade parents are invited to attend

Funding Factory: Bridgetteannounced (on behalf of Anna Fernandez) that you can once again depositused ink and toner cartridges in the box located in the lobby. This helps us earn points. If you work for a company who uses ink cartridges you can put a label on the box and send it from there. They can also be sent in through the backpacks and teachers will make sure they get into the boxes in the lobby.

Holiday Boutique:Mark your calendars for Holiday shopping!The date is Friday, December 2nd,from 6-9pm in the AP room. Lisa Amatulli is looking for more vendors. The cost is $35 per table and a donation to be raffled off. Please help spread the word, and offer suggestions on advertising.

Homecoming:Laurie Ferrara informed us that “New York, New York” is the theme for this year’s Homecoming festivities. Homecoming is on Saturday, September 24th and we will assemble behind the library at 11:15am. All are welcome to walk the parade path from the Library to the High School with the HarborBanner. It’s a fun filled day with lots of Seaford Spirit.

Jobs:Rosie Foglia explained that job assignments are forthcoming. If you are new to the school and your child did not have a chance to fill out an application, please send them down to the office to get an application and they will be included in the schedule. First through fifth graders can participate.

KidStuff Books: Dame Cascone spoke for Evelyn Kouletsis. The KidStuff books are on sale for $25 each; our school makes $12.50 per book. Special offer: Buy 5 books get 1 Free. The books went home in backpacks this week. Must be paid for or returned by Monday, September 26th.

Kindergarten Connections: Laura Schneiweis mentioned we had 3 meet and greets over the summer for new students. All went well.

Labels: Maureen Sidotiurgedpeople to clip and submit UPCs and lids from participating products in the Labels for Education program. When the labels are submitted, we are then able to redeem them for free merchandise for our school. Visit for more information on the products.

Membership:Laura Schneiweisreported the PTA dues are Single membership - $10 and you will receive a special gift. Family membership is $15 and you will receive a school notepad. There were 170 memberships at the end of Monday’s PTA meeting.Your membership number will be needed to attend future PTA sponsored events.

Reflections: Reflectionsis a national contest that includes literature, film production, visual arts, photography, music and dance chorography. Denise Vetranoand Jill Rodgers announced the theme “What Is Your Story?” Submission date is Friday, October 21st. Any volunteers with artistic ability to help assemble the submissions, please contact Denise at and Jill . We are currently looking for someone to shadow this committee to take over in 2 years.

Student Photos:Kim Brown told us Student Fall photos will be taking place on September 15th and 16th. There are plenty of backgrounds to choose from. If you don’t choose a background, you will get a blue background. On the form, you must specify if your child wears glasses. The order forms will be going out this week.Your child’s teacher will inform students what day they are taking pictures.Any special requests should be noted on the forms. 5th grade class picture is scheduled for Thursday, September 15th. Photo re-take day and 5th Grade Club photos will be taken on Friday, November 4th.


Bridgette Ulzheimer talked about the Family Fall Festival, which is on Friday, September23rd from 6-7:30pm. Come join us for a fun-filled night that will include a DJ, carnival games, popcorn, cotton candy, Kona ices, face painting, tattoos and the Sausage King.Come and catch up with friends, it’s sure to be a great time!

Jocelyn Reeves spoke about the Fire Prevention poster contest. Posters are due back at school by October 11th. Winners will be announced at the Fire Department Open House on October 22nd from 2-5pm at headquarters on Park Avenue.


Back to School night is Thursday, September 29th at 7:30pm. There will be the Bake Sale, Seaford Apparel samples and PTA Memberships.

Please remember to join our PTA e-mail list to receive timely e-mail notices for upcoming events. Contact the PTA website to sign up or correct your email address if you have not been receiving our emails.

Congratulations to Patty Suppa, the winner of this month’s raffle: $25 CVS Gift Card.

Please Join Us at Our Next

PTA Meeting

Wednesday, October5th

at7:45 p.m.

Committee Chair meeting at 7:00pm

5th Grade Committee to meet

at 7:15 pm

ALL 5thGrade parents are welcome!