Emerging leader Conference Volunteer Leader Presentation
This year we’ve had the most leaders quit ever and so it’s really funny that I’m moderating this discussion.
--But I’m also really excited because of the potential impact in our division and all over the world.
Some of this is from discussions with Cunningham and Pat Goodman, and some of you in the room. I really appreciate your talks with me this past week.
Usually I come to a seminar time or a presentation trying to learn 2 or 3 things that I could implement. Already—e.g. of Mike Cramer and the wipeboard at the office—all his clubs, what leaders are doing each week in club. Pray for it. Great! Or Rick Sherr “Come die with us.”
But here I want to ask you to challenge how you think about your leaders. I know after preparing for this time my mindset and mentality has shifted.
The suggestion has been that we develop leaders like Jesus did. I think it’s a good suggestion.
- MISSION (Mark 2:13-15, Luke 19:10, Matt 9:37-38, Matt 4:19)
- Jesus prayed all night to pick His leadership team. Prayer page. Matthew 9:37-38 What would your leadership look like if the number of new leaders you placed was completely dependent on the amount that you have prayed? What would your leaders look like in 5 years if their spiritual growth was completely dependent on how much you prayed for them?
- Once you get a leader, we can’t stop praying for them. I would challenge us to pray everyday for every single one of our leaders by name.
- He had clear expectations. Matt 4:19 Also, Rick Sherr always says he asks his leaders to “Come die with us.”
- MOTIVATION (II Cor 5:14, Col3:23)
Who is the head of Young Life in Syracuse? Jesus. Not Demond Holley. Not Nathan Gunn. If they are doing work for us, it will come up short.
Jesus is the head of Young Life in York, not Matt Craig. Not Sophia Cox.
What about our motivation? What really motivates us in the end? Are leaders a means to an end or are we helping them explode the Kingdom of God?
- MINDSET (mark 10:45, John 13—washing the feet, II Cor 4:5)
- Jesus had all authority on earth, and he laid it down. The most powerful person served the most. We must take this as an example. The greatest leader was the greatest servant.
- We can only lead people into places that are true in our own life.
- Development of leaders—we need to have a vision for who they could be. Hold a crown above their heads and let them grow up into it.
- How we see our leaders who volunteer their time will determine how we treat them? Who are they? Are they a means to an end? How do we think about them? Are they partners or are they workers?
- Is who they are more important than what they do? It should be.
- Who are you praying and dreaming big for?
- It’s really cool when they’re better than us. Kind of.
- Story--Goodie—Bobby Holliday. He was way better than me.
- WE ARE EQUIPPERS. We are builders of people.
- Ephesians 4:11ff Jesus did this. What do we get measured on? Where do we get some of our self-worth? Where do we get our strokes? That’s what we talk about. Camp trip, how’s your club, etc. What if we asked how are your leaders? Is there anything they’ve caught lately that has fired you up? Who are you equipping?How to’s are really important but the heart of the discussion is building people for the Kingdom. Are leaders a means to an end?
- We need to look at our leaders and help them determine their strengths and get them operating as much as we can in their long suit. When I first got to Harrisonburg, I was on a team where the girl was a great communicator and the guy was just OK. But they were doing the same number of club talks. The guy didn’t even want to speak at club. Why do we feel this pressure, and why do they feel this pressure?
- One of the keys of the future is volunteerism.
We must develop volunteers. We must develop people.
- METHOD (John 1:35, Mark 3:15, Matt 10:1-3)
They were “with Him.” We must be “with” our leaders. This is the way of the Christ.
- Gave them vision. We must cast the whitehot vision continuously. We must remind our leaders of reality, of the unseen realm and that their sacrifice IS worth it.
- Jesus was more concerned with developing character and competence in his peeps. What are we concerned with? Taking our leaders deep in Christ? Or how many kids they signed up for camp? It’s not an either or but let’s take them deep in Christ first.
- One of the requirements for our leaders is that they are involved in a smaller venue of discipleship. We are glad to offer that but it doesn’t have to be us.
- Project positions—delegate. Team Leaders are key—they set the pace, they communicate, they care for the leaders, you can set them up for the long ball. They are the Area Directors at their school. But there are some pitfalls with this.
- Box of wonders
- Giving them things to honor their team with
- Clear expectations.
- What do we do when we face trouble? Because we will. Leaders will. It’s messy.
- Leaders are the best recruiters of other leaders—they know the vision and also can experience the need firsthand. Make sure they are in the loop and have a system for helping them recruit.
- Don’t underestimate kids for recruiters of leaders
Divide into groups of 4 with college and non-college towns on different sides for a discussion period. The jobs are very different—Va Beach vs. Harrisonburg. This will be of the style of Mutual invitation. So when you are done sharing about a question, please invite someone else to share. You have the option of sharing or “passing” but still have the power to invite someone else to share.
Other questions for thought:
How can we develop leaders into lifelong ministers of the Gospel?
How can we help college leaders to have a vision for leading the rest of their life?
How can we engage career leaders in a mixed leadership where they can still be and feel committed to the ministry?
How could you improve your arealeadership meetings?
How are you keeping in touch with your sharp kids if they go away to college or work?
Plant a dream for them to return and involve them in ministry in the summer. Career leaders can be some of the best!
- I sent out about 10-12 emails to people outside of our division and about 4 or 5 to folks inside that were identified as the best in the business of volunteer leaders. Asked them some of the questions we talked about here. I included recurring themes, or answers that seemed fresh.
- Brainstorming session of 8 senior Area Directors about volunteer team leaders; some thoughts about volunteer team leaders from Tom Hammond.
- A seminar I did last year at our leader/committee time about team dynamics. A lot of it is about leaders.
- A list of “project positions” for team leaders. Just what we use in Harrisonburg.
Other resources:
Books and volunteer leader manuals.
Thank you SO MUCH!
Minute of silence for reflection and application.