Port of

Hood River Providing for the region’s economic future.

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Thursday, September 28, 2017

At WAAAM – 3:00pm

  1. Approval of Minutes for July 20, 2017. Approved. No Changes.
  1. Introduction of new attendees.
  1. Members of the public introduced themselves
  1. Public meeting update and Fly Friendly discussion
  1. Look at other airport examples
  2. Dayle went over the Friday Harbor Fly Friendly Program
  3. What did we hear from the public meeting (Dayle)
  4. Overviewed the meeting and clarified next steps
  5. Actions to try first
  6. It was decided that the AAC will act as the working group to come up with a plan to present to the public in March.
  1. Status update South Taxiway Construction
  2. Construction is well underway, with paving scheduled to start on the 9th. The hopes it gets finalize paving by the 13th and finish up shoulder grading and seeding once the paving is complete.
  1. WAAAMUpdate
  2. The Fly in occurred and WAAAM was able to break even on the event. The Smoke did prevent most flying but many people drove in and some minor flying occurred. This is typically a fund raiser for WAAAM, but they were still able to celebrate their 10 year anniversary and limit losses.
  1. Glider Operation discussion – trailer decision
  2. A discussion occurred about the trailer in the glider area. A permanent type structure, such as a pre-built shed, is preferable. But the Port is allowing the current trailer until spring when a new agreement will be up for discussion. The Port and the Glider club will work through what type of structure they can have there and how irrigation may be brought to keep it grassy instead of dusty. This discussion will be held offline with a solution brought back to the committee.
  1. Other items to discuss