Kerry Community Council - Minutes of the Meeting following the AGM
29th May 2014
Kerry Village Hall
Present: / Chair / Cllr. D.I. Hughes. (Kerry)
Cllrs. / Cllr. D. P. Pryce (Kerry)
Cllr. M.S.G. Morgan (Kerry)
Cllr. K. Lander (Kerry)
Cllr. T. Jerman (Kerry)
Cllr.J.L.Liddiard-Starr (Kerry)
Cllr. M. J. Collis (Sarn)
Cllr. P.A.M. Dyer (Sarn)
Cllr. O. Stanier (Sarn)
Cllr. I. J. Jones,(Dolfor)
Cllr. T. M. Powell (Dolfor)
County Cllr. / County Cllr. Mrs K. Roberts-Jones
Clerk. / Mrs A. Feltham.
Members of the Public. / 1
Item. 1. Apologies.
Cllr.B. Breeze.
Item.2. Minutes.
The minutes of the meeting of the 30th April 2014 were approved and signed.
Item.3 Matters Arising.
A. / Councillor Vacancy.
Cllr.JulianLiddiard-Starr was elected unopposed and a warm welcome was extended by Council. He introduced himself by giving Council a quick summary of his life and qualifications.
B. / Kerry Public Toilets.
Council awaits further information from PCC.
C. / Village Notice Boards
Repairs have been made to the Notice Board outside Kerry Village Hall and to the gate at Dolforgan View.
The new Notice Board for KCC is still under construction.
D. / Website.
The web site is now up and running. Clerk to update with monthly Agendas and Minutes plus any items of interest provided by residents.
E. / Tree Survey.
A full survey has been carried out by Tilhill. A substantial amount of work is needed to the avenue of trees to the rear of Dolforgan Park. As these trees are subject to Tree Preservation Orders and in a Conservation Area the clerk is to apply for permission for the removal of three trees found to be diseased or in a dangerous condition. There is also substantial pruning and repair work needed to a number of the remaining trees in the avenue.
KCC will discuss the replanting of trees at the June meeting.
Item 4. To declare Personal/Prejudicial Interest.
Item. 5.
PCC. Consultation*. / Application / Comments / Outcome.
P/2014/0431 24/04/2014 / Ridgeway School Sarn Garage
SY16 4EWFull: Use of land to front of building as car sales area (part retrospective), use of land to rear for car maintenance and repairs and erection of workshop / Council was unable to come to a decision until Councillors are able to make a site visit. An additional planning meeting to be called Wednesday 4th June to discuss further.
5.PCC Planning Applications / KCC Consultation* / PCC Notice.
P/2014/0095 23/01/2014
Land adjacent to Dol-Y-Refail Dolfor SY16 4BN
Full: Erection of a detached dwelling, formation of a new vehicular access, installation of a package treatment plant together with all other associated works / “Council wish to support this application in support of local needs, but express concern on the proposed access to the dwelling and the sewerage system.” / Planning Permission Granted subject to S106
Item 6. Finances.
Accounts Paid
April 2014
Accounts to be Paid. May2014. / Leach & Sons
Edith G.M. Pryce (Burial.)
Friend’s St, Michael’s School
Kerry Eisteddfod Committee
Kerry Silver Threads
Kerry Local History Group.
Kerry WI
Kerry News
Kerry Bowling Club
Dolfor WI
Dolfor Short Mat Bowls.
Dolfor Community Fund
Sarn Bowling Club
Sarn Local History Group
Sarn Holy Trinity Church
Sarn Coffee Morning
Powys CAB
Kerry Village Hall
Dolfor Community Hall
Sarn Village Hall.
M&S Services (Dolforgan Bridge)
Office Express
Aon Insurance
A Feltham clerk’s wages (April)
A Feltham Clerk’s expenses.
Kerry Baptist Chapel
OVW Code of Conduct Training
A Feltham Clerk’s wages
A Feltham Clerk’s expenses
Russell Francis cemetery bench / £100.00
End of year accounts sent to external auditor.
Item 7. Reports on Visits/Meetings Attended.
Cllr. O Stanier attended Code of Conduct training on the 10th April.
Item 8. Correspondence/Communications Received.
Letters from:
Kerry Bowling Club. Letter of thanks.
Kerry W.I. letter of thanks
Kerry Silver Threads. Letter of thanks.
Kerry News. Letter of thanks.
Montgomeryshire and the Marches National Eisteddfod. Invitation to send two representativestotake part in the Civic Procession.
Citizens Advice Bureau. Letter of thanks
Aon Insurance. Confirmation of renewal.
E Mails from;
Barry Thomas (CSP - County Councillor) acknowledgement of letter ref Kerry toilets.
. Complaint ref number 1-2994254161 regards Sarn MobilePost Office. Awaiting full response.
Project Wild Thing Play Montgomeryshire is showing the DVD of David Bond's gripping story of the desperate struggle to lead our computer crazed children back to nature, on Saturday June 7th, at 2.30pm, in the Oriel Gallery, Newtown.
Powys Wind Farm CPI: Closing Session The last day of the Inquiry is the 30th May, 2014.
Sandra Matthews Electoral Services. The election will only be held for the Kerry ward, so only one polling station will be used, however, unfortunately it is the largest of your wards.
Obviously it is difficult to give you an exact cost as there are some variables such as the printing of ballot papers, hire of hall which is quite high in Kerry etc but I would suggest that, if contested, the election will cost around the £1500.
Cllr.Owen Stanier Sarn Car Park item for web-site.
Cllr. Michael Collis. Kerry Baptist Chapel item for web-site.
Regional Bulletin Simon Thomas AC/AM
One Voice Wales. As follows:
Welsh Government Nature Fund. Visit to find out more about our work
Training dates.
Data Protection and Freedom of Information Acts. Training.
All of the above information has been noted and forwarded on request to any interested parties.
Item 9. Any Other Business.
Kerry / Councillors expressed disappointment at the height of the Otter net surrounding the Sawmills Pond feeling that it had a negative effect on the area. It was pointed out that it was installed as a condition of Planning Consent and also provided an effective Health and Safety measure against drowning. It is hoped the surrounding vegetation will soften the effect.
A call for the provision of a Cycle Rack at Kerry Car Park. Item to be placed on the June agenda.
Dolfor. / None
Sarn / . Complaint ref number 1-2994254161 regards Sarn MobilePost Office. Awaiting full response.
Clerk to advise Highways that there is still flooding caused by block drains in highlighted areas.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9-50 pm.

Meetings are open to residents, who may only address the meeting with the Chairman’s prior consent.

If you wish to address the Council in Welsh please make your intentions known at the time of your request, which should be made prior to the meeting date.

* Although KCC works in conjunction with PCC as consultants, it has no authority to grant planning permission.

Copies of Minutes can be made available after approval on request or by visiting our web-site

An Additional Planning Meeting

Wednesday 4th June 8pm. Sarn Village Hall.

Next Meeting Scheduled;

Monthly Meeting 25th June 2014 at 7.30pm in Dolfor Community Centre.

To comply with PCC guidelines and to ensure public awareness additional planning meetings may be called. Notification will be posted on the village notice boards..

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