Coal Chemistry Bibliography

Selected References— Revised March 2018

These bibliographic references have been compiled as a TSOP project, and organic petrologists have found the references to be useful in their work. They should be available at university or geological research center libraries. They are not available from TSOP.

Abernethy, R.F., and F.H. Gibson, 1963, Rare elements in coal: U.S. Bureau of Mines Information Circular 8163, 69 p.

Ahmed, M., and A. Rahim, 1996, Abundance of sulfur in Eocene coal beds from Bapung, northeast India: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 30, p. 315-318.

Ali, J., T.G. Kazi, J.A. Baig, H.I. Afridi, M.S. Arain, N. Ullah, S.S. Arain, and S. Siraj, 2015, Monitoring of arsenic fate with proximate parameters and elemental composition of coal from Thar coalfield, Pakistan: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 159, p. 227-233.

Ali, J., T.G. Kazi, H.I. Afridi, J.A. Baig, M.S. Arain, Naeemullah, and S. Farooq, 2016, The evaluation of sequentially extracted mercury fractions in Thar coal samples by using different extraction schemes: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 156, p. 50-58.

Allan, J., and S.R. Larter, 1983, Aromatic structures in coal maceral extracts and kerogens, in M. Bjoroy and others, eds., Advances in organic geochemistry 1981: New York, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., p. 534-545.

Altschuler, Z.S., M.M. Schnepfe, C.C. Silber, and F.O. Simon, 1983, Sulfur diagenesis in Everglades peat and origin of pyrite in coal: Science, v. 221, no. 4607, p. 221-227.

Alvarez, M.C., M.T. Dopico, and P.A. Amengual, 1994, A study of the correlation between ash content and natural radionuclide content in hard coals from northern Spain: Journal of Coal Quality, v. 13, no. 1, p. 10-12.

Arbuzov, S.I., A.V. Volostnov, L.P. Rikhvanov, A.M. Mezhibor, and S.S. Ilenok, 2011, Geochemistry of radioactive elements (U, Th) in coal and peat of northern Asia (Siberia, Russian far east, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia): International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 86, p. 318-328.

Arbuzov, S.I., A.V. Volostnov, A.M. Mezhibor, V.I., Rybalko, and S.S. Ilenok, 2014, Scandium (Sc) geochemistry in coals (Siberia, Russian far east, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Iran): International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 125, p. 22-35.

Arbuzov, S.I., S.G. Maslov, R.B. Finkelman, A.M. Mezhibor, S.S. Ilenok, M.G. Blokhin, and E.V. Peregudina, Modes of occurrence of rare earth elements in peat from Western Siberia: Journal of Geochemical Exploration, v. 184, p. 40-48.

ASTM, 2017, Annual book of ASTM Standards: Section 5: Petroleum Products, Lubricants, and Fossil Fuels,Volume 5.06: Gaseous Fuels; Coal and Coke; Catalysts; Bioenergy and Industrial Chemicals from Biomass: ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 1,233 p.

Averitt, P., 1975, Coal resources of the United States, January 1, 1974: U.S.Geological Survey Bulletin 1412, 131 p. (rank classification of coal by chemistry)

Ayinla, H.A., W.H. Abdullah, Y.M. Makeen, M.B. Abubakar, A. Jauro, B.M.S. Yandoka, and N.S.Z. Abidin, 2017, Petrographic and geochemical characterization of the Upper Cretaceous coal and mudstones of Gombe Formation, Gongola sub-basin, northern Benue trough Nigeria: Implication for organic matter preservation, paleodepositional environment and tectonic settings: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 180, p. 67-82.

Bagherieh, A.H., J.C. Hower, A.R. Bagherieh, and E. Jorjani, 2008, Studies of the relationship between petrography and grindability for Kentucky coals using artificial neural network: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 73, p. 130-138.

Bailey, A., 1981, Chemical and mineralogical differences between Kittanning coal from marine-influenced vs. fluvial sequences: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 51, p. 383-395.

Bakel, A.J., 1987, Sulfur and nitrogen compounds in oils, asphaltenes, kerogens, and coals: Norman, University of Oklahoma unpublished M.S. thesis, 93 p.

Bandopadhyay, A.K., and D. Mohanty, 2014, Variation in hydrogen content of vitrinite concentrates with rank advance: Fuel, v. 134, p. 220-225.

Baruah, B.P., and P. Khare, 2010, Mobility of trace and potentially harmful elements in the environment from high sulfur Indian coal mines: Applied Geochemistry, v. 25, p. 1621-1631.

Baruah, M.K., and M.C. Upreti, 1994, Incorporation of sulfur in coal precursors: Fuel, v. 73, p. 71.

Baumann, D.R., 1982, The occurrence and distribution of mineral matter in coal lithotypes in the Herrin (No. 6) coal seam under marine and non-marine influences: Carbondale, Southern Illinois University, unpublished M.S. thesis, 151 p.

Baxby, M., R.L. Patience, and L.D. Bartle, 1994, The origin and diagenesis of sedimentary organic nitrogen: Journal of Petroleum Geology, v. 17, p. 211-229.

Beamish, B.B., 1994, Proximate analysis of New Zealand and Australian coals by thermogravimetry: New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, v. 37, p. 387-392.

Belkin, H.E., S.J. Tewalt, J.C. Hower, J.D. Stucker, and J.M.K. O’Keefe, 2009, Geochemistry and petrology of selected coal samples from Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua, Indonesia: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 77, p. 260-268.

Bencko, V., and K. Symon, 1977, Health aspects of burning coal with a high arsenic content: Environmental Research, v. 13, p. 386-395.

Berkowitz, N., 1979, An introduction to coal technology: New York, Academic Press, 345 p.

Berkowitz, N., 1985, The chemistry of coal: New York, Elsevier, Coal Science and Technology, v. 7, 513 p.

Bhangare, R.C., P.Y. Ajmal, S.K. Sahu, G.G. Pandit, and V.D. Puranik, 2011, Distribution of trace elements in coal and combustion residues from five thermal power plants in India: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 86, p. 349-356.

Bhowmick, T., B. Nayak, and A.K. Varma, 2017, Chemical and mineralogical composition of Kathara coal, east Bokaro coalfield, India: Fuel, v. 208, p. 91-100.

Blaustein, B.D., and others, eds., 1981, New approaches in coal chemistry:WashingtonD.C., American Chemical Society Symposium Series 169, 462 p.

Bőcker, J., R. Littke, C. Hartkopf-Frőder, K. Jasper, and J. Schwarzbauer, 2013, Organic geochemistry of Duckmantian (Pennsylvanian) coals from the Ruhr Basin, western Germany: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 107, p. 112-126.

Bolin, T.B., 2014, S-XANES analysis of thermal iron sulfide transformations in a suite of Argonne Premium Coals: A study of particle size effects during pyrolysis: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 131, p. 200-213.

Bonnett, R., 1996, Porphyrins in coal: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 32, p. 137-149.

Bostick, N.H., and T.A. Daws, 1994, Relationships between data from Rock-Eval pyrolysis and proximate, ultimate, petrographic, and physical analyses of 142 diverse U.S. coal samples: Organic Geochemistry, v. 21, p. 35-49.

Boudou, J.-P., 1990, Coal desulfurization by programmed-temperature pyrolysis and oxidation, in W.L. Orr and C.M. White, eds., Geochemistry of sulfur in fossil fuels: Washington, D.C., American Chemical Society Symposium Series 429, p. 345-364.

Bouska, V., 1981, Geochemistry of coal: New York, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Coal Science and Technology, v. 1, 284 p.

Boyd, R.J., 2002, The partitioning behaviour of boron from tourmaline during ashing of coal: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 53, p. 43-54.

Bragg, L.J., J.K. Oman, S.J. Tewalt, C.L. Oman, N.H. Rega, P.M. Washington, and R.B. Finkelman, 1994, U.S. Geological Survey coal quality (COALQUAL) database: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 94-205.

Bragg, L.J., J.K. Oman, S.J. Tewalt, C.J. Oman, N.H. Rega, P.M. Washington, and R.B. Finkelman, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey coal quality (COALQUAL) database: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 97-134, CD-ROM.

Brownfield, M.E., R.H. Affolter, G.D. Stricker, and R.T. Hildebrand, 1995, High chromium contents in Tertiary coal deposits of northwestern Washington—a key to their depositional history: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 27, p. 153-169.

Brownfield, M.E., R.H. Affolter, J.D. Cathcart, S.Y. Johnson, I.K. Brownfield, and C.A. Rice, 2005, Geologic setting and characterization of coals and the modes of occurrence of selected elements from the Franklin coal zone, Puget Group, John Henry No. 1 mine, King County, Washington, USA: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 63, p. 247-275.

Bullock, J.H., Jr., J.D. Cathcart, and W.J. Betterton, 2002, Analytical methods utilized by the United States Geological Survey for the analysis of coal and coal combustion by-products: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-389, 14 p.

Bustin, R.M., M. Mastalerz, and K. Wilks, 1992, Electron microprobe determination of carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen content of in-situ macerals, in G. Vourvopoulos, ed., Elemental analysis of coal and its by-products: New Jersey, World Scientific, p. 228-231.

Bustin, R.M., M. Mastalerz, and K.R. Wilks, 1993, Direct determination of carbon, oxygen, and nitrogen content in coal using the electron microprobe: Fuel, v. 72, p. 181-185.

Calkins, W.H., 1994, The chemical forms of sulfur in coal, a review: Fuel, v. 73, p. 475-.

Cameron, A.R., and G. Leclair, 1975, Extraction of uranium from aqueous solutions by coals of different rank and petrographic composition: Geological Survey of Canada Paper 74-35, 11 p.

Carpenter, A.M., 1988, Coal classification: London, IEA Coal Research, IEACR/12, 104 p.

Casagrande, D.J., K. Gronli, and N. Sutton, 1980, The distribution of sulfur and organic matter in various fractions of peat: Origins of sulfur in coal: Geochmica et Cosmochimia Acta, v. 44, p. 25-32.

Casagrande, D.J., 1987, Sulphur in peat and coal, in A.C. Scott, ed., Coal and coal-bearing strata: recent advances: Boston, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Geological Society Special Publication 32, p. 87-105.

Cecil, C.B., R.W. Stanton, S.D. Allshouse, R.B. Finkelman, and L.P. Greenland, 1979, Geological controls on element concentrations in the Upper Freeport coal bed: Fuel, v. 24, p. 230-235.

Chakrabartty, S.K., J.F. Fryer, and J.D. Campbell, 1981, Pyrolytic properties of Alberta coals: Alberta Research Council Information Series 99, 11 p.

Chakrabartty, S.K., and M.P. du Plessis, 1982, Modern coal pyrolysis, a state-of-the-art review: Alberta Research Council Information Series 95, 46 p.

Chatziapostolou, A., S. Kalaitzidis, S. Papazisimou, K. Christanis, and D. Vagias, 2006, Mode of occurrence of trace elements in the Pellana lignite (SE Peloponnese, Greece): International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 65, p. 3-16.

Chehreh Chelgani, S., S. Mesroghli, and J.C. Hower, 2010, Simultaneous prediction of coal rank parameters based on ultimate analysis using regression and artificial neural network: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 83, p. 31-34.

Chehreh Chelgani, S., J.C. Hower, and B. Hart, 2011, Estimation of free-swelling index based on coal analysis using multivariable regression and artificial neural network: Fuel Processing Technology, v. 92, p. 349-355.

Chen, J., G. Liu, M. Jiang, C.-L. Chou, H. Li, B. Wu, L. Zheng, and D. Jiang, 2011, Geochemistry of environmentally sensitive trace elements in Permian coals from the Huainan coalfield, Anhui, China: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 88, p. 41-54.

Chen, J., P. Chen, D. Yao, Z. Liu, Y. Wu, W. Liu, and Y. Hu, 2015, Mineralogy and geochemistry of Late Permian coals from the Donglin coal mine in the Nantong coalfield in Chongqing, southwestern China: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 149, p. 24-40.

Cheung, K., H. Sanei, P. Klassen, B. Mayer, and F. Goodarzi, 2009, Produced fluids and shallow groundwater in coalbed methane (CBM) producing regions of Alberta, Canada: Trace element and rare earth element geochemistry: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 77, p. 338-349.

Chou, C.-L., 1984, Relationship between geochemistry of coal and the nature of strata overlying the Herrin coal in the Illinois Basin, U.S.A.: Memoir of the Geological Society of China, no. 6, p. 269-280. (Illinois State Geological Survey Reprint 1985L)

Chou, C.-L., 1990, Geochemistry of sulfur in coal, in W.L. Orr and C.M. White, eds., Geochemistry of sulfur in fossil fuels: Washington, D.C., American Chemical Society Symposium Series 429, p. 30-52.

Chou, C.-L., R.B. Finkelman, A. Kolker, and B. Zheng, eds., 1999, Geochemistry of coal and its impact on the environment and human health: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 40, p. 83-254.

Chou, C.-L., 2012, Sulfur in coals: A review of geochemistry and origins: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 100, p. 1-13.

Chyi, L.L., and C.-L. Chou, eds., 1990 Recent advances in coal geochemistry: Geological Society of America Special Paper 248, 99 p.

Chyi, L.L., 1997, Groundwater transformation of a low-sulfur to a high-sulfur coal, the Harlem coal of the northern Appalachian Basin: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 33, p. 317-331.

Clarke, L.B., and L. Sloss, 1992, Trace elements—emission from coal combustion and gasification: IEA Coal Research, IEACR/49, 111 p.

Clayton, J.L., D.D. Rice, and G.E. Michaels, 1991, Oil-generating coals of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado, U.S.A: Organic Geochemistry, v. 17, p. 735-742.

Cobb, J.C., J.D. Steele, C.G. Treworgy, and J.F. Ashby, 1980, The abundance of zinc and cadmium in sphalerite-bearing coals in Illinois: Illinois State Geological Survey, Illinois Minerals Note 74, 28 p.

Cody, G.D., and G. Sághi-Szabó, 1999, Calculation of the 13C NMR chemical shift of ether linkages in lignin derived geopolymers: constraints on the preservation of lignin primary structure with diagenesis: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v. 63, p. 193-205.

Cohen, A.D., W. Spackman, and P. Dolsen, 1984, Occurrence and distribution of sulfur in peat-forming environments of southern Florida: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 4, p. 73-96.

Coleman, L., L.J. Bragg, and R.B. Finkelman, 1993, Distribution and mode of occurrence of selenium in US coals: Environmental Geochemistry and Health, v. 15, p. 215-227.

Cooper, B.S., and D.G. Murchison, 1969, Organic geochemistry of coal, in G. Eglinton and M.T.J. Murphy, eds., Organic geochemistry: New York, Springer-Verlag, p. 699-726.

Crawford, D.L., ed., 1993, Microbial transformations of low rank coals: Boca Raton, CRC Press, 223 p.

Crowley, S.S., R.W. Stanton, and L.F. Ruppert, 1993, Air toxics in coal: the distribution of twelve trace elements in a thick, subbituminous coal bed and impact on mining applications: Journal of Coal Quality, v. 12, no. 4, p. 141-146.

Cutruneo, C.M.N.L., M.L.S. Oliveira, C.R. Ward, J.C. Hower, I.A.S. de Brum, C.H. Sampaio, R.M. Kautzmann, S.R. Taffarel, E.C. Teixeira, and L.F.O. Silva, 2014, A mineralogical and geochemical study of three Brazilian coal cleaning rejects: Demonstration of electron beam applications: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 130, p. 33-52.

Dai, S., D. Ren, Y. Tang, L. Shao, and S. Li, 2002, Distribution, isotopic variation and origin of sulfur in coals in the Wuda coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 51, p. 237-250.

Dai, S., X. Hou, D. Ren, and Y. Tang, 2003, Surface analysis of pyrite in the No. 9 coal seam, Wuda coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China, using high-resolution time-of-flight secondary ion mass-spectrometry: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 55, p. 139-150.

Dai, S., C.-L. Chou, M. Yue, K. Luo, and D. Ren, 2005, Mineralogy and geochemistry of a Late Permian coal in the Dafang coalfield, Guizhou, China: influence from siliceous and iron-rich calcic hydrothermal fluids: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 61, p. 241-258.

Dai, S., R. Zeng, and Y. Sun, 2006, Enrichment of arsenic, antimony, mercury, and thallium in a Late Permian anthracite from Xingren, Guizhou, southwest China: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 66, p. 217-226.

Dai, S., D. Han, and C.-L. Chou, 2006, Petrography and geochemistry of the Middle Devonian coal from Luquan, Yunnan Province, China: Fuel, v. 85, p. 456-464. (cutinite- and microsporinite-rich coals)

Dai, S., Y. Zhou, M. Zhang, X. Wang, J. Wang, X. Song, Y. Jiang, Y. Luo, Z. Song, Z. Yang, and D. Ren, 2010, A new type of Nb (Ta) – Zr (HF) – REE – Ga polymetallic deposit in the late Permian coal-bearing strata, eastern Yunnan, southwestern China: Possible economic significance and genetic implications: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 83, p. 55-63.

Dai, S., X. Wang, V.V. Seredin, J.C. Hower, C.R. Ward, J.M.K. O’Keefe, W. Huang, T. Li, X. Li, H. Liu, W. Xue, and L. Zhao, 2012, Petrology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of the Ge-rich coal from the Wulantuga Ge ore deposit, Inner Mongolia, China: New data and genetic implications: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 90-91, p. 72-99. (Germanium) [erratum in International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 105, p. 141]

Dai, S., D. Ren, C.-L. Chou, R.B. Finkelman, V.V. Seredin, and Y. Zhou, 2012, Geochemistry of trace elements in Chinese coals: A review of abundances, genetic types, impacts on human health, and industrial utilization: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 94, p. 3-21.

Dai, S., J. Zou, Y. Jiang, C.R. Ward, X. Wang, T. Li, W. Xue, S. Liu, H. Tian, X. Sun, and D. Zhou, 2012, Mineralogical and geochemical compositions of the Pennsylvanian coal in the Adaohai mine, Daqingshan Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China: Modes of occurrence and origin of diaspora, gorceixite, and ammonian illite: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 94, p. 250-270.

Dai, S., Y. Jiang, C.R. Ward, L. Gu, V.V. Seredin, H. Liu, D. Zhou, X. Wang, Y. Sun, J. Zou, and D. Ren, 2012, Mineralogical and geochemical compositions of the coal in the Guanbanwusu mine, Inner Mongolia, China: Further evidence for the existence of an Al (Ga and REE) ore deposit in the Jungar coalfield: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 98, p. 10-40.

Dai, S., V.V. Seredin, C.R. Ward, J. Jiang, J.C. Hower, X. Song, Y. Jiang, X. Wang, T. Gornostaeva, X. Li, H. Liu, L. Zhao, and C. Zhao, 2014, Composition and modes of occurrence of minerals and elements in coal combustion products derived from high-Ge coals: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 121, p. 79-97. (Germanium)

Dai, S., Y. Luo, V.V. Seredin, C.R. Ward, J.C. Hower, L. Zhao, S. Liu, C. Zhao, H. Tian, and J. Zou, 2014, Revisiting the late Permian coal from the Huayingshan, Sichuan, southwestern China: Enrichment and occurrence modes of minerals and trace elements: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 122, p. 110-128.

Dai, S., J.C. Hower, C.R. Ward, W. Guo, H. Song, J.M.K. O’Keefe, P. Xie, M.M. Hood, and X. Yan, 2015, Elements and phosphorous minerals in the middle Jurassic inertinite-rich coals of the Muli coalfield on the Tibetan Plateau: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 144-145, p. 23-47.

Dai, S., P. Wang, C.R. Ward, Y. Tang, X. Song, J. Jiang, J.C. Hower, T. Li, V.V. Seredin, N.J. Wagner, Y. Jiang, X. Wang, and J. Liu, 2015, Elemental and mineralogical anomalies in the coal-hosted Ge ore deposit of Lincang, Yunnan, southwestern China: Key role of N2–CO2-mixed hydrothermal solutions: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 152, p. 19-46. (Germanium)

Dai, S., X. Yan, C.R. Ward, J.C. Hower, L. Zhao, X. Wang, L. Zhao, D. Ren, and R.B. Finkelman, 2016, Valuable elements in Chinese coals: a review: International Geology Review, 31 p. (Germanium)

Dai, S., I.T. Graham, and C.R. Ward, 2016, A review of anomalous rare earth elements and Yttrium in coal: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 159, p. 82-95.

Dai, S., P. Xie, S. Jia, C.R. Ward, J.C. Hower, X. Yan, and D. French, 2017, Enrichment of U-Re-V-Cr-Se and rare earth elements in the Late Permian coals of the Moxinpo coalfield, Chongqing, China: Genetic implications from geochemical and mineralogical data: Ore Geology Reviews, v. 80, p. 1-17.

Dai, S., J. Liu, C.R. Ward, J.C. Hower, D. French, S. Jia, M.M. Hood, and T.M. Garrison, 2016, Mineralogical and geochemical compositions of Late Permian coals and host rocks from the Guxu coalfield, Sichuan Province, China, with emphasis on enrichment of rare metals: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 166, p. 71-95.

Dai, S., X. Yan, C.R. Ward, J.C. Hower, L. Zhao, X. Wang, L. Zhao, D. Ren, and R.B. Finkelman, 2016, Valuable elements in Chinese coals: a review: International Geology Review.

Damberger, H.H., R.D. Harvey, R.R. Ruch, and J. Thomas, 1984, Coal characterization, inB.R. Cooper, and W.A. Ellingson, eds., The science and technology of coal utilization: New York, Plenum Press, p. 7-45.

Daniels, E.J., and S.P. Altaner, 1993, Inorganic nitrogen in anthracite from eastern Pennsylvania, USA: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 22, p. 21-35.

Daniels, E.J., J.L. Aronson, S.P. Altaner, and N. Clauer, 1994, Late Permian age of NH4-bearing illite in anthracite from eastern Pennsylvania: temporal limits on coalification in the central Appalachians: Geological Society of America Bulletin, v. 106, p. 760-766.

Darragh, A., and F. Goodarzi, 1985, Canadian coals—their distribution and potential: Journal of Coal Quality, v. 5, p. 35-39.

Davidson, R.M., 1982, Molecular structure of coal, in M.L. Gorbaty, and others, eds., Coal science, v. 1: New York, Academic Press, p. 84-160.

Davidson, R., 1993, Organic sulfur in coal: IEA Coal Research, IEACR/60, 79 p.

Davidson, R.M., 1994, Quantifying organic sulfur in coal: a review: Fuel, v. 73, p. 988-.

Davidson, R.M., and L.B. Clarke, 1996, Trace elements in coal: IEA Coal Research Perspectives, IEAPER/21, 60 p.

Davidson, R.M., 1996, Chlorine and other halogens in coal: IEA Coal Research Perspectives, IEAPER/28, 46 p.

Davidson, R.M., 2000, Modes of occurrence of trace elements in coal: IEA Coal Research, 36 p.

Daybell, G.N., and W.J.S. Pringle, 1958, The mode of occurrence of chlorine in coal: Fuel, v. 37, p. 283-292.

Debelak, K.A., and J.T. Schrodt, 1979, Comparison of pore structure in Kentucky coals by mercury penetration and carbon dioxide adsorption: Fuel, v. 58, p. 732-736.

Demir, I., R.B. Winston, and C.-L. Chou, 1987, Laboratory experiments to evaluate the removal of ash, sodium, chlorine, and sulfur from three selected samples of Illinois coal by concentrating table, jig, and froth flotation techniques, in Processing and utilization of high sulfur coals II: Elsevier, p. 121-129.

Demir, I., C.-L. Chou, and C. Chaven, 1990, Abundances and leachabilities of sodium and chlorine in lithotypes of IllinoisBasin coals, in L.L. Chyi and C.-L. Chou, eds., Recent advances in coal geochemistry: Geological Society of America Special Paper 248, p. 73-85.