Time Table for Research Students Move to the Chrystal Macmillan Building

Relocations of research students currently accommodated in SSPS offices to their new locations in the Chrystal Macmillan Building will commence on Tuesday 10 June (NB Science Studies students moving to Chisholm House will receive distinct guidance shortly).

The timetable for the moves, including new positions at CMB, is available here.

The CMB – formerly "the South-West Medical Extension" – is approaching completion of its refurbishment programme. It's the building on the corner of Middle Meadow Walk where it connects to the north end ofGeorge Square.

Its postal address is:

Chrystal Macmillan Building

15a George Square



The main entrance onto Middle Meadow Walk will not be finished when we move in so access will be from George Square through the main foyer, then up one floor.

The Graduate School will be on the first floor, the main office being room 1.19.

1.19 / Main Office / Elaine Crosbie
Caroline Foord
Sarah McAfee
Gillian MacDonald (from late June)
1.17 / Administrator / Sue Grant
1.13 / Computing Officer / Ian McNeill
1.14 / Computer lab
1.12 / Reading room
1.15 / Common room

Approximately one week before the date of each person's move, Pickfordswill provide each student with 2 crates for the transfer of materials,by Pickfords, to their new locations. Pre-printed labels will beavailable from outside the Graduate School Office at AFB as of Thursday29 May. IT kit will be packed and transferred separately (please seeseparate guidance on how you need to prepare for thishere).

Unpacking should be complete by one week after your move date, at whichpoint Pickfords will expect to uplift the empty crates. Should there beproblems with your availability between the time at which you wouldexpect to receive crates and the time at which empty crates would beexpected to be uplifted, please liaise with your fellow students toassure that your materials are packed and ready for collection on thescheduled day.

There are 5 PhD student offices on each of CMB levels 3-6, and 2 onlevel 2. On floors which have 5 PhD student offices, 4 of theseaccommodate 6 students, and the 5th office accommodates 7.

Each of the 6-person offices includes 2 6-shelved "tambour" units forstorage, plus four long wall shelves, so each occupant should use notmore than 1/6th of that space. An irregularity in room design (andhealth and safety considerations) means, unfortunately, that the7-person offices have only two long wall shelves and one tambour, with1/7th these facilities available for use by each student.

Each student will also have a lockable "pedestal" unit (ie drawercabinet) at their workstation, plus access to a personal locker usually,but not invariably, on the same floor as that on which their study spaceis positioned. Details of the arrangements for the issue of keys tofollow.

On each of levels 3-6, the row of research student offices is near adedicated print room and small break-out room (table, chairs & phone).

Any materials at your current location which cannot be accommodated atCMB will need to be taken home. The locations from which we are movingrequire to be cleared for no later than Friday 13 June.

The above may not, in some respects, be ideal. It should also berecognised that moves of this sort *inevitably* result in someinconvenience and disruption, for our research students as for ourstaff. Some problems may need to be resolved once we're in; please drawany issues to the attention of the Graduate School Office, which willtake issues forward appropriately as they arise (although please bear inmind that it may not be within the power of the Graduate School Officeto resolve any such issues directly or immediately). Initially please contact Caroline ()

The Graduate School Office itself will be moving to CMB towards the endof the week beginning 9 June. In the days preceding and following itsmove, its ability to deal with enquiries as it ordinarily wouldwill beseverely limited, so please also bear that in mind.

Despite the pains that may be involved in moving and settling in, therecan be no doubt that the new co-locations of our research studentcommunity with SSPS staff at CMB, and the standard of facilities there,represents a major improvement on our current arrangements, from whichwe hope you will yield significant benefits.

Yours sincerely

Neil Willett

School Administrator

School of Social and Political Studies

University of Edinburgh

Rm 330, Adam Ferguson Building

George Square

Edinburgh EH8 9LL

0131 651 1622