Looking Back…..!!!!

R.D. Nolasco


As we look back 10 years ago, we cannot help but reflect and dwell on what we might have missed, were it not for the dreams and vision that once captured the imagination of a self-effacing lady, deeply involved in what was a fledgling cosmetic industry then.

She had the foresight and perspicacity that if she could just kindle a light to signify a start, well-meaning friends in the industry who she can win over to her cause will strive, or struggle it they will to keep the light burning for the organization she was about to create then.

And who is this lady to whom we owe the existence of PSCS? To the majority, if not all in the PSCS membership, her identity is no mystery. Who can forget Patty Prieto-Espiritu, the PSCS founder who had to leve the Philippines shores 5 years after the birth of the society?


I. Founding and Organization of PSCS

November 12, 1979 marked the organizational meeting in which Patty Espiritu assembled a core group of twenty two inspired technical people in the cosmetic industry. Led by Ms. Espiritu, this group laid the groundwork for the founding of the Philippines Society for Cosmetic Scientists Inc.

It would be interesting to note where these people are now, who formed the nucleus of the Society. The Charter members are as follows:

  1. Edilberto A. Abinales, Jr.

Menen Phil. Inc.

  1. Ester A. Agbayani

Filcos Mfg. Corp

  1. Lirio Altura

Metro-Lab Inc.

  1. Nelia Andrada

Filcors Mfg. Corp

  1. Eliseo m. Bananal

I.F.F. Phil., Inc.

  1. Antonio B. Bejar

Armour-Dial Phil.

  1. Efren G. Bunquin

Johnson & Johnson Inc.

  1. Ernesto Calalang

Filcos Mfg. Corp.

  1. Peñafrancia Prieto-Espiritu

Mueller & Phipps Mfg. Corp.

  1. Renato P. Goco

The Dowd Corporation

  1. Max Guzman

Phil. Refining Corp.

  1. Froilan P. Lara

Mueller & Phipps Mfg. Corp.

  1. Yolanda Lim

Columbia Laboratories

  1. Rose L. Manacsa

Mead-Johnson Phil., Inc.

  1. Benjamin Y. Mandanas

Colgate-PalmolivePhil., Inc.

  1. Arthur Muñoz

Bristol Lab. Phil., Inc.

  1. Henry Ng

Formey Plastic, Inc.

  1. Lilia Pangyarihan

Aura Laboratories

  1. Alicia O. Quimson

Winthrop Stearns

  1. Edith M. Tapnio

Pharma Industries Inc.

  1. Teresita N. Tumangan

Winthrop Stearns

  1. Lorenzo B. Villaluz

Mueller & Phipps Mfg. Inc.

II. Introduction of the first set of the officials and directors was held simultaneously with the

first scientific meeting held at the Manila Garden Hotel, March 8, 1980.

III. Affiliation with IFSCC

Patty Espiritu foresaw the advantages for PSCS to affiliate with the International

Federation of Societies of Cosmetic Chemists, Inc., based in London,UK. Through her efforts, in September 1980, PSCS became the 22nd society to be affiliated with IFSCC.

IV. Newsletter

The debut of the Society’s official Newsletter was April 15, 1981. In that year, two more issues came out. Since then, putting out this official organ has been characterized by intermittent efforts.

V. PSCS got approval from the FDA on March 27, 1981, to use specially denatured alcohol

No. 39-C with diethyl alcohol phthalate as denaturant and especially denaturant alcohol. No. 40 with brucine sulphite or brucine alkaloid as denaturant.

A position paper drawn up by a special committee headed by Efren G. Bunquin, Sally Nolasco, Jun Abinales and Renato Goco was submitted to the FDA. In summary, this pushed for the substitute of ethyl alcohol with any of the above-mentioned denatured alcohol in the manufacture of cosmetics and related products.

VI. September 24, 1984 – A draft of the Cosmetic GMPs was submitted by Patty Espiritu to

Mrs Catalina C. Sanchez, FDA Administrator at the request of the latter. This was a time shortly before she left for the US. At the board meeting of the 1984 officers/directors it was agreed that Sally Nolasco present before the PSCS membership these proposed guidelines which were implemented through a symposium held March 29, 1985 at the Mondragon House.

To date, our regulatory agency has not had the chance to act on the original draft submitted.

VII. November 29, 1986 – At this General Annual Membership meeting, two Board resolutions

were ratified during the incumbency of Sally Nolasco as president. These were:

a.)Change in name from the Philippine Society of Cosmetics Scientists Inc. to Philippine Society for Cosmetic Science, Inc.

b.)Increase in the number of elective officers/directors from seven (7) to nine (9).

VIII. May-June 1988 – A series of four workshops was conducted to allow PSCS members to

participate in the discussions of the various aspects of the BFAD Proposed Regulations for the Cosmetic Industry. The participants had a free-wheeling, lively exchange of problems/experience associated with some questionable provisions of the existing proposed regulations. Comments/suggestions were then formalized on that identified problematic provision which was eventually submitted to the BFAD.

These workshops were held on the following dates on each of the significant provisions such as:

May 11 – Registration requirements: Name Clearance, etc.

May 19 – Guidelines in the Labelling of Cosmetic Products.

May 26 – Restricted Cosmetic Ingredients; substances no longer permissible for use in cosmetic products.

* List of permissible color additives

* Standard metric sizes for cosmetics

* Hypo-allergenic cosmetics.

June 2 – Standard Formulations for Cosmetic Hair Care Products.

IX. Fellowship/get-together affairs

Memories of significant events during this decade will be incomplete if we block out these happy occasions which allowed us, PSCS members to simply relax and enjoy after the more serious quarterly symposia during the year.

a.)Overnight outing, Batulao Country Club – November 20, 1982.

b.)Fellowship and X’mas Party – Valle Verde Country Club December 15, 1983.

c.)Fellowship and X’mas Party – Mary Ng’s Greenhills Residence, December 16, 1985; December 12, 1986;December 09, 1987; December 09, 1988.

During the period 1980-1988, we had a total of 47 technical meetings/symposia. The last five years had been exhilarating. We have had numerous symposia, we believe had contributed much to the increasing knowledge of our members dedicated to the cosmetic industry – the R&D personnel, our QC practitioners, production people and those committed to provide us the raw material supplies without which we cannot research and develop, produce and control the quality of the products for our consumers.


I. Meetings/symposia to date now number 17.

II. Resolution was presented to the general membership and approved to the effect that the term of the officers and directors be effective for two consecutive years.

III. The annual fund – raising by way of ruffle prices held every Christmas Party has significantly made our financial status healthy and this has allowed us to sponsor or fund social events at no expense to our members. Moreso, donating a part to the daughters of charity.

IV. Outing held last April 22, 1993, at PanimanBeach, Puerto Azul. This way the second ever in the fifteen years that we offered a one – day outing at the beach for swimming, etc.

V. The PSCS has been involved very closely with the joint Task Force of the BFAD/Industry to thresh our problems/concerns or regulatory matters affecting our industry.

a.)As a result of our joint efforts with CCIP and the BFAD, we have been able to request the issuance of Administrative Order 29-A994 for the listing of cosmetic specialties. Briefly, the one significant result of this is to allow special products to be introduced into the market place without a pre-market approval, but duly submitted to BFAD for listing. A cosmetic listing number (CL#) will be issued by the BFAD. Other details are to be reviewed in Administrative Order 29-A994.

VI. Share a Library Program – This was instituted very recently to health members have access to technical publications. We will give you more details on this.

VII. Newsletter – was revived with this September 1994 issue. We welcome contributions for periodic publications of this organ.

VIII. Essay Writing Contest – For the first time ever we will hold the contest on the “Cosmetic Technology: In Harmony with Nature”.

What will the next five years bring to PSCS? With renewed vigor, dedication and commitment of all members and officers we hope to see PSCS on a dynamic course towards a healthy, vibrant, healthful, useful organization.