Negotiating CommitteeMinutes


DATE:Tuesday 24th March 2015


Attendees:Shawn Whelan (Chair),Chip Henriss,Stephen Mullen, Bernice Bond,Karli McRostie, PaulineMcGillivray,Lucian Danila, Michael Walsh, Lauren Peacock, Jill Ruzbacky, Paula Bradshaw (minutes)

  1. Opening, welcome and apologies
  2. Welcome

The chairperson welcomed all to the meeting


Pauline McGillivray & Luke Cherry

  1. reasonable hours of work & time in lieu – clause 8.2.

8.2.2. is worded much better

Members ought clarification regarding annual projects (e.g. budget process)

Remove the word expressly from version 2 – clause 8.2.2.a.

The group agreed to a change to sentence structure.

Members resolved to pass version 2 with a few amendments

  1. dispute resolution – clause 13

An updated draft was distributed to members that includes grievance steps.

P&C explained additional wording in this clause aligns with the Synod Grievance process.

Members expressed concern about the involvement of the executive director and his or her ability to be neutral in the process. P&C explained the involvement of the ED is dependent on the structure of the work unit and the individual instance. The policy provides a number of options/models for resolving disputes.

This clause covers complaints and grievances. Matters of bullying and harassment are covered by a separate policy. Employee reps requested wording to refer employees to the bullying policy if relevant.

ASU reps requested a definition of natural justice and procedural fairness to be included.

Under Matters Covered – Matters that apply to bullying and harassment refer to the Synod Bullying and Harassment Policy

Members resolved to pass the proposed wording with amendments as discussed.

  1. study leave – clause 9.7

The P&C proposed version includes Jill’s entireversion except the wording aboutno request will be unreasonably refused.

We’ve now taken out the need to attend classes – it’s more reflective of study now with online study becoming more prevalent.

Ultimately the manager needs to make the call about study.

The policy provides further information about eligibility requirement and the process followed.

Members resolved to use P&C’s version (clause 9.9) with the following change:

Eligible to request up to 75 hours p.a. depending on the nature of the course undertaken.Delete references to two hours per week and semesters.

  1. parental leave – clause 9.12

P&C explained the Synod is trying to achieve better than Fair Work/NES conditions.

The wording is drafted to create more clarity for employees regarding paid and unpaid leave entitlements.

Wanting to achieve support regardless of whether the employee is a primary caregiver.

P&C note – do we need to provide clarity around the simultaneous leave wording – does that need tidying up? Should the word be maternity rather than parental.

Partner leave – Steve do we change this:

Subject to this clause parental leave is available to only one parent at a time, in a single unbroken period, except that both parents may simultaneously take

There was some discussion about paid parental leave for the partner. P&C confirmed industry isn’t applying this at this point in time and the Synod view is that it would represent too high a cost.

There was some discussion about how paid parental leave is applied with Synod entitlement and government payments.

The lawyers are currently reviewing the draft clauses and P&C are waiting on further advice.

Members should review the clauses and advise P&C if there is anything unclear.

Adoption leave

It was noted that adoption leave is more generous. This point was clarified – only one employee can apply forpaid leave and it would need to be the primary caregiver.

This may be an inconsistency that needs to be addressed in the next agreement.


ALL - Review draft clauses and advise P&C of any concerns

P&C – 9.18 – move casual clause to beginning of parental leave clauses.

  1. closing out

a)Finalising the draft agreement

P&C will make the amendments discussed and distribute later today.

Could all members review the document and communicate any concerns.

Discussion about lay staff vs employees- P&C explained most people identify themselves as employees and the term lay staff may be confusing.

b)Process steps

  1. P&C will distribute a final draft agreement
  2. Members to provide any final minor amendments.
  3. P&C redistribute final draft with changes.
  4. The draft will then be distributed to employees with advice regarding the vote.


P&C – Communicate to staff – the agreement does not take effect until ratified by Fair Work.

Fair Work requires an explanation of the agreement either in person or in writing. Members prefer a meeting rather than email.

Members agreed to hold a staff information meeting on Wednesday 8th April.

P&C will email staff informing them that committee has reached agreement.

P&C - Book G1 & G2 for the meeting

Send any feedback directly to P&C

Vote on 14th April


SLT discussed beginning the process a year after the agreement is made – members supported the change.

The process has now been completed. No further meetings.

Minutes - Meeting 16 Page 1