Global History and Geography I
Mr. Eberhart 2016-2017
Welcome to the first year of Global History and Geography. The course is designed to cover various eras beginning with the earliest times through the French Revolution. In this class, you will be use a variety of intellectual skills to demonstrate your understanding of major ideas, eras, themes, developments, and turning points in world history and examine the broad sweep of history from a variety of perspectives as set up by New York State.
Daily Materials
1. 1” or larger binder (bring everyday)
2. A pen or pencil, along with your agenda (bring everyday)
3. Covered textbook
*Random supply checks will occur for homework grades.
Classroom Policies
School policies will be followed as described in your agenda.
Please provide the utmost respectfor your classmates, teacher, and yourself. Be open to new ideas and respect different ways of thinking.
It is expected of you to work on homework if time is given in class to start it.
Water is permitted but food and other drinks are not unless special arrangements are made.
Cell phones are allowed only with teacher initiation.
- 18 absences = Level I28 absences = Level II (no course credit)
- A student who is absent can make up missed work for credit if the absence is excused. However, that absence will count towards the total number of absences for that student. Fieldtrips do not count as an absence.
Constant tardiness will result in classroom detention and then a phone call home.
Homework: Homework makes up 25% of your overall grade.
There will be numerous assignments given throughout the year. It will be randomly collected and checked.
All work and answers must be complete and well done to receive a 100%.
If the homework is carelessly done or incomplete, it will be worth a 50%.
If you fail to complete an assignment on time, you will receive a 0%.
* If you are absent, it is your responsibility to show me the homework that was due the day you were absent.
Quizzes: Quizzes makes up 25% of your overall grade.
You will complete many unit vocabulary quizzes that consists of multiple choice, True/False, and matching.
At times, specific projects that are assigned will be considered a quiz grade (posters, notebook checks, peoples cards).
Tests: Tests make up 50% of your overall grade.
Tests are a vital part of this course. The tests include Regents based multiple-choice questions as well as a Thematic or DBQ essay.
Marking Period Average: Homework: 25%
Quizzes: 25%
Tests: 50%
Overall Average: Each marking period will represent 20% of your overall average. The other 20% will be obtained from the final exam grade.
Notebook Check: Most handouts given in class will receive a number. This number represents the order the handout should be organized in your notebook. There will be random notebook checks for homework grades. At the end of each marking period, a more thorough check will be worth a quiz grade.
Classroom Website: There is a classroom website where students can access information for this class. Classroom notes, projects, assignments, and Regents preparation websites will be provided on this site.
Accessing the Website: Go to
Click on Lancaster High School (located in top left)
Click on classrooms then Mr. Eberhart
*It is important to note that there will not be any assignments given on this website. The website is just a place where students can receive notes/assignments if they happen to be absent from class. NYS Standards and Regents preparation links will also be on the class website.
Final Note:
As your teacher, I want you to succeed as a student in my classroom. You will gain much knowledge in Global Studies but equally important in other aspects of your life as well. If you are honest, respectful, and willing to do work, it will be a fun year for all of us. If you need extra help or have any questions, we can set up a time after school to provide further instruction.