Interpreting in International Settings and International Sign
With Nigel Howard
Saturday, October 13, 2007
8:45 am – 4:30 pm
This workshop will focus on the specialized interpreting needs of individuals who attend international conferences. Discussion will cover International Sign (IS) as a form of communication and basis for a visual language,and strategies used by IS interpreters to produce effective interpretations in international conference settings. Participants will examine communication needs and preferences, modifications required for effective interpretation, and additional interpreter responsibility to convey visual-gestural and conceptual information. Emphasis will be on developing the ability to think in pictures and build expressive and receptive communication skills. Participants will be given the opportunity to explore IS vocabulary and practice basic IS interpreting skills.
This workshop will be presented in ASL. Interpreters will not be provided.
RID CEUs: 0.6 RID CEUsProfessional Studiesoffered through
The Language Door, an RID-Approved CMP & ACET Sponsor.
Nigel Howard is an ASL Instructor at DouglasCollege in the Department of Sign Language Interpretation, and also works as Instructor for the Child, Family and Community Studies. He is the ASL coordinator for Continuing Education Department. Nigel has worked as a Deaf Interpreter for 15 years, often in medical, mental health, legal and conference (local, national and international) settings. He has BA in Psychology from the University of British Columbia and is in the progress of getting MSc in Deaf Studies from the University of Bristol. Nigel is a member of West Coast Association of Visual Language Interpreters and Association of Visual Language Interpreters of Canada.
$74.50 Pre-registration postmarked by or on 10/1//07
$92.50 At-the-door or postmarked after 10/1/07
Student Rate:
$39.50Pre-registration postmarked by 10/1/07
$52.50 At-the-door or postmarked after 10/1/07
Full-time students in Interpreting
Deaf Studies, ASL Studies, or Deaf education.
Registration cancellation must be received in writing.
Prior to or on September 1, 2007, refund less $25.
After September 1, 2007, no refund
The Language Door
8285 SW Nimbus Ave. Suite 112, Beaverton, OR97008
Phoenix Inn Suites, 9575 SW Locust St., Tigard, OR97223
Call for rates and availability. Includes continental breakfast.
For additional information:
503-641-7950503-641-7656 Fax VP
P.O. Box 23998, Tigard, OR 97281-3998
Interpreting in International Settings
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Enclosed is a check payable to The Language Door.
_____ $74.50 Pre-registration: must be postmarked by or on October1, 2007
_____ $39.50 Student Rate Pre-registration: must be postmarked by 10/1/07
(Full-time students in interpreting, Deaf studies, ASL Studies, or Deaf education.) Indicate your college/university
Mail registration to: The Language Door, P.O. Box 23998, Tigard, OR97281-3998.