June 2, 2017

Sierra Building Auditorium ▪ 1925 E. Dakota, Fresno, CA 93726

I. Welcome & Introductions / All welcomed and each person introduced themselves.
II. Recap of first 4 meetings; agreements and work groups / All in agreement to move forward with Suicide Prevention Collaborative.
Recap of work groups. / Noah Whitaker
III. Collaborative ‘infrastructure’ / Monthly meetings are necessary to keep people connected and keep up the momentum.
The decision was made to continue monthly meetings and continue work group meetings in between. / Noah Whitaker
IV. Reports from the work groups: work to date, activities, where we can help / Broke up into groups.
·  Learning and Training Committee – Chair: David Lopez. Discussed services offered and different systems. No meeting date was planned, but hopes to meet in two weeks.
·  Data Group – Chair: Jeff Elliott. Discussed the ideal of committee and increasing the flow of data between health and schools. Next meeting is set up for June 21st from 1-3 PM.
·  School Group – Co-Chairs: Jon Logan and Trish Small. Discussed making contact with universities to get them involved and framework for AB 2246. First meeting was set up for July 18th at 10 AM.
·  Heath Care Group – Chair: Cynthia Hager; considering two Co-Chairs. Discussed different agencies to reach out to and looking at gaps from the time someone leaves a crisis facility to first day of outpatient services. Next meeting set up for June 16th.
·  Justice Group – Chair: Kristi Williams. Discussed commitment to group, barriers, gap, challenges and Explorer Program. Next meeting set up for June 16th.
·  Communication Group – Chair: Brian Bishop. Discussed sending out emails, contact with Fresno State and ideas for domain of website. Members are still needed for this group. First meeting was set for June 20th at 10 AM. / All
V. “13 Reasons Why” / See power point and handout. / DeQuincy Lezine
VI. Suicide Prevention Trainings / See power point and handout.
Below is a quick recap of trainings mentioned:
·  The Trevor Project – the – focuses on LGBTQ Youth
·  Sources of Strength – – focuses relational connections – training and intervention model
·  QPR Institute – – Questions, Persuade, Refer – focuses on how to question, persuade and refer someone who may be suicidal to professionals
·  MHFA – Mental Health First Aid – focuses on signs and symptoms for mental health conditions.
·  Living Works Education – – focuses on applied suicide intervention skills training – suicide talk - safe talk – suicide to hope
·  Suicide Prevention – – focuses on a strategic locating and understanding data of suicide
·  CALM – Counseling on Access to Lethal Means
·  AMSR – Assessing and managing suicide risk
·  CAMS Care – – Collective assessment and management of suicide
·  Kognito – – Focuses on elementary/middle/high school faculty and staff, students primary care, ED and friend-to-friend
·  AAS – psychological autopsy – AAS/AFSP suicide bereavement clinician training – RRSR recognizing and responding to suicide risk school suicide prevention accreditation program, college and university suicide prevention accreditation program / Noah Whitaker
VII. Zero Suicide Movement / Presentation deferred to next month’s meeting due to time constraints. / DeQuincy Lezine
VII. Lessons Learned: LOSS Team and American Association of Suicidology Conference Reports / Thought the volume of the information was significant.
Brought awareness on loss to this group/area. / Noah Whitaker; DeQuincy Lezine;
Susan Holt, Jeffrey Elliot, Earliana Vang -DBH
VIII. Upcoming Meetings / ·  AB 2246 Workshop for Fresno school districts is scheduled for Monday, June 19, 2017 at Sierra Building Auditorium
·  Next Collaborative meeting is scheduled for Friday, July 7, 2017 at Sierra Building Auditorium