Agenda Item: 653-226
Title: Changes to API 653, Section 12and Appendix G
Date: January 2008
Contact: Name: Nelson Acosta
Company: HMT Inspection
Phone: (909) 625-0234
Others involved: Frank Furillo (ExxonMobil), Jim Riley (ChevronTexaco)
Purpose:Make appropriate changes to existing text of Section 12 and Appendix G to correlate with proposed additions to Appendix G under Agenda Item 653-209.
Source: Subcommittee on Inspection
Impact:Minimal addedcost to qualify bottom examiners to newly outlined procedures.
Proposal:(Strikethrough denotes existing text to be deleted). G may be used to provide additional guidance in qualifying personnel and procedures when magnetic flux leakage (MFL) toolsscanning equipment isare used to examine tank bottoms. When MFL testing of the tank bottom is conducted, UT personnel involved in setting the sensitivity level and conducting UT prove-up of the MFL scanning tool indications shall be qualified as described in G.2.7. The requirement for use of industry-qualified UT prove-up examiners becomes effective one year after publication in this code or addendum. Owner/operators should determine specific requirements to meet their tank bottom integrity needs. other electromagnetic tools are used to scan tank bottoms, UT personnel involved in setting the sensitivity level and conducting UT prove-up of the MFL scanning tool shall also be qualified as described in G.2.7. addition to the requirements, personnel performing UT prove-up of indications identified by tank bottom scanning shall be qualified according to Appendix G, Para. x.x.x.
G.1.1This Appendix provides guidance for qualifying both examination procedures and individuals that perform tank bottom examinations. Owner/operators may elect to either apply this appendix as written or modify it to meet their own applications and needs except where noted in or Tank bottom examinations are an important factor in providing the owner/operator increased assurance of tank integrity. As a result, it is important that qualified examination procedures and personnel are used in these examinations. Specific agreements and requirements for qualification of tank bottom examination procedures and tank bottom examiners should be established between the owner/ operator and the authorized inspection agency.
G.2.2 examiners: Scanning operators who locate tank bottom areas for followup UT assessment, and NDE technicians who prove-up bottom.
G.2.6qualification test:
The demonstration test that is used to prove that a procedure or examiner/UT operator can successfully findandorprove-up tank bottom metal loss.
G.2.7qualified UT operator: An NDE technician who proves-up bottom indications identified by a tank bottom scanning operator,operator orwho employs UT to assist in setting scanner sensitivity, and who has demonstrated proficiency in the API Ultrasonic Test Examiner Qualification (UTEQ) examination or an equivalent performance demonstration test as described in this Appendix.
G.2.7 scanning operator (or operator):
The individual that operates bottom-scanning equipment.
G.2.11tank bottom examiner qualification record (TBEQ): A record of the qualification test for a specific scanning or UToperator. This record must contain the data for all essential variables and the results of the qualification test.
G.2.13tank bottom scanning equipment: Tank bottom inspection tools with either electromagnetic (e.g. MFL or RFET) or ultrasonic sensor arrays.
G.2.13G.2.14variables or .....
Each authorized inspection agency performing tank bottom examinations is responsible to have and use tank bottom examination procedure(s) (TBP). These procedures provide direction for examiners performing tank bottom examinations. A procedure also allows the owner/operator or
authorized inspector to verify whether the examiners or UT operatorsare correctly performing the examinations.
G.4 Tank Bottom ExaminersExamination Personnel
ExaminersTank bottom examination personnel need only to be qualified for the work they do in the field. For example, scanning operators who only use the bottom scanning equipment and do not prove-up the flaw with a follow-up method need only to be qualified for the scanning operation, and UT operators need to be qualified for UT prove-up.
G.4.2The purpose of qualifying the tank bottom examineror UT operatoris to determine if theexaminer is capable of satisfactorilyusing a qualified procedure to determine the condition of thetank bottom.
G.4.3Each authorized inspection agency is responsible totrain, test and qualify the scanning and UToperators and examinersthey employusing follow-up techniques. Qualificationsgained through one authorized inspection agency are not necessarilyvalid for any other authorized inspection agency (seeG.4.4 and G.4.9(f)).
G.4.4The authorized inspection agency is responsible for training each scanning or UToperator they employ. Each scanning or UToperator should receive a minimum of 40 hours of training. This training should include:
a. Instruction on the NDE principles/methods used by the bottom scanner, limitations and application of the specificscanning equipment and procedure, scanning equipment calibration and operation, key scanning equipment operating variables, etc.
b. Hands-on operation of the specific inspection equipmentbottom scanner under the direct supervision of a qualified scanning examiner.
G.4.6The authorized inspection agency is responsible forqualifying all examiners they employ. All examiners (scanningscanning operators and UT operatorsand examiners performing prove-up on the indications)shall be qualified by performing an examinationon test plates as specified in G.5. Only third-party companiessuch as API,having no conflict of interest in tank bottom examinationapplications, or owner/operator companies may facilitatequalification tests. The examiner shall be considered qualifiedif the acceptance criteria specified in G.5.3 has been met.Examiners performing prove-up of indications usingultrasonic testing methods should be qualified in accordancewith API Std 650 and supplemental requirements given inthis Appendix.
G.4.9 The bottom-scanningtank bottom examination personnelexaminers (operators and/or UT examiners) should be re-qualified when any of the following apply:
c. When the operatorexaminer or UT operator has not performed a tank bottom scan in 6 months.
d. When the operatorexaminer or UT operator has not used the specific procedure (TBP) for 12 months.
The following Sections describe general guidelines on the preparation of qualification test plates for demonstrating the performance of scanning and UT operators.
G.5.1.1G. qualification .....
G.5.1.2G. minimum ....
G.5.1.3G. minimum.....
G.5.1.4G. should also ....
G. qualification test will be performed on sample tank bottom plates with designed or real flaws. Thequalification plate(s) should contain a minimum of thirty-two 4-inch by 4-inch grading areas with a distribution of minimum remaining bottom thicknesses within the grading areas (i.e. Flaw Categories). A suggested distribution for the minimum remaining bottom thickness of grading areas is shown in G.
G. owner/operator may establish his own guidelines for remaining bottom thickness distribution. However, it is recommended that 40%-50% of the grading areas have miminum bottom thicknesses between 0.100 inch and 0.180 inch (i.e. Flaw Category B).
G. minimum number and types of soil-side test pits corroded areas located on the test plates are described below:
Flaw Category / Remaining BottomThickness (t) (in.) / Minimum Number
of Corroded Areas
A / t≤ 0.100 / 6
B / 0.100 t ≤ 0.180 / 9
C / 0.180tT / 6
T= nominal bottom thickness,
t= remaining bottom thickness at test plate flaws.
Note:Test samples should have a combination of both isolated and lake-like corrded areas.
G. new plates are used for qualification plates, product-side and soil-side surfaces of the samples should be given a corrosion treatment after machining of the soil-side flaws to roughen the surfaces and remove traces of machining. Areas simulating isolated corrosion should not be flat bottom holes since UT operators may interpret these as a lamination. In addition, these areas should not be machined conical holes since they are difficult to size with UT methods, and are not typical of actual soil-side corrosion flaws.
G. qualification test plates may contain product-side flaws. These flaws should not be located above the minimum remaining thickness in a grading area.
G.5.2.1G. following acceptance criteria must be met when qualifying either an scanningexamination procedure or ana scanningexaminer. If all ...
G.5.2.2G. qualifying a scanning procedure or a ...
G.5.2.3When qualifying either a procedure or an examiner, who proves up the indications, the examiner must be able to determine the flaw depth as follows:
Type of Tank Bottom / Prove-up (Flaw Depth)Not coated / ± 0.020 in.
Thin coating < 0.030 in. / ± 0.030 in.
Thick coating >0.030 in. / Per agreement with owner/operator
G.5.2.4G. false calls ...
G. following acceptance criteria must be met when qualifying an examiner. If all the acceptance criteria are met, the examiner shall be considered qualified. Owner/operators may substitute alternative acceptance criteria, either more or less conservative, based on their specific needs and requirements.
G. When qualifying a UT operator on uncoated plates, the operator must meet one of the following criteria for flaw detection:
a)Detect all Category B flaws within ± 4 % RMS (Root Mean Square).
b)Detect 90 % of all Flaw Categorieswithin ± 0.015inch.
G. UT operator will be qualified for coated plates (i.e. thin-film or thick-film) only if he can meet the acceptance criteria outlined G.5.2.2 on coated plate.
G. a UT operator has not met the acceptance criteria for coated plates, UT prove-up in tank inspections shall be conducted only after the coating has been removed.