Minute of North CHCP Public Partnership Forum
Held on Thursday 1st May 2008
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and Glasgow City Council working together in your community
C:\Documents and Settings\2000user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2\minutes 1 may 08.doc
Pat McDonald Marjorie Collins Mary McEwanJane Maguire Ronnie Rodden Sadie Gordon
Alan Gow Arlene Cook Irene Forrest
Sam Cairns
Evelyn Borland (Chair)
Jenny Smith (minutes)
Jill Murray (Head of Learning Disability, NCHCP)
Marc McAllister (NHSGG&C)
Anna Grady (Health Improvement)
1. /
M. Dillon, J. Cheyne, H. Crawford, T. Devine2. / MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING
Taken as read.
3. / Matters arising
4. Report on improvements to Stobhill
At Sadie’s request and with the agreement of the meeting, Marc McAllister (Community Engagement Manager at NHS Gtr Glasgow and Clyde) gave a presentation on work developing at the Southern General hospital site.
Currently Glasgow has 6 adult acute hospitals. In 2002 a plan proposed changes: in the north Stobhill would treat outpatients, offer day surgery, investigations, imaging etc, while the Royal would treat A & E trauma in patients. In the south the Victoria would mirror Stobhill and the Southern General would be a trauma hospital like the Royal.
The new Southern General site will offer shared facilities (e.g. scanners etc), 1100 beds (single rooms, en suite), a children’s hospital and maternity / neo natal facility, by 2014.
Members had several concerns:
- Where is the nearest A & E for Maryhill?
just a minor injury, but paramedics would decide. It was
suggested that the group might want to invite a
paramedic to a future meeting to discuss their role.
- The public transport infrastructure – will probably follow demand for services
- Reduction in maternity cots in the city? No definitive answer yet – could be a separate input to the group.
The way that emergencies currently displace planned appointments or operations will change under the new system.
5. Update on PPF events
Tony had prepared a paper on the consultation events held so far. An analysis of the information gathered via the questionnaires and graphic illustrator will be presented at a future meeting. Generally people express satisfaction with health and social work services, but there have been a number of suggestions for improvements e.g. a breast feeding support group; more family friendly waiting areas; a higher profile for social work services, for example.
Re a proposed men’s health day, the Healthy Living Community have ideas for contacts for a variety of groups and individuals who might be interested. Such an event should be open the wider male community.
Arlene also suggested that the participatory appraisal group working on mental health services might have the capacity to do some research for the PPF. She will discuss with Susan Maguire and liaise with Tony.
6. Health Visitor Review Update
A paper was distributed with the minutes. Working groups have been set up to look at areas of concern e.g. immunisations and older peoples’ services. The PPF can request feedback on their progress.
7. Learning Disability Day Care Services Review
Jill Murray updated the group on the progress of the redesign of learning disability services, which is being underpinned by robust consultation. In the case of Elmvale, the process was overtaken by events however, as the building was declared not fit for purpose and an exit strategy was planned. Service users have been offered a choice of Hinshaw or Killearn units to attend instead. So far the feedback from service users has been positive. There have been no job losses.
More generally, consultations are ongoing, trying to deal with the fears expressed by service users and carers so far, namely:
- Risks – can they be managed?
- Loss of service – the CHCP has to deliver enhanced and improved services
- Loss of friendships – need to ensure people can maintain links with each other.
Jill suggests that the possible role for the PPF in this process could be:
- Giving feedback from members’ contacts with people in the community
- Reassure people that this is a phased process – there will be no sudden change
- Act as a sounding board for managers
8. Appointment of substitute delegates to CHCP and CPP
With the resignation of Susan Woods form the PPF executive two substitute vacancies for the voluntary sector representative position came available, one on the CHCP committee and one on Maryhill Community Planning Board.It was agreed that Sadie Gordon be the substitute voluntary sector rep on the Maryhill CP Board.
It was also agreed that Marjorie Collins would be the substitute voluntary sector rep on the CHCP committee.
Margaret Dillon’s interest was noted, but it was understood that she was already a housing sector substitute on the CP Board.
9. PPF attendance at future community events
Maryhill Community Council is holding a gala day on 21 June at Ledgowan Hall, off Shiskin Drive – See Sam Cairns for info.
The Royston Corridor Dog Show is being held in Glenconar park on 30 August, highlighting environmental and health awareness.
A Carers event is being held in Springburn Leisure Centre on 10 June to mark National Carers Week, with the theme of health and wellbeing.
The First Centre is holding another quiz night on 5 June.
10. AOB
Pat reported that the Germiston Community Association project is closing on 30 June. As Pat is a local resident she is still able to continue on the PPF Executive.
She also noted that the North Glasgow Seniors Forum held a successful IGM last week.
Hospital cleaning – Sadie will continue her involvement with the monitoring project.
Health Improvement seminar on 29 May – Arlene will feed back to the next PPF.
10. Date of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 5th June 2008
NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde and Glasgow City Council working together in your community
C:\Documents and Settings\2000user\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK2\minutes 1 may 08.doc