Registered Charity Number: 224018
Subscription Rates / First year (introductory offer) / RenewalIndividual membership / £15 / £25
Joint membership* / £20 / £30
Low income/unwaged / £15 / £20
* Two people at the same address
Subscription payments are due on the 1st January and should be sent to the Membership Secretary:
Clare Langrick, NEYEDC,10a Minster Gates, York, YO1 7HL
E- mail:
Tel: 01904 641631
I/we wish to join / renew membership of the YNU
Title: / First name(s): / Surname:Title: / First name(s): / Surname:
Post code
Membership type
(please circle / Individual Joint Low income / unwaged
I enclose a cheque for £ payable to Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union
I have paid £ by bank transfer to Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union
Account number: 86853953, Sort Code: 56-00-54
I have instructed my bank/building society to pay my subscriptions annually by Standing Order
GIFT AID:I confirm that I pay tax on my income, savings or pension and that the Yorkshire Naturalists’ Union may reclaim tax on my subscriptions paid on or after the date of this declaration. Please treat my subscription payment as a gift aid. / YES / NO
Signed: / Date:
Additional Information
We would like to know a bit more about you to help us better understand and support our members. We would be very grateful if you could complete the following information:
How did you hear about the YNU?Is there anything in particular you would like to get out of your YNU membership? How can we support your interests in natural history?
Which areas of natural history interest you most? (tick all that apply)
Birds / Mammals / Reptiles / Amphibians
Plants / Mosses / Fungi / Lichens
Butterflies and moths - Lepidoptera / True flies - Diptera / Bees, wasps and ants - Hymenoptera / Beetles – Coleoptera
Dragonflies and damselflies - Odonata / Spiders and Harvestmen / Molluscs / Freshwater species & habitats
Marine species & habitats / Geology / Conservation / Nature photography
Other (please specify):
Do you have a professional interest in natural history?
Yes, I hope to pursue a career in this field
Yes, I am currently pursuing a career in this field
Yes, I am retired from a career in this field
When were you born?
1920-29 / 1930-39 / 1940-49 / 1950-59
1960-69 / 1970-79 / 1980-89 / 1990-2000
We plan to circulate an annually updated list of members’ contact details* and interests, to help members to contact other people with similar interests in their local area.
Would you be interested in receiving such a list? / YES / NO
Would you like your details to be included? / YES / NO
* Name, e-mail address/phone number and town only – full postal addresses will not be included.