Wireless Number Portability Operations
Status Report to NANC
December 10, 2002
James Grasser, Co-Chair
Report Items
- The Wireless Number Portability Operations team met in December 2002 on Monday the 9th and Tuesday the 10th.
- Introductions were given and the agenda reviewed.
- Meeting minutes from October and November were approved
- WNPO Co-chair, Brigitte Brown, submitted her resignation; nominations will be accepted; election will be held in January.
- New business:
- Inter-carrier Testing – implementations of NPAC Release 3.2 and Version 2.0 of the WICIS are causing concern regarding inter-carrier testing; pairs of service providers will have to carefully coordinate their testing to ensure that they are both on the same software versions.
- Wireless Number Portability Testing and impacts on Production NPAC – discussion centered on the concern regarding whether inter-carrier testing would use the production NPAC or a test bed; coordination needs to occur during early stages of testing so that pairs of service providers agree as to which NPAC data base they will be using.
- BFRs/SLAs – contact information for specific companies is difficult to find; a request was made to redistribute the BFR form that was developed last year at WNPO; another request was made to compile contact information.
- Inadvertant Ports of Wireless Numbers – now that wireless codes are open for porting and pooling, some wireless service providers are experiencing inadvertant ports of their customer’s telephone numbers; this is causing problems because neither the wireless service providers nor some wireline service providers are prepared to handle interspecies porting.
- Impact of wireline service providers entering wireless MDNs (telephone numbers) in LIDB data bases – it was identified that there are some states that require wireline companies to enter telephone numbers assigned to wireless service providers into LIDB data bases; the wireless companies are unaware of when this is occurring; problems may occur when a wireline service provider attempts to enter information into LIDB for a telephone number that already exists in LIDB.
- NeuStar presented their report: there is no new entrant testing occurring at this time; work is under way on Release 3.2; there are a total of 40 wireless service providers who have completed NDAs, applications, and inter-connection plans as of the end of November; a total of 7 wireless service providers/service bureaus have completed new entrant testing.
NeuStar reported that there were a total of 225,000+ net wireless intra-service provider ports across all NPAC regions so that contaminated blocks could be donated to the Pool Administrator.
- The revisions to the reseller flows were reviewed; several corrections were identified and reported to the LNPA WG.
- A report was presented by the NENA representative.
- It was noted that a patch is available from one switch vendor so that the MIN would be sent to the NPAC for unregistered phones
- NENA has formed a special technical working group to identify technical and operational issues regarding uninitialized phones and what groups would be responsible for resolving those issues.
- The WTSC provided a read-out of testing progress: the only update to the test schedule is that testing in the Hartford MSA has been postponed until 2003; by 11/24/02, inter-carrier testing was completed in seven MSAs; seven wireless service providers and two wireline service providers participated in inter-carrier testing in various combinations in those MSAs.
- Implementation Guideline and Narrative were both updated and are attached.
Next meeting is in Phoenix, AZ on January 13th and 14th.
Dec'02 WNPO Report