Article 1
This organization shall be known as the “MAINE GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION.”
Article 2
The objectives of this organization shall be: A) To instigate and engage in any activity directed towards the advancement and improvement in Turf in Maine. B) To encourage a comprehensive research program in the culture of Turf grasses in this State. C) To disseminate present knowledge and new facts in the field of Turf and Lawn. D) To foster the free exchange of information among members. E) To promote information on Pesticides Certification changes.
Article 3
Any person or organization interested in or connected with the management of turf areas may, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, become a member of this Association by agreeing to comply with the requirements of these Bylaws and by payment of the membership dues. Membership classes shall be as follows:
Class A – To qualify for Class A membership, an applicant shall have, at the time of application for membership, at least three (3) years' experience as a golf course superintendent, be employed in such capacity and comply with all additional qualifications adopted by the membership. Class A members shall have all the privileges of the association.
Class B– To qualify for Class Bmembership, an applicant shall, at the time of application, be employed as a golf course superintendent and does not meet the additional qualifications for Class A membership. Class Bmembers shall have all the privileges of the association.
Class C – Assistant Superintendent: To qualify for Assistant Superintendent membership, an applicant shall be, at the time of application for membership, an assistant to a golf course superintendent, and shall be presently employed in such capacity. Class C members shall have all the privileges of the association, except that of holding office.
Class S – Student: To qualify for student membership, an applicant must be a full time turfgrass student enrolled in a formal course of education or have completed his or her formal education less than one (1) year prior to the date of application for membership. Students shall have all the privileges of the Association except that of voting and holding office.
Class AF – Affiliate: To qualify for Affiliate membership, an applicant must be an individual, business firm or governmental body interested in golf course management and/or in the growing or production of fine turfgrass, either individually or through employment by or other affiliation with, a company, proprietorship or association and does not qualify for membership in another class. Affiliate shall have all privileges of the Association except that of voting and holding office.
Class R – Retired: Any member reaching the age of fifty five (55) or has been a member in good standing for a period of at least 20 years or has the sum of at least 75 years combining age and years in the association, who is retired and no longer seeking employment within the scope of activities of any membership class of this association, may apply to the Board of Directors in writing for retired membership. Petitions for membership in Class R shall be due to the Board of Directors as of January each year so as to be included in the Association Directory for the upcoming year. The annual dues for Class R – Retired will be complimentary. Class R members will also receive complimentary meeting fees to all meetings except the NH/ME joint meeting, the annual Scholarship and Research Tournament and the Annual Maine Turfgrass Conference meeting.
Class H – Honorary: Requirements for Class H – Honorary members shall be the ability to contribute in a positive way to the Association, by knowledge, expertise or experience.
Article 3A
As of July 1st, 1997 any Class A or Class B Superintendent seeking membership must also be a member of the GCSAA.
Article 4
The fiscal year shall commence at the close of the Annual Meeting in December and end at the next Annual Meeting.
Article 5
The Annual Business Meeting shall be held in the month of December each year at such time and place as may be designated by the Board of Directors. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President or the Secretary, at the request of three members of the Board of Directors. A call for a Special Meeting shall state the TIME, PLACE and REASON for the meeting. No business other than that referred to in the agenda for the SPECIAL MEETING will be discussed.
Notice of Meeting: A written or printed notice of every regular or special meeting shall be mailed to each member not less than ten (10) days before such meeting. Mailing of such notice shall relieve the Secretary of any further responsibility. If in the opinion of the Board of Directors, an emergency exists, notice of meeting may be given in any manner and at any time as may be deemed proper.
Quorum: A majority of the accredited membership present at any legally called meeting shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business properly before the meeting.
Order of Business: At any Regular Meeting, the Officer conducting the meeting shall determine what shall be taken up and in what order. At the ANNUAL MEETING, the order of business shall be fixed as follows:
A) Reading and disposing of minutes
B) Reports of Officers and Committees
C) Report of Nominating Committee
D) Election of Officers and Directors
E) Unfinished Business – New Business
F) Good of the Association. Adjournment
Article 6
6A.The business of the Association shall be managed by the Board of Directors, each of whom shall be a member of the association in good standing. The majority of the Board of Directors shall also be Class A or Bmembers of the GCSAA and all Officers of the association; President, Vice President, Secretary/Treasurer shall also be Class A or Bmembers of the GCSAA. The Board of Directors shall be composed of the Officers of the association; the President, Vice President and Secretary/Treasurer and six (6) Directors; one of which will be a vendor and one the Immediate Past President. All Director positions, with the exception of the Immediate Past President, will be for a term of 3 years. Any member interested in running for an officer’s position, must serve at least one year on the Board as a Director prior to doing so. A vacancy on the Board of Directors or in any office, occurring other than from expiration of term of office, shall be filled by the Board of Directors by appointment for the balance of the unexpired term.
6A-1. Duties of Officers: The President shall preside at all meetings. He shall call regular and special meetings of the Association and of the Board of Directors whenever he/she deems necessary. They shall preform all acts and duties usually required of an Executive and Presiding Officer. They shall be a member ex-officio of all standing committees without voting privileges except where a tie vote exists.
6B-1. Vice President: In the absence, or disability of the President, the Vice President shall perform the duties of the President.
6b-2. Secretary: The Secretary shall keep a complete record of all meetings of the Association and the Board of Directors and shall serve all notices required by these Bylaws and make a full report of all matters pertaining to his office at the Annual Meeting or whenever required by the Board of Directors. Receive and sign any papers and membership certificates that pertain to the Association as may be authorized or directed by the Board of Directors and upon election of his successor, turn over all books, records and properties belonging to the Association. The Secretary shall assist the Treasurer and be authorized to disburse funds of the Association in the Treasurer’s absence.
6b-3. Treasurer: Shall receive and disburse all funds of the association. Keep full and accurate record of all financial transactions of the Association and deliver such records to his successor. He/She shall deposit all monies in the name of the Association in a bank approved by the Board of Directors.
6b-4. The position of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined if approved by the membership at the Annual Meeting.
Article 7
No member shall at any time use his affiliation with the Maine Golf Course Superintendents Association for the purpose of promoting schemes, ideas, or objects which would be contrary or harmful to the objectives of this Association.
If any Member shall hereafter be charged with conduct unbecoming a Member of the Association or conduct, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, likely or calculated to injure the interests of the Association; and, if information of such conduct be left with the Secretary, notice of the filing of such information shall be given to the person concerned and the opportunity to be heard in reply. Whether or not a reply is filed to such charges, the Board of Directors shall hold a formal hearing, in good judgment of the Board of Directors, the conduct in question is cause for loss of membership, notice of the Board’s action shall be given to the person in question. Appeal from the action of the Board may be taken to the next Annual Meeting where the evidence presented to the Board may be heard and voted upon by the membership present. No other evidence may be presented. Any former member suspended for nonpayment of dues may apply for reinstatement in the same manner as that for new membership, enclosing with application all past dues and that which is currently due.
Article 8
Standing Committees shall be as follows:
A)Membership Committee
B)Monthly Meetings / Education Committee
C)Bylaws Committee
D)Nominating Committee (Immediate Past President)
E)Turf Conference Committee
F)Scholarship & Research Committee
G)Awards Committee
1. The President shall appoint the standing committees and any other committee deemed necessary in his judgment. Each Standing Committee shall have at least one member from the Board of Directors.
2. Each committee shall be composed of three (3) members, all of whom shall be accredited members of the Association.
3. The Membership Committee should be constantly on the alert for new groups. The Education and Public Relations Committee shall have control of all news releases to newspapers and other news media which tend to add prestige to the effort of the Association. It shall work closely with the other committees in publicizing the acts and doings of the Association for the general good. The Bylaws Committee shall, from time to time, make recommendations to the Board of Directors for desirable changes and improvements in the Bylaws. The Immediate Past President will select a committee of two members in good standing to comprise the Nominating Committee. The report of this Committee shall be present at the Annual Meeting and shall be included in the call for said meeting. Also, additional nominations may be made from the floor by any accredited member who is present.
4. All committees shall follow MGCSA procedures. Procedures are periodically updated and approved by the Board of Directors.
Article 9
To the end that Confidence and Respect may be enjoyed by the members of the Association, this Code of Ethics is promulgated and observance of its several provisions required.
- Every member shall take pride in his work and regard it as a profession in which all members shall strive to maintain its good name.
- He shall constantly strive to improve his knowledge and effectiveness by freely exchanging ideas with fellow members and taking advantage of all chances to improve his knowledge.
- He should endeavor to maintain courteous relations with his employer and his associates.
- Before making application for a position at any other club, be sure the position is open. If possible, talk with the individual who last held the job or now does.
- It would be common courtesy to make contact with the Superintendent when visiting his/her course.
- All members should show a positive attitude when either visiting at, or discussing another Superintendent or golf course.
Article 10
- The newsletter is to be published 4 times annually under the direction of the Newsletter Committee and the final printing approved by the newsletter Editor.
- The newsletter is to contain notices and announcements of all pertinent upcoming events. The newsletter is to contain research and development news and historical events relating to the industry.
- The newsletter is to be mailed to all members including honorary members and to all advertisers.
1st Printing: Amended as of November 1970
2nd Printing: Amended as of December 1974
3rd Printing: Amended as of March 1982
4th Printing: Amended as of February 1983
5th Printing: Amended as of December 1988
6th Printing: Amended as of April 1990
7th Printing: Amended as of August 1991
8th Printing: Amended as of February 1994
9th Printing: Amended as of December 1994
10th Printing: Amended as of December 1996
11th Printing: Amended as of December 2000
12th Printing: Amended as of December 2002
13th Printing: Amended as of December2014
14th Printing: Amended as of December2015
15th Printing: Amended as of December 2016